Har-Bal..wondering some things

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Member Since: Mar 08, 2004

I know some of you use Har-Bal. I am wondering a couple of things.

Does it make a HUGE differnce in your master? My masters sound kinda dull and no matter what I do I can't get thim big enough without peaking and then it sounds worse. Also EQ wise it's all screw. It's either too muddy or to thin. I can never get it even.

Also, can it be used on regular tracks. For instance, can I export a weak sounding guitar track and use it in Har-Bal. Is so can it help.

I'm not looking for a miracle working thing or anything like that. I am just making sure it is going to be worth me dropping the money for it. Basically, will it make things I already do better(even though what I do isn't that great right now).

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Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Jan 31, 2005 05:13 pm

I just bought it a few weeks ago, and so I am still learning its finer points. That being said...yes, it does make a difference. The reason your mixes sound too muddy or too thin is because they are not harmonically balanced. Har-Bal can help balance out the EQ spectrum.

You need to learn how to use it properly for your music, but i can say that it makes a bifg difference in the sound of my tunes.


Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 31, 2005 05:48 pm

Yes, it does make a huge difference, but, in order for your master to sound it's best, it has to be mixed right. muddiness is often caused by all instruments stepping all over each other in the spectrum, you need to EQ each track and give it it's own space read www.homerecordingconnecti...tory&id=154 for more info on that.

Har-Bal can be used on individual tracks, and shortly they are releaseing a free upgrade that also will allow it to work as a VST plugin.

There is no magic bullet for getting good recordings, but Har-Bal is a great tool for mastering, but it can only master the mix you give it, so you need to be diligent in giving it the best mix you can.

Since: Mar 08, 2004

Jan 31, 2005 06:25 pm

Between what you guys have said and me just playing with the demo for a few minutes I am no doubt getting this.

The demo is just 8 bit and I exported out a song from Sonar that I had finished mixing but had already attempted mastering and let say....WOW

Even in 8 bit and nothing else but Har-Bal it already sounds better then anything I have attempted at mastering before. And that's just me playing around with it and not knowing quite what I was doing with it. Just fixing peaks and valleys and using a CD as reference..this thing is awesome.

Hey DB..how soon will it be when they upgrade to a VST plugin. That would be awesome being able to just load in as a plugin in WAvelab.

Awesome this thing is.

A small pie will soon be eaten
Since: Aug 26, 2004

Jan 31, 2005 06:36 pm

Could one use Ozone instead of Har-Bal or are they designed for different things?

Since: Mar 08, 2004

Jan 31, 2005 06:49 pm

I have Ozone and it doesn't touch this thing. But I guess they are different. You could use this with Ozone but from what I can tell using Har-Bal just a little you could just use regular plugins( EQ,multiband compressors, etc) with Har-Bal and get the job done the same if not better then using Ozone.

I must say I understand why dB has been pushing Har-Bal so much.

I'm back bitches!!!
Since: May 27, 2004

Jan 31, 2005 06:59 pm

My stuff always seems to come out worse after using HARBAL. I must be doing something wrong. Of course I haven't exactly had the time to really sit down with a good mix and try it out. Hope to soon though.

A small pie will soon be eaten
Since: Aug 26, 2004

Jan 31, 2005 07:01 pm

I'm the Same. Har-Bal just makes things worse, I
ll have to take some more time to learn it.

Ozone is just so easy (if you want it to be) and improves everything heaps.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 31, 2005 07:09 pm

I can't stand Ozone, it's just a hassle...that said, Ozone and Har-Bal are two different tools...I use other tools to accomplish what Ozone does, so I have not taken the time to get to know Ozone, cuz I don't have to, I have the other tools.

As far as when VST is coming, I dunno for sure, I keep hearing "soon" I expect to see some sort of alpha version next month sometime, but I can't be sure.

