What should I be looking for in a small mixer?

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Dub head
Member Since: May 03, 2004

Here is my situation...

I'll be soon wanting to mix effects on the fly live during gigs. I'll be adding reverb, delay, & phaser during live songs as I choose (I'll be playing live DUB music). I need to run the guitar mic, keyboard mic, snare drum mic, and vocals into a mixer on seperate tracks and be able to add effects in any combonation that I choose during a set. Each track would be fed back into the house main or mixer they have. I'd simply like to add my mixer/effects in the middle of the chain of sound equipment. I've seen it done before live but wasn't sure what kind of mixer it was. Any suggestions? I'm looking into a Behringer or similar, but I wasn't sure what to really look for. I'm confused on how the signal gets routed back to the main mixer. Thanks a ton!



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Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 29, 2004 01:12 pm

just one with a few aux sends...and enough mic inputs to cover your number of mics.

Dub head
Since: May 03, 2004

Nov 30, 2004 12:20 pm

Makes sense. I'm a little frusterated that only larger mixers have more aux sends. Why don't they make like 8 channels in, 8 out? Or something similar? Maybe there is something like that and I just don't know about it yet. Oh well... thanks for your help dB! Cheers!


Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 30, 2004 12:21 pm

Well, then what you would want to look for is a small mixer that has an insert or direct out on each channel, you can prolly find one of those...

Lost for words with all to say.
Since: Sep 12, 2003

Nov 30, 2004 01:19 pm

*Insert vdale's constant rave on Soundcraft and not making a dime by doing it :(*

Soundcraft makes boards with direct outs and inserts on every channel. I know that probably other companies make them with direct outs but I love Soundcraft's M Series because it comes with everything you need that you might encounter which recording OR live sound.


It's pricey. I paid around $700 US for the M12 with 12 mic and 4 stereo inputs. But they do make a 4 and 8 channel one also.

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