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Freeleance Producer/Engineer/Gtr
Member Since: Aug 11, 2002

here's something i just did today. didn't spend to much time on it so it's sloppy... and forgive the drummer cuz he just learned the arrangement 15 mins before playing...

i wanted to provide something like an emotional rollercoaster song but at the same time keep it to the point and marketable i guess. i really don't know what to call it as far as style. it's not a great mix, i just wanted some opinions. thanks

here: (right click and save)

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Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jun 21, 2003 06:29 am

Dude, I could listen to that all day...nice work, nice mix...the rockin part kinda caught me off guard, didn't see that coming at all...nice.

a.k.a. Porp & Mr. Muffins
Since: Oct 09, 2002

Jun 21, 2003 09:21 pm

That's pretty sweet! I love the drum sound. Could use some more bass (If there is any) in the heavy parts. I like the sound of the kick drum a lot. Nice guitar effects too. Cool structure.

Freeleance Producer/Engineer/Gtr
Since: Aug 11, 2002

Jun 23, 2003 02:06 am

thanks fellas... p.muffins, there isn't a bass track yet. i broke a string on my bass practicing and well... they are expensive. if anyone digs the style or needs some collaboration with leads/rythms or stuff let me know.

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Jun 23, 2003 06:02 pm

there's something there string-wise i can't place... is it a baritone guitar or an acoustic bass guitar or what?

this is catchy dude, i dig this. the delay on that one guitar track is totally fitting. The drums feel distant but you can still make them all out. That works well for this peice. Then the overdriven guitars at 2:00 is quite a surprise. Very Metallica-esque, the tone the rhythm, everything about that part. Makes me think of something off of "the black album".

I didn't feel the emotional rollercoaster thing, but it is emotional. Hope you don't take that thewrong way. It's a fun piece, and dB's right, i could listen to this all day, especially the softer clean part. I really love the transistions from the chill parts with the arpeggiation and lead lines where the drums are getting funky triplets on the hats, and the other part where the guitars are the delayed chord hits and the drummer's on a more straight forward rock bit.

Yeah, I guess the more I listen to it I starting to feel what you mean by the rollercoaster thing. It's just maybe more subtle than you meant? I think the calm subtility (is that a word?) of it reall lends well to the song as a whole, especially if it's emotional dynamics that you're going for on the changes from clean to distorted to clean parts.

::big breath::

cool song! -j

Freeleance Producer/Engineer/Gtr
Since: Aug 11, 2002

Jun 24, 2003 11:18 am

i appreciate the feedback (and not just because it's positive, lol). actually, jamie, the thing that you couldn't place "string-wise" is a normal guitar just tuned to drop-C (drop-D and then tuned down a step) and put through the POD Pro.

And metallica-esque? Eeewwww! J/K. They were a big reason why i picked up guitar in the first place but i really don't hear it. that's fine though. The transition to the distorted guitar fits but it seems a little rushed to me. i couldn't really get the idea down that i heard in my head. i'll be attacking that as soon as i can figure out how to go about it.

now i'm working on getting a demo and a press kit to Epic before the 11th of july so this may take a back seat to some of the more completed stuff. i've actually haven't ever sent anything that wasn't unsolicited to an A&R Guy before... any suggestions?


Since: Sep 09, 2002

Jun 24, 2003 08:52 pm

ah! system of a down tuning! the band i was in this time last year used drop-c for most of our original songs. we covered "toxicity" as well as the deftone's "my own summer".

as for unsolicited mail to A&R, i heard somewhere that you should do something to make your package stand out. also heard it's a one-in-a-million shot, so good luck.

Freeleance Producer/Engineer/Gtr
Since: Aug 11, 2002

Jun 25, 2003 12:00 am

what i meant was that i have sent unsolicited stuff before. but we had a demo requested by an AR rep... just wanted more info on that and what to expect.

...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

Jun 25, 2003 11:05 am

keep it simple, is what i'd say. if a bands gotta send a whole file of stuff about why their band is great, then they cant be that good!

a decent pic cant hurt though, contact information on everything (especially the cd) and 3 or four tracks i'd say...

anyone else got any ideas?

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Jun 25, 2003 12:29 pm

mmm...if they "like" you, you can expect to receive a contract full of legalese that is absolutely impossible for you to understand, but you will be excited to sign it because it would make the difference between "being signed" or not.

contracts today are absolutely insane. seriously. there are so many things to learn about contracts and the music business before you sign your life away, and books like "how to get noticed by A&R guys" help about as much as a kick in the teeth.

my advice: do some solid research on how and why you will be screwed. then use it to avoid being screwed.

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