Since: Mar 08, 2004

Feb 01, 2005 12:15 am

Well, I am ordering this tommorrow morning. I will use the link here at HRC so dB can get some credit for it.

I've played with the demo all evening and can't wait to get my hands dirty with the actual thing.

Also I have to say that I can't wait until I can use the little article on the front with Har-Bal.

Also I will surely be using you tutorial dB on Har-Bal. Mixing I'm good at, mastering I'm having alot of trouble with. Har-Bal will allow me to make less mistakes with my ears. I always ruin a good mix of my bands songs by friggin up the mastering of it.

Lastly Ozone is a pain to use. I either squash my stuff to much or over use things in it. Alot more simple for me to just use seperate plugins that I've already got used to using on my tracks when laying them (compressor, EQ, etc.) Just my opinion.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Feb 01, 2005 12:28 am

Wow, not that is interesting.

I guess everyone has their own 'forte's' for sure. I absolutely love Ozone. I will say it took some practice and learning, and as above it is easy to over-use it.

Now per HarBal, yes I too will purchase it when I am able to as it will no doubt assist in harmonic balancing. As dB states, making room for each 'voice' in a mix. Ozone is not equipted to facilitate that. It will you an overall frequency curve, but that does not completely address 'space' for each voice to shine through. Right now I am doing that to the best of my ability by ear and understanding, but I would love to have HarBal to assist.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Feb 01, 2005 05:54 am

Buy it here: secure.reg.net/Product.as...-1&AFID=247

Since: May 15, 2004

Feb 05, 2005 02:01 pm

I bought it 2 days ago. My client was MORE than happy when listening to the cd tracks 2 hrs ago. Real MAGIC what Har-Bal does. Full stop.

Get it now before it is too late. TQ dB. Without you I wouldnt have known Har-Bal. Real regret. Supposed I could've bought it last year and make my un-harbalized life a lot more easier.

Since: Jul 02, 2003

Feb 05, 2005 02:19 pm

harbal is a great tool. I'm finding the more I use it the closer my mixes are to not needing alot of work in harbal.

Between Har Bal and Ozone 3 my mixes are much better than they were, still lots of room for improvment but they both help a ton.


Since: Apr 03, 2002

Feb 05, 2005 02:33 pm

Yeah, I agree, after using Har-Bal for over a year, I find it altered my mixing process and my mixes need less and less work...hey, software that TEACHES instead of just doing it for ya, that's pretty cool.

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Feb 05, 2005 02:42 pm

some day, it will be mine! i feel like i'm cheating because i use the 8 bit to check where a am, then go back to the mix and adjust, then check back in harbal....very time consuming! i think i'll end up using a friends card or something to buy it.
Feb 19, 2005 11:09 pm

get a pirate copy then

p2p will help!

SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Feb 19, 2005 11:33 pm

Bad form man, not cool.

Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Feb 20, 2005 12:02 am

We don't condone nor even discuss illegal practices on this forum. I paid my $99 for Har-Bal, and I love it. I highly recommend it to others...but get it legally, please.

Since: Aug 17, 2004

Feb 20, 2005 01:19 am

Not cool man, not cool.

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Feb 20, 2005 05:27 am

Hey Strange Juice

There is no place for such statements on this website.

Everyone here is against such activity and to blatantly state such thing is plainly against the rules.

DO NOT make statements like this as we dont discuss these matters and we dont want to be shut down. If you want to use software - go buy it. I did, many others did and its worth the money.

If you wanna do P2P and piracy - please dont discuss it here.

Feb 20, 2005 09:23 am

Ok bad joke must have hit a nerve there. More relaxation less paranoia will do everyone some good

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Feb 20, 2005 10:27 am

[quote]get a pirate copy then

p2p will help!

Relaxation is not a problem and paranoid we are not. But, I, with many others rate this website and the community that goes with it. If it's shut down (especially since you suggested whackin a pirate copy of an app provided by a MAJOR PARTNER) it does nobody any good.



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