Feedback for the Rookie?

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Music Loving Hack
Member Since: Jul 13, 2009

Just finished my freshman project in the new, almost-done home studio. I started the project to help my son and his friends pursue their passion. I'm working pretty much exclusively off a Tascam 2488neo. I would love any feedback you guys could give on the final result. There is gear information in my profile if that makes a difference. Here is a link to the songs:

The next four songs are coming pretty soon so I want to learn from the rookie experience. I know you get many of these requests, so I really do appreciate any time you spend.

One final thing, and I know I'm biased, but these guys are pretty good for a bunch of 15 year olds, eh?

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Since: Apr 03, 2002

Feb 18, 2010 09:39 am

Topic moved to the appropriate forum.

Czar of Turd Polish
Since: Jun 20, 2006

Feb 18, 2010 02:54 pm

I'll check this out after work, love to hear the younguns with a love for music.

Music Loving Hack
Since: Jul 13, 2009

Feb 23, 2010 03:55 pm

Hey CptTripps - Don't want to be a pest, but any chance you were able to listen? Really appreciate it!

Since: May 06, 2007

Feb 23, 2010 10:51 pm

Hey solidrocker,

I got a chance to check it out to a point. It was on crappy laptop speakers on top of the MySpace player that is overly compressed.

A couple of things I can tell you from my perspective even on these crappy speakers. Now, I am still pretty new to the mixing game myself, but I have a learned a LOT from the guys here on this forum. You can hear a pretty high quality of my first major project at That was my last band and I recorded it all in my home studio.

Now for your track there on Myspace, I can say a couple things. One, get a higher quality MP3 available for downloading if you can. That way you avoid the ugly compression that MySpace puts on the music uploads. Two, you can tell they are younger kids. Not terrible, but they show a few room for improvements of course. Over all, not a bad performance.

The mix itself seems pretty good, but again I am on crappy laptop speakers. I'll try and get a better listen on my monitors in my studio room. It seems that the vocals are a tad bit loud, and I would of pulled the backing vocals down a bit. That I can tell for sure.

Keep at it though man. There is no such thing as 'the right way' to mix, and you'll learn something new every time you record and mix something. Post your work here and ask for advice, and you'll learn a great deal. A lot of the guys here are awesome with wanting to help out.

Music Loving Hack
Since: Jul 13, 2009

Feb 24, 2010 09:19 am

Thanks for the feedback. This stuff isn't nearly as easy as it seems!

Since: Sep 30, 2009

Feb 26, 2010 10:23 pm

I like it, you've gotta be one proud father :) Their songwriting is pretty good actually, nice style too. Good singers too, especially for being only 15.

The vocals seem a little too in the front, though i'd have to say the vox are the best quality out of all the instruments recorded.

The bass is definitely a little boomy.
Drums i'm not gonna critique, i don't really know enough to help there. But there's a lot of "air" in the cymbals i noticed.
The guitars are your main problem area. What sort of amps are they using? 4x12 cabs? Are you having them layer any of the parts?

I noticed a couple guitar lines that could have been preformed a little better. And a few or the harmonies were kinda sloppy. The vocals themselves were really in key the whole performance though. You've got some good singers playing in your sons band.

Music Loving Hack
Since: Jul 13, 2009

Mar 01, 2010 02:39 pm

thanks for the feedback. Here is a little more info:

The bass is recorded from two sources. The first is direct through the amp head (direct output) and the other is with a mic in front of the 8X10 cabinet. I'm using a Shure Beta 52A bass mic. The two sources are panned left and right, but not all the way. Thinking about it now, that is probably causing some of the muddiness if not blended just right.

As for guitars, they are recorded with a Shure SM57 in front of a 4X10 cab. Unfortunately, both guitar players wanted to play through the same amp (not at the same time) which created difficulty in separating the two guitar parts. As for layering, not sure I understand the question (rookie).

One question thing that I did notice after the comments here is that the vocals are hotter on the Myspace site than they are on the original. I suppose that is a result of the Myspace player and its compressor.

Thanks again and happy to have any suggestions on what to change in a remix.

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