Hey! new stuff

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Member Since: Nov 21, 2002

Hey guys, havent been around much lately, been busy with work and gigging, trying to work on songs whenever had the chance. Got 2 new unfinished mixes up (they sounded alright on the speakers i mixed them on, but on this computer they sound muddier, particularly the vocals... what else is new :-\) so...
any input on these 2 songs would be greatly appreciated. they still need work.

"Greener Shade of Life", and "Gone"

thanks guys.

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Lost for words with all to say.
Since: Sep 12, 2003

Aug 18, 2004 02:28 pm

Hi Dan

There is something I like about your sound. I'm trying to think of how to explain it. The only word I can think of, I like the "atmosphere" of these songs. I noticed the volume likes to go up in some parts, which mastering will fix. But keep in mind, I'm listening to this on my laptop speakers. Also, the snare has a great tone to it, but it sounds in the distance. Which, that drum sound works especially since it sounds like you used overheads to pick it up mostly. I'm just so used to a snare that is in your face. I'm not an expert by far, but maybe some changes in compression will help that. Then again, that might take away from the "atmosphere" of the songs. I'm just yappin away here.

I really like them. I love music that has it's own flavor to it.

Since: Nov 21, 2002

Aug 18, 2004 02:37 pm

i tried compressing the overall mix to even it out some, but im a sucker for dynamics in a song i guess, i dunno. thanks for the kind words, and yes the drums arent individually miced. we had 2 mics on the drums for Gone, one dead in front of, and pointed at, the set (on top of my dryer machine), the other inside the dryer, pointed at the back of the drier. not the most common way of doing it. i really appreciate your comment on the atmosphere thing, cause thats what we kinda go for. a lot of things in the distance and such.

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

Aug 19, 2004 02:29 am

Two very nice songs ! What is that effect your using on your guitar solos ?... it's mint ! Very cool segues in each song, too . Mastering won't (shouldn't) take out the dynamics of the song, it's should make it more listenable . It's easier on the ear to deal with a consistant dB range, although it can be over-done sometimes . These two are deffinately worthy . Good stuff .

Since: Nov 21, 2002

Aug 19, 2004 12:29 pm

thanks for taking the time, much appreciated.
tryin to think of what exactly i did for those solos. in greener shade, (overly) reverbed guitar solo was a '70 gibson ES-300(or 320... i forget, its a pretty rare model only made for like 2 years, kinda has a tele style metal plate that all the controls are mounted on, and has single coil pickups) through an ampeg gemini miced on an angle with the AKG D 190 ES (my favorite of my mics to use on guitars), with a bit of reverse reverb and a lot of forward reverb. then the chorus lead guitar was a PRS 22 through a mesa boogie mark II close miced with the AKG d190es, with just a bit of compression.
in "Gone" umm... i did a lot to that solo... its a gibson SG through one of my homemade amps (nicknamed the toaster) based around the schematic of a fender twin, miced with an SM98 from about a bit less than a foot. off the bat, i made 3 copies of it, and pitch shifted one an octave up, another an octave down and kept one normal. put reverse reverb on the one thats an octave down, and thats all i can remember. Also, in Gone, if you noticed, there are 2 bass lines at a time, panned to the extremes, on the left the bass is played with a slide, the other one is just fingers.

either way they would both have been finished by last night, but last night my drummer opened up my computer to see what kind of processor my computer has (hes a computer technician, and has a bunch of spare computer parts and stuff at work he can give me to improve my POS), in doing so, somehow one of the pins broke off of my monitor, and now it doesnt work, hes coming by after work to get his drumset for a gig we're doing tonight and dropping off an A Slot Pentium 3, some RAM, and a new plug for my monitor. so yeah... woah i rambled. sorry. thanks for listening man.

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