good sounding double kick

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Member Since: Mar 20, 2003

so i was watching headbangers ball yesterday (its about time it returns!)and i noticed that one of the bands (cant remember the name)got a really good double kick sound where the double kick stood out real well even though tv doesnt bring out bass very much. they did this by making the kick have a kind of "click" sound to it so it wasnt just bassy. does anyone know how this is done? i dont know if a recording technique alone brought this out or if it was the drummers kit, maybe they just brought out a higher frequency in the kick? if anyone knows what im talking about, could you let me know how to do this?

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Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Jun 28, 2003 11:02 pm

i don't remember where i read it, but i heard that to get a clicking sound like that, you tape a coin on the inside of the head, right where the beater would strike it. two for double bass, i suppose.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jun 29, 2003 06:46 am

Ya, I have used that trick and it works great, it gives snap and definition to the kick, especially in double-kick situations.

Just be absolutely sure you put it on the INSIDE of the head or you'll punch a hole right through the head ;-)

Since: Mar 20, 2003

Jun 29, 2003 06:21 pm

cool, ill give it a try, thanks.

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Jun 30, 2003 09:42 am

don't forget mic position. where your mic is will determine alot of your sound too.

Since: Apr 24, 2003

Jun 30, 2003 10:07 am

we got that same effect with a decent stereo drum mic....forget which one, but one mic pics up the boom of the drum, but the other records the rim sound i think, and we played for hours geting it right while the drummer worked out his right leg, but we got it to work pretty well, getting the attacking crack and the bass boom.

a.k.a. Porp & Mr. Muffins
Since: Oct 09, 2002

Jun 30, 2003 10:10 pm

EQ!!! Crank up those highs, cut the mids, and keep the lows about flat. EQ will comepletely change your sound (For the better if used correctly) and will give you that smack/click. Mic the drum from the inside. If the kick drum has no hole in the front, get one cut. You won't get that nice beater smack if you mic from the back of the resonant head, and you won't get that bassy boom by just micing the beater side. If you don't want to put a hole in it, you can try micing both the beater and resonant heads with two separate mics together. In my experience, I can get pretty similar results to the pros with a good vocal mic in the hole in the resonant head pointed towards the beater head and a decent EQ plug-in. Of course, a special bass drum mic will help with the EQ process, and good tuning (a little looser than normal for more click!), plus a good bass drum always helps :-) Good Luck!

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