sprask - Gigging Bassist/Recording Novice
Member Profile - 07/24/2012

About sprask

spraskI fill in on bass or guitar for various bands in around San Diego, and teach on the side. Recording is a new found passion. The possibilities are endless, and the rewards great. Really working hard at the craft so I can put engineering and recording on my list of accomplishments. Personal improvement is always good. :-)

My Studio

Recorder: Tascam 2488 Neo
Mics: MXL 990, MXL 991, SM57, Samson 5kit drum mics,
Amps:Roland JC50, Behrigner BHL3000
Guitars: Geddy Lee Jazz, Modified MIM Strat w/ Jeff Beck noiseless pickups.
Various pedal effects

Contact Info

Homepage: www.myspace.com/spraskmusic