Tascam Fw1884 Cubase Sx Sends/EQ Inputs/What the....?

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Member Since: Jan 08, 2006

I'm at a roadblock here....just started working on a live drum project and can't figure out how to monitor the changes in EQ and/or reverb effects pre-record.
If that makes sense.....I should be able to right?
It shows up in the file after its recorded but I can't hear it in monitor mode prior to actually recording it.
Methinks my sends/buss setup is incorrect as I can't even find the VST sends window.
Believe me I've tried..it ain't there.
anyone know what I'm doing wrong??

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Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 08, 2006 04:19 pm

Hey guitara, welcome to HRC.

I gotta say I am not a Cubase user so I probably cant help you with the internal bussing there. But I know is Sonar it is a simple one click affair and you can moniter DSP FX live while recording. The FX are simply dropped into the tracks FX bin and you have it. There are many Cubase users here and someone should stop by shortly to help ya out with that.

However I will share a bit of helpfull info with you here. The only processing you should really be doing while recording is either Limiting or compressing. Reason being is that once the track is recorded your only way to change EQ or reverb if it sucks is to completely re-record it. Most folks today record their track dry and add FX after it is recorded. This gives you the ability to try differant FX settings without destroying a good track. And it is also easier to moniter as you change the settings without having to deal with the latency that can happen while doing it live as well.

Since: Jan 08, 2006

Jan 08, 2006 05:22 pm

Thanks for that. Much appreciated......I have the internal bussing situation figured out.
I completely agree with you on the times and uses for processing in pre-record mode. My deal is simply..I want to be able to do it even if I rarely if ever actually use it.
More of a "hypothetically speaking" type of thing.
So as it stands, my dilemma is....I can process the signal before recording....but can't actually hear the effect of the processing....yet I can record this signal and hear it afterward with the processing so by logic....shouldn't there be a way to hear it processed beforehand?
I'm missing something simple I think...which is usually my approach to everything.
But thanks again for your help so far.

Since: Aug 17, 2004

Jan 08, 2006 05:35 pm

Theres a little yellow 'monitor' button that looks like a speaker located on the channel strip.

Also, go into the devices menu and make sure 'live' something or rather is activated.

Since: Jan 08, 2006

Jan 08, 2006 09:35 pm

I am able to hear my monitored signal (with the monitor button on of course)....but I can't hear it with added eq or effects from cubase itself.
Using the FW 1884...the devices setup is not the same as what you are most likely using.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 08, 2006 10:22 pm

The FW 1884 is nothing more then an audio interface with a control surface/mixer attached. So in essance it is the same as we all use, just with added control.

I should ask if you are applying the FX directly on the track buss or are you using a send return channel in Cubase. To moniter directly live the FX you are using I believe you will need to have it directly insterted in the track buss itself, not through an aux send return. As well if you are sending the tracks audio out through a seperate buss in Cubase and then that buss is routed to the main audio outputs then you can as well insert the FX directly into the buss channel itself. This is the best way to do it for live monitering. At least in Sonar that is how it works.

I'm back bitches!!!
Since: May 27, 2004

Jan 09, 2006 07:12 am

Sounds like you have "direct monitoring" enabled in your devices setup menu. There is a check box in the VST multitrack page that allows monitoring of inputs before they go into Cubase. Uncheck this box and you should then be processing the signals in Cubase as you hear them. Also, make sure that your monitor/mix option on the FW1884 is set to computer (i.e. not both or inputs).

I hope I was understanding your question and this helps.

Since: Jan 08, 2006

Jan 09, 2006 11:34 am

hey bbbitter........u did it!
thanks for that...i knew it was something simple that i was missing....
i owe you a beer

I'm back bitches!!!
Since: May 27, 2004

Jan 09, 2006 02:23 pm

Yeah I spent a few minutes in my studio trying to figure that one out myself. That's the only reason I knew it off the top of my head. Try out the Cubase forums too in the future. They can give you a more specific attention with respect to Cubase. They can be a little grouchy at times though so be warned.

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