This is rediculas...Spongebob is Gay?!

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

I love Spongebob (not in THAT way :-)...but come on, this is there something wrong with tolerance? I think not...

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Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 21, 2005 03:45 pm

ay yi yi, I heard this on the radio this morning. I think it's just organizations trying to get some face time more than any thing else.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 21, 2005 03:47 pm

Yeah, isn't it the same group that said the Teletubby "Tinky Winky" was gay cuz he carried a purse sometimes?

Some people just need to get jobs or mates or something...

Since: Jan 02, 2005

Jan 21, 2005 04:50 pm

Actually I remember reading an article sometime last year that ol' Spongebob was becoming quite the gay icon. Gift shops and such in areas with an established gay population couldn't keep S.B. keychains, pics, "action figures" and such on the shelves. They were selling as fast as they were being delivered.

I'm a big SpongeBob fan too. We'll just have to accept him as he is eh??

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 21, 2005 06:27 pm

They never said anything about Bugs Bunny, hell, he spent half his career in women's clothes...

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Jan 21, 2005 06:54 pm

why would SB become a gay icon? is there 'something about him?'

bugs bunny was the man.

A small pie will soon be eaten
Since: Aug 26, 2004

Jan 21, 2005 10:10 pm

This is like my sister's son's christian school flatout banning Harry potter for it's 'Dark ways'.

What a joke!

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 22, 2005 12:22 pm

I am a church-going Christian person, and "CHristian" organization that spend time, energy and money on things like this embarass me, I am ashamed to be even loosely associated...

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Jan 22, 2005 12:53 pm

i know the feeling DB, i'm an athiest and i'm reguarly offended by these athiest groups that wanna take the God off our dollar, and get their panties up in a bunch over prayer in school ect. it's silly




Jan 22, 2005 01:08 pm

why do these so called preachers J.falwell, P robertson & christian groups focus on this gay issue so much? i dont get it? i remember when pat robertson and falwell said the 911 attacks, were a result of god being mad due to gays/liberalism. ofcourse they apologized the next day but this is the stuff that keeps me away from christianity in general.

on a side note. did anyone find it odd that when that bishop was taken hostage in iraq, and the pope pleaded to have him set free, he was released the next day. is that the power of the catholic church or what?!?!! wow!

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Jan 22, 2005 01:13 pm

whats this about the bishop?


Jan 22, 2005 01:32 pm

he was an archbishop.

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Jan 22, 2005 01:39 pm

can you request a prayer to the Pope?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 22, 2005 01:40 pm

I would guess you can request anything from anyone...whether or not you get it would be another matter...

FreeSquid Tentacle
Since: Dec 06, 2004

Jan 22, 2005 11:00 pm

I didn't realize the bishop was released. I'd heard he was captured, but nothing after that. Good news.

Sponge Bob: he's gay because he holds hands with his male friend all the time. Undeniably a bad role model. ;)

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Jan 22, 2005 11:21 pm

Ya, this is a tough one. And when folks get that rooted in being 'right' there is no argument to be had. It is predetermined impass. The whole same sex thing is really blooming into a mess. I know some folks who experiment. I also know of folks like Jamie Lee Curtis who where born both sexes and it is impossible for the parents to know which sex to make that person physicaly to match what will develop with adolesence. And ya these folks who go off on an extream tangent under whatever umbrella really create havoc. They are probably enabling same sex as much as thwarting it per peoples natural response to rebel against self richous athority, especially youth. Sex like all ohter instincts are difficult to manage. Obviously some people have a more difficult time than others. And praying for the Pope... absolutely! Too often we forget we are all human as are our organizations.

Oh well nothing new. Been this way for 6000 years. Probably won't go away tomorrow or the next day.

FreeSquid Tentacle
Since: Dec 06, 2004

Jan 22, 2005 11:22 pm

Hey, someone moved the menu to the wrong side. What happened? Things were great and then they had to go and change everything.


Jan 23, 2005 12:06 am

well the pope just started creating his home based pc recording studio, and visited here often to get tips and i think he requested the menu be moved to the left side. :)

Ultra Magnus
Since: Nov 13, 2004

Jan 23, 2005 03:05 am

He'll be recording vocals so he'll probably be needing a pope shield.

God that was awful.

another day another ray of hope
Since: Oct 14, 2004

Jan 23, 2005 05:52 am

How could anyone not think he is gay with the name SPONGE bob. I'd not heard of this character before, but that is one of the funniest things, I'd love to be a writer of kids programmes.

But on a more serious note: this whole anti gay thing still amazes me. Is it that people are worried that they, or others, may catch "gayness" if they are exposed to it? I just don't understand why being gay is feared so much.

How can you promote gayness? My sexual preference is not something that I choose, it's not like an opinion that can be changed with argument, I'm not going to talk to someone one day and then decide to turn gay because he talked me into it. I just don't get it.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 23, 2005 03:57 pm

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Jan 23, 2005 05:24 pm

some people believe that one chooses to be gay. that makes about as much sense as...well, it just makes no sense (error 902: METAPHOR GENERATION ALGORITHM FAILURE)

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 23, 2005 05:31 pm

I believe that some people make that choice...I am sure sometimes it's a predisposition, but some people make the choice...

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Jan 23, 2005 05:40 pm

maybe sometimes yeah cause you do see people switch from one pref to another.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 23, 2005 06:10 pm

Not only that, cuz I wopuld suppose atraction to both can be a predisposition, but I am talking more about that certain mentality of people, we all know at least one, that follows any current trend, fad or cause, or is always part of the something "unique" or something like that. You know what I mean? SOme people just have to feel a part of something so they follow something at random...people like that drive me nuts.

Since: Jul 25, 2004

Jan 23, 2005 10:12 pm

Ya know, I always thought Sea Sponges were Asexual. This is kind of a miracle if he is now gay. How does one figure if he is a "he" or a "she" and whether "They" prefer men or woman?????

Since: Jul 25, 2004

Jan 23, 2005 10:16 pm

and on another sied of the thread,
My GF is Bi. She considers herself a "Lesbian Identified" bisexual. Meaning she is MORE attracted to girls. "Lucky me" :-)

But the whole debate is interesting. But to be honest, I have pretty much filed it under "I really don't care". Let people do what/who they want. (No children or animals though) Doesn't harm me, and as long as they are happy, why not. There seems to be a shortage of happy folks out there. I would not want to rain on their parade.

Jack of all trades master of ___
Since: May 28, 2004

Jan 23, 2005 11:06 pm

Another empty attempt by organized religon to control people...To somewhat cop a line from my favorite God...George Carlin...."No wonder why no one takes our country seriously, we spend valuable TV and press time trying to characterize" the sexuality of imaginary figures...

(his actual line is about Mickey Mouses birthday being announced on the news as if it's an actual event...)

"...waste valuable TV time announcing the birthday of an imaginary rodent..."

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