Let the Mudslinging Begin

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

I dunno about all the rest of you US peeps, but I am very worn out of the election campaigning by now...it's gotten far enuf in where it's all "they did this" and "that is THEIR fault" type of crap.

He have one race here where it's two women running for the position, one is a good lookin lady and one, well, isn't...so the ads against the good lookin one try to get her in unattractive poses, put it in grainy black and white while the not-so-pretty one is starting to wear tighter sweaters and stuff...it's totally crackin me up.

All the races are just trashing, leaving a lot of facts out, one party blaming another party for taking campaign contributions, not saying the head of the other parties wife was on the board of the company giving the contributions...ya know, stuff like that...

I hate politics.

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Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 08:48 am

I love politics... I just don't like any of the candidates. :)

I think Blackwell is a bad choice to run as govenor right now... he should have gone for senator... were better off losing a senator... but as long as Strickland isn't like Mayor Coleman we should be ok... the democrates have run columbus into the ground planning wise and are always on TV bragging how good it is... the Morse Road corridor is a disaster that probably could have been avoided with $5000 for 1 onramp to I270 five years ago.

The ads are a lot worse here in ohio... but with the ferocity the republicans were attacking each other during primaries it's not supprising... However the smart ones have asked McCain to appear in ads.

The ONE good thing is that the GOP has stopped doing automated phonecalls... I wonder what idiot thought that up...

I'm not in college anymore so I don't see the ACORN miscreants running around...but I'm glad we now have to show ID when voting.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 08:55 am

I got an automated message from one repub last night, pissed me off. Not voting for his nary ***.

Both sides have gotten very aggressive here, then they each have a defensive ad "The ads from [insert candidate] simply aren't true, poor me, I'm a victim, they're mean" crap...we have rediculas immagrant and welfare issues here, high taxes and going higher...locally and state level, growth is good, but why tax me more, don't the people coming here bring a tax base with them?

You are right tho, politics is fun, it's interesting to see how low people will stoop, Ijust hate politicians, maybe that's my bigger issue...

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Oct 20, 2006 09:36 am

As an ex-Pat English type living in the US, it's always quite funny to me to watch the political races. I have absolutely no clue as to what the actual policies of the candidates are. No one really does. They (the candidates) spend the whole time attacking each other personally, and nothing actually gets said about what they'll do when elected. So, the American public (sorry to paint you all with a big brush) votes for the one with the cleanest face, and then bitches and moans six months later when the actual policies kick in (the first six months are spent reversing the other guys policies - regardless of merit). Whoever has the most campaign funds, and can afford the better PR firm wins. Not politics.

In England (well, as best I remember - it may be different now), each candidate was/is given an allocation of broadcast time (Party Political Broadcasts), and they then explain what they actually do if elected. They are not allowed to do any mudslinging. They can attack the other guys policies, and give details on why a certain measure failed, but they can't just say "He's an idiot." or "his daughter's an idiot.." or similar.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 09:40 am

Well, most say what they will do at the beginning of the races and by the end it just gets nasty...and most people don't do the research...like the campaign contribution issues I mentioned above, few people would find out that the guy throwing that mud actually was married to a lady on that companies board...

Well, one candidate here said what they will do, they will lower taxes AND refund all the programs that have been cut recently...exciting, I can't WAIT to see that financial plan...I bet they will cure sick people too and bring the dead back to life...as long as they are democrat.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 11:33 am

The thing that gets me the maddest is that they all say the mudslinging is unproductive (true) while they are doing it claiming the other started it (very gradeschool playground).

Then you get people like this scumbag Foley guy accused of emailing a text messaging congretional pages (young interns) suggestive messages and such, which makes him scummy, so the other side pounces, somehow forgetting that their side had a scumbag a few years back that actually DID have sex with an underage page yet say nothing of that, plus some of them and the media knows aboutit for months, if not years but choose to say nothing until election time, making them just as scummy by not protecting these kids...then you get a governor who comes out as gay, having had a long same sex affair outside his marriage, cheating on his wife risking her with untold problems and he is hailed as some sort of hero on the Oprah show...to me he is a scummy cheater, gay or not, scummy.

I dunno, it all sucks...

String bender
Since: Unknown

Oct 20, 2006 11:38 am

I was just having this talk the other night. I dont care what the dirt or mud slinging either. Its not pretty here in VA either. It just makes me sick to see all of these attack ads.

I am not a crook's head
Since: Mar 14, 2003

Oct 20, 2006 11:48 am

I hate politics

Here here!

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 12:15 pm

I will say that this election is solidifying McCain for 2008 and I don't think there's a politician out there that can compete with him for the moderates... and with most republican campaigns running to him right now he'll be in a very good position. ...which is great IMO because I perferred him over Bush in the first place...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 12:25 pm

Yeah, McCain will have it for sure. I am not sure how I feel about him, I want to like him, but I am having a hard time with it, seems a mite edgy/moody or something I can't quite put my finger on. Dems are turning off moderates completely with their leaning more and more left, when somebody does appear to reach across the aisle or get more moderate they kick their ***...

