Interesting protests locally...

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

Weird bit of news here...children of illegal immigrants are demanding tuition grants for public colleges and universities.

Called the "Minnesota Dream Act", I saw these kids on TV saying things like "we want an education and we don't want to make burgers, mop floors, stock shelves [etc.]".

One of my best friends in the world is doing very well for himself in Houston, Texas, and when he was still in Minnesota he busted his *** mopping floors and stocking shelves at a local grocery warehouse type store at night while going to school during the day...

I would love to see all these kids get into school and live the American Dream (whatever that is these days), but they can work hard for it like everybody else does.

I just don't understand the logic behind this handout...before I get all angry and stuff, could anyone understand or explain to me what the logic is behind giving the children of illegals free rides into our schools that even legal citizens don't get?

Here is the story

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Since: Dec 11, 2006

Feb 28, 2007 07:50 am

ha, wow
well db i cant really explain their logic, even from a youths point of view, its just stupid.
like you said, they need to earn it for themselves.
damn if your good enough then youll get promoted, lol, if your not, then thats not exactly the tax payers problem, plus theres that little problem, if their parrents are illigal immigrants then they most likely dont pay taxes, XD so why do they deserve the actual tax payers money? hmmmmmmmm? neone else see that, kinda seems a bit harsh, but it makes sense, doenst it?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Feb 28, 2007 07:53 am

Yeah, see, thats exactly my thought...they are the children of people that are, in the truest sense of the word, criminals, and already a drain on the American tax payer.

There seems to be a thought that if you come to American a living should be handed to you, which is lame, what America does offer is the opportunity to earn a living through motivation, perseverance and hard work...

I just don't get this logic of everybody thinking they deserve a handout...

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Feb 28, 2007 11:02 am

As an immigrant (legal) this kind of thing makes my blood boil. I have worked some nasty jobs, and I've worked hard to where I am today. I have a house, a relatively new car, and I'm raising a family. I did everything by the book, and paid a lot of money in legal fees to get where I am. Why should people get a free ride?

I came to the country by choice, and I am bound to abide by its laws. If I don't like the laws, I have a choice - I can leave again. There's a move in England right now to adopt the Muslim laws for the Muslim community - wearing the burkhas, no driving licenses...that kind of kidney. If those people want to live by those laws they can go to a country where those laws are in place. You can't realistically settle in another land and expect the laws to be changed to accommodate you. It's the other way around.

Besides, no one is forcing anyone to mop floors, or flip burgers. You apply for the job! If you're not happy with your job, leave it, and find one that suits you. dB-Wan is right on saying that if it's good enough for citizens to bust their asses to get an education, it should be good enough for immigrants - illegal or otherwise.

I'm really tired of this over-sensitivity that's emerged in society. Can't say anything that might offend anybody - even though what you say might be completely accurate.

Sheesh. A rant from the tall chap.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Feb 28, 2007 03:29 pm

Alright, so after reading the first paragraph of the article, I notice that they say these are children of illegal immigrants. It does not say whether these kids are themselves illegal immigrants or are indeed american citizens (children of illegals, born in the US are citizens). Additionally, all they are asking for is the same right as any other resident of MN, and that is to PAY the INSTATE tuition at state colleges. Especially if these kids are citizens, this makes complete sense and should not be considered a handout nor a free ride.

From the article:
"The bill, already law in 10 other states, would allow children of undocumented immigrants to qualify for in-state tuition at public colleges and universities."

However, if these kids are indeed here illegaly themselves, then I can see how public universities wouldn't want to extend their premises to those who are here against the law. But even if they are in MN illegally, they are still just looking for equal rights as other residents of MN. It's just debatable as to whether or not they deserve those rights.

The chaninting of not wanting to mop the floor is just youngsters being stupid. Almost everybody who has had to work themselves up from a lower spot in society has had to mop the floor or flip burgers or paint houses or something at some point in their life or another. But they're young, and young people say stupid things.

As for illegals being a net drain on society, that is debatable. Some studies say it is true, others say it is not. You can always find a study to fit your point of view. On the one side you have people who say that illegals use public funds for healthcare and education that they're not entitled to. On the other hand, most illegals have income tax and social security come out of their paychecks, and then don't get any of it back because they don't file taxes, or collect SS when they're older. Plus everybody pays sales tax.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Feb 28, 2007 04:51 pm

Yes, much is debatable, as stats can always be skewed, it's the nature of statitsics and is the statisticians job. That I will completely agree with...and it varies from state to state with regards to the various states laws and whatnot.

