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Member Since: Nov 28, 2004

ok i have a problem/question (what else is new)
I finnaly have purchased Reason and today I tryed to rewire it to Cubase and it totaly went
haywire I had created a drum pattern in reason previously and i wanted to work around it in cubase with some vsts but when I played my drums in rewire mode it sounded like it was trapped in the matrix it was all glitchy and choppy it showed activity on my rewire channels so I don't know what the problem was anybody got any ideas?
need more information?

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Since: Nov 28, 2004

Dec 17, 2004 12:54 am

Does anybody have any knowlege on this subject?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Dec 17, 2004 05:40 am

Sorry Renegade, I really have never used Rewire personally. Noize2u does tho, as I recall, maybe he will see this thread today...

I'm back bitches!!!
Since: May 27, 2004

Dec 17, 2004 07:25 am

Check your wiring (virtual) on the back of your Reason rack. Make sure the device that you are trying to send the drums out of into Cubase is tied to the channels that you are recieving on your Cubase rewire channels. It gets confusing so I've found that its best to start small to learn how it works. Try an empty project in Cubase with just two rewire channels enabled and just one instrument in Reason tied straight to the audio interface. Leave the Reason mixer out for now. You can use your mixer in Cubase to mix each individual Rewire channel later. Let me know if that helps. If not, I will be glad to try again.

Since: Mar 29, 2004

Dec 17, 2004 10:17 am

rewire rocks!

Since: Nov 28, 2004

Dec 20, 2004 07:12 pm

Hey I tryed what you suggested and it's a little better but still not comming threw like it should
uhm it's still "trapped in the matrix" but it's slowly but surely finding it's way out
is there some settings in cubase or reason that i should configure differently?
Im not sure of what the problem is everything is routed like you said mmmmmm.any ideas?

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Dec 20, 2004 11:47 pm

Hey Renegade, sorry I'm late.

Just a couple questions to maybe help ya get it sorted out.

Check your output levels in Reason and make sure they are not set to high, this can over load the inputs in Cubase and cause clipping on the inputs.

Also, when you say trapped in the matrix, are you refering to not getting a full loud signal out of Cubase? I'm a bit confused by that referance as it could mean several differant things.

And have you tried what bbbitter suggested yet to see what happens there?

I will try and whatch thsi thread so you dont have to wait to long for an answer.

I'm back bitches!!!
Since: May 27, 2004

Dec 21, 2004 09:08 am

If you can email me a screen shot of the front and back of your rack in reason, maybe I can help more. Not sure what is going on. Also check your mixer in Cubase. Make sure the rewire channel shows up somewhere and is at a good level. If the meter moves when you play the sounds in reason and it peaks at a comparable level to the rest of your audio, then the problem is most likely in Reason.

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