first post (drum recording)

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Member Since: Mar 14, 2005

hi im posting here because i am currently in a death metal band and we are done recording drums. we wanted to go with a live sound instead of triggering the kicks but that was a mistake. naturally, the faster you play, the softer the beater hits the drum, so i was wondering if there was a way to load my drum tracks on to any program and trigger the kick drum track with another bass drum sound that i already have on my computer? if that wasnt worded right, basically im asking if i clapped to a metronome at 90 bpm, could i upload the recording of me clapping and trigger my claps to any other sound i want?

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punk rock @$$hole
Since: Feb 29, 2004

Mar 15, 2005 12:52 am

"naturally the faster you play the softer the beater hits the drum"

Im assuming you are talking about the bass drum since you mentioned beater. or maybe all the drums. Either way being a metal drummer myself I'll be as nice as i can for this........

In my expirience the snare is the one that fast drummers have the most trouble keeping solid. I have had some people got from blast beat to breakdown with almost 30 dbu of fluxuation in between, to the point where the blast beat does not com through the gate before the kick or toms.

Best idea: practice hitting harder while playing fast. You dont just not get the same volume but also you dont get the same reaction out of the snare wires. also dont play so hard when you play slow. lighten it up a little.

When recording i find it really important to not smash my cymbals like i do live. The high end sticks out way more and the "washiness" is not always pleasant. plus cymbals sound like poop when compressed(usually, unless you are going for an effect)

better idea: practice more. practice technique and wrist motion. practice the up down technique for further control.

IMHO if you spent the money on mics and peamps and took the time to tune your drums why would you ever want to replace it with stupid samples?

If you really want to go that route (I dont go that route so i might not be the best advisor on the subject.) Alesis DM5 is a nifty little drum machine you could run all your tracks into and have samples be spit back out at you. i had one for a few weeks found it amusing for a little while then returned it for something else to play with that i ended up keeping. My biggest problem with it is the fact that it only has stereo outs instead of 8 seperate outs. LAME. It means i had to spend and assload of time programming it. The inputs are pressure sensative so unless you tweak every setting on every channel to submix it for the stereo out. LAME.

Some people use Drumagog (sp)I have never used it so im not sure but it seems like it would be a sample library that automates the time consuming stuff in tweaking/replacing sounds.

100% what i recomend besides hooked on phonics for myself(it's 1 am and i been up since 4 am the day before). Practice. practice. Whatever you do, DO NOT FIX IT IN THE MIX. play it right.

and if still really have to just envelope the quiet sections and bring up the volume and if the sound itself fluctuates the cut and paste samples from your own songs in place of the sour notes. (if the breakdown snare sounds good but the blast beat dont cut the 1 sound wave out of the nice sounding snare and paste it in every spot there is a crappy sounding snare)

Since: Mar 14, 2005

Mar 15, 2005 08:15 am

first, thanks for the reply!
i am the guitarist, but i know more about recoring then anyone else (which isnt much)the snare sounds fine. everything sounds fine except when he does double bass at really high speeds like 220 bpm. your answers were kind of scattered but im looking for stuff more along the lines of your "Drumagog" idea. would i be able to do this with sound forge or anything like that?

95% of all death metal bands trigger their bass drums, from any reason to having a dual bass drum set, or just not being able to play and being a trigger whore. we just want to trigger it so there is a solid sound all the way through.

Kaos is only a form of insanity
Since: Feb 03, 2005

Mar 16, 2005 05:05 pm

Again another drummer is replying to you....

Why not get the drummer to change his bass drum beat to a more comfortable one. i.e less on the longer periods of rapid footwork. I'm in a punk garage band who play relativly fast but I don't always use the bass the drum as you would if you were programming the sound. I agree with Josh get the drummer to practise the beats a bit more but also your drummer and most musicians have to remember one thing LESS IS MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too many people nowadays ant to mak ethings too dificult for themselves and lose the essence of the enjoyment from the music. What you here on a lot of discs now is trickery. Why mimick it. get pleasure out of playing / recording but don't break your b**ls

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