That said, whether it's illegals, or the kids of illegals doesn't matter one tiny little bit. There are rewards for performing academically or in sports, they are scholarships of various kinds...there should be NO special tuition breaks for anybody based on race, immigrant status or anything else. If you want college, you work to pay for it...regardless of who you are, your sexual preference, color of your skin, religious beliefs or anything else. Let me keep my tax money to put MY kids through school...if we can't afford college for my kids because I am paying taxes to put some ****** kid of an illegal through, that just ain't right.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Feb 28, 2007 07:34 pm

And nobody said that they're a drain on society. I said that they should be treated the same as everyone else. I'm here as an immigrant, and I got no special treatment. My case was that you live by the laws of the society you are in, or you leave. Easy as that.

As dB-Wan mentioned, no special rights.
Will I be getting special treatment? No.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Feb 28, 2007 07:50 pm

You seem to be missing my point db and tallchap. I'm saying exactly that they are not looking for a handout, only the same rights as their peers.

State college generally works in a way that kids who are from that state pay one rate, and kids that come from out of state pay another rate. Since these kids live in state, they just want to pay what the other in state kids pay. Not more, not less, but the same.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Feb 28, 2007 07:52 pm

no, they are not, they are not legal citizens, they are not in state...

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

Feb 28, 2007 08:31 pm

This is bullshit... plain and simple . Proabaly only made the news because the people who print the damn news would sell more papers with a subject matter that pisses off people who work hard to pay for tuition .

Mop my floors, biatch !

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

Feb 28, 2007 08:34 pm

Not to mention those folks that can't even find a job mopping floors to pay for their school .

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Mar 01, 2007 12:27 pm

no, they are not, they are not legal citizens, they are not in state...

It never said if they were legal or not, only that they were children of illegals. Many children of illegal immigrants are indeed born citizens.

Also regardless of if they are illegal or not, if they end up going to state colleges, they will also have to pay their fare share of tuition. They don't get any breaks. Like many people, they will probably have to work themselves through school, or take loans (if they can get them).

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Mar 03, 2007 11:31 pm

I personally hate this Bull****! Born here or not, they are not US citizens in my book. Illegal parents make the children illegal in my eyes and many others. Funny how I have lived here all my life and paid huge amounts of taxes, to send someone else to school, pay for someone else to sit in jail, be rehabilitated, get drug treatment, go to the county hospital and get free medical attention and many many other things.

The reason I am pissed off about this is one simple fact. I'll spill the beans here on my adventures this past summer to explain why. dB already knows what happened here this past summer with Tuna. He got into some major trouble, drugs, alcohol and other sundry bad things teenagers do. This ended with him being arrested twice. First time he was sent to a juvenile facility for a week and a half. Did the state pay for it, no I am!!!!! Did the same hold true for the others which included two illegal children, no!! I and the rest of the MN tax payers paid their way.

Second time he was arrested in my home and taken to a local hospital with alcohol poisoning. Did the state pay for that, did I get any help with the hospital bill, that would be a big fat ******* NO!!!

He then was committed to an impatient treatment facility, did the state pay for that, again a big fat ******* NO!!! However, again several others there including immigrant's children got a free ride. And guess who paid for that, oh wait, it was me and the other good tax payers in this ****** up state!!!

I am now sitting on thousands of dollars of bills, and that is after what my high priced ******* insurance payed. And why might you ask is my insurance so ******* high. Oh ya, to help pay for all the people who don't have insurance and use the hospitals.

Enough said. Work for what you get and don't expect free **** when you don't really deserve it!

I realize this may seem harsh, but stop for one second and think about what kind of piece of **** this country has really become. Lets invite everyone over here and give them free ****! Or better yet, give them a free education and then give them the jobs that the rest of us worked our asses of for and can't get because we have to cater to the freakin people who come here and want the free **** we offer here.

And the pity is, in this state they do give it all away to those who don't really deserve it to make everyone happy, except those of us who have to pay for it.

Sorry if this offends any of ya, but the truth is sometimes hard to swallow.

Since: Aug 13, 2005

Mar 04, 2007 06:14 am

Its happening here too and its too much to swallow.A lot of rumours fly around about what they are getting for free at our expense but when you find out about true handouts its worse than the hype.I was in Scotland last week and all of the hotel staff were east European.They were very nice and their accents were sort of Russian(do you vant morre visky)but in these rural places local peoples kids end up leaving to work in cities then settle there, is not right surely.A mate of mine works at a car breakers and Polish workers there are on the same wage(thats ok)but getting a good handout to help them settle in as well !!funded from our taxes !!And speaking of taxes what about TAXI,S,The latest benefit scandal here is money being handed out to immigrants to buy cars to start up taxi firms!and the f,in b,ugger of it is, we just have to pay up and shut up!!

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