The Dems gotta get their **** together, their message straight and the positions solid if they ever wanna get anything done with the more centrist people, which is the bulk, whether left or right leaning.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 01:31 pm

As far as I'm concerned there hasn't been an honest decent candidate on either of the 2 main parties side for years. Sure they claim to want to help solve some issues, even might get one approved. but in the long run, they are all liars and cheats. The PR for their party comes up with all the crap for them to spout and when it comes time to pull through, nothing happens.

As far as I'm concerned as much of a nut case as he was, Jesse was the freshest thing to happen to MN in a long time. To bad he had to let it all go to his head and become a blathering moron in the end.

I'm glad I dont watch much TV and have to see all this crap gong on. I'll catch what I want on the net and be done with it.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Oct 20, 2006 01:32 pm

I say don't blame the politicians, blame the idiot voters!!! At least out here (bay area), during our last election, everyone, (and really everyone), who played the dirtiest campaign won. It's ridiculous! People say they want clean honest elections, but what they say and how they act is completely different.

I, on the other, hand actually like attack campaigns of substance. What I mean is that if someone is trying to be the insurance commissioner for example, and his whole campaign is mostly financed by the insurance companies he's supposed to regulate, then I want to know, and I appreciate the opposing candidate telling me. I like facts though. What I don't like are opinions on someones character a la Swift Boat Vets campaign.

My other pet peeve is for the stupid propositions (which I'm not really a fan of in the first place). The ads for or against them rarely say what the proposition is about, only that it will either waste or save tax payer money. These really are the worst.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 01:38 pm

Yeah, when I was in Arizona earlier this week there were Proposition ### signs everywhere about a number of topics...that really got annoying...

Idiot voters are a big problem, and so many one issue voters too, whatever the hot topic is...this time it'll be all Iraq for those people, while it's a big issue, people that vote based on any one single topic are idiots.

So many pot smokers I know vote for the indie party that wants to legalize it, anything else they stand for is moot, gays vote for the person supporting gay right/marriage/whatever regardless of other stances...

That, I find silly, to me it's the big picture, bigger than any one single topic.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Oct 20, 2006 01:48 pm

Right on Coolo.

Say no to Prop 482! It makes sense!

er......what does?

Same as the pharmacuetical ads: "Ask your doctor if Diplovan-AG is right for you!"

"Hey doc, is Diplovan-AG right for me?"
<Doc> "No, it's an anti herpes pill"

There's a real problem with having a two party system. It's all too polarized.

There's two extremes too as to the party politics:
On the Republican side, everyone has to toe the party line and believe - with all their heart - in every thing that the party stands for. So if you get some dweeb who says, "We need to torture people!" The whole party comes out and says, "You're either for torturing, or you're anti-American."
And they actually do believe it! Look at Condie Rice. She believes every single word she says with every fibre of her being...absolutely mindblowing.

On the Democrat side, it's almost the opposite - which is why they can't agree on anything. They've got a lot of people with some great ideas, and very big hearts. They are just so amazingly soft sell, that they are likely to be swayed by any arguement. No game at all.

So you have one side saying, "We gotta do nice stuff for everyone...really...or probably.....or something....is that okay with you? 'cos we can change it...." and the other side saying, "No, no, no, don't vote for him, he's a bastard, and he doesn't like torturing so he's obviously a terrorist...vote for us 'cos we're brave and strong, and stuff..."

All too funny, all very sad.
The revolutionary army would not have been pleased.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 01:53 pm

Don't kid yourself, both parties are required to tow a certain line...they both have their extremists, which tyically run the party, and the more moderates.

Foley, the page scandal guy, is a republican, but hardly towed the line, he voted against the repub popular vote on a few subject, check his voting record. A democrat, forget the name, was recently basically kicked out of the party because he voted against them on ONE SINGLE topic...

More than a two party system will never work in the US...as good as it may sound, or may actually be, it'll never work...the system doesn't jive with it.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Oct 20, 2006 02:13 pm

well if you include the primaries we do have a fairly good system going.

However it's offest by the quantity of low quality media... biased news is fine with me. I have a problem with journalists claiming to be unbiased :) Add to that, IMNSHO, news reporting has focued so much more on commercialization instead of quality reporting that you'll be supprised how many news reports are either packaged advertisments or just poorly researched. It's almost hysterical to watch one of my local news stations do "investigative reporting" on construction related issues... I was watching one not so long ago about "hazardous chemicals used in outdoor playsets" would have been great.. if... that had said what the chemicals were... or atleast showed the dangerous playsets (made from pressure treated wood)... they were displaying cedar ones which are perfectly safe!!! ... I about cried it was so bad...

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Oct 20, 2006 02:36 pm

More than a two party system will never work in the US...as good as it may sound, or may actually be, it'll never work...the system doesn't jive with it.

unfortunately it is a fantasy, but i once again am going to blame the people for not being able to consider more than two choices. I really have little faith in people these days...

TC, your pharmaceutical take is dead on!

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