How do people keep backups?

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

I am curious, for the good of the community as a whole, what sort of backup systems do each of you have if any?

I have started using Nero 7's backup app moving important stuff to an external USB drive. My business bank records backs up to a flash card memory stick every time I close the app (Microsoft Money) then during my scheduled backup (every Sunday night) all my web sites, code projects, client info and that same Microsoft Money data gets moved to that USB drive. I am also going to add another schedule shortly that will move all that to another PC on my network that will hold ONLY backups from the other machines on the network.

Anyone else have any good ideas or backup schemes?

Seems this would be a good topic for all to discuss.

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SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Jan 20, 2006 07:34 am

i use an external hard drive USB. as a back up for important stuff. and a have a 2nd pc that i move all my very important stuff too , just in case, a littel over kill but who knows what will happen.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 20, 2006 07:36 am

If it's not in at least three places, it may as well be no place...better safe than sorry...lots of cliche's apply...

I burn to CD/DVD to at times, but thats interactive...the automated ones are the most reliable in terms of actually getting done...computers do goof up, but they don't procrastinate... :-)

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Jan 20, 2006 08:12 am

It depends on how big the project is. Video is saved to two harddrives, audio is usually a harddrive and a CD, documents are CD, harddrive, and hardcopy, as far as system wide I don't... especially now... if Gnome decides to eat itself it only takes about an hour to reinstall everything off of CD and apt-get... and that only happened once when I was trying to get video apps to work.

Website is on CD, workstation harddrive (the working copy) and the server with a small RAID5 scsi array.

If I need to make a quick backup I usually just FTP it to the server.

I've also become pretty good a data recovery :)

I would suggest CDcheck
for windows users as it's a fairly easy to use sector by sector copy utility that does multiple reads on damaged sectors and extrapolations on unreadable sectors. Designed for scratched CD's but it works on damaged harddrives too.

Cone Poker
Since: Apr 07, 2002

Jan 20, 2006 08:52 am

I don't. I don't really keep anything I concider vital on my machine.

I can't spell.
Since: Nov 10, 2005

Jan 20, 2006 09:31 am

If you're putting backups on another computer I'd suggest setting up a RAID incase anything happens it'll all still be safe even on that computer. Don't have any links off hand, but it's worth checking out. I just lost all my **** when my harddrive failed due to some speakers being to close to it. Oops.

The fat one always watches us.
Since: Nov 08, 2002

Jan 20, 2006 09:42 am

About 1 time a year i put stuff on cd's. (now dvd) mostly just stuff i create, music/movies. the rest, if i lose it i lose it

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 20, 2006 06:02 pm

Projects are backed up to 2 removable HD's. 1 to the ;customer and 1 for here. Important PC data such as address book, favorites, patches and stuff pertaining to studio software wettings are backed up to ZIP drive once a week, or whenever major changes happen. As well they are stored on a seperate HD.

I am however going the route dB has gone and installing a network drive and will allow Nero to run a backup once a week on major needed data.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 20, 2006 06:08 pm

damn, i don't back up at all....

I'm looking into getting a dvd writer so I can back up to DVD...

Time Waster
Since: Jan 12, 2006

Jan 20, 2006 07:46 pm

Multiple removable hard drives.

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