[guide] using LAME mp3 encoder inside sonar

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Member Since: Aug 25, 2008

Found this guide somewhere.. found it really useful!

Getting LAME MP3 Encoder To Work With SONAR

Heres what you do to make the LAME MP3 Encoder work with SONAR 6 and 7, as well as any other Cakewalk DAWs. (?)

First, press the windows key (usually left to the alt key), and R key together, type in the prompt that appears:

C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\EncoderConfig.exe

press enter. A new window should appear.

In the "Friendly Name" box, write: LAME MP3 Encoder
In the "Extension" box, replace .*** with .mp3.
In the "Description" box, write "LAME MP3 Encoder", though this is not a requirement. You can write whatever you wish.

Now, before we continue, I assume you've downloaded LAME: www.free-codecs.com/downl...=2762&s=22. If not, follow these steps:

Press the Windows Key, and R together, and in the box that pops up type this

iexplore C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\

and hit enter. A new box should pop up. Right click in that box, and go to New > Folder. Enter "lame" (without quotes) into the folder name box, which by default should say New Folder. If you can't name it, then right click on it, and click rename, and type "lame" (without quotes).

Copy all the files from the .zip file (lame.exe, and everything else) into the lame folder you've created. Simply drag and drop the files from the .zip onto the lame folder which you've just created, or double click on the lame folder, and drag and drop the files from the .zip into there. Whichever you prefer.

Going back to where we left off:

In the "Path" box, type this in:

C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\lame

Now, under the "Command Line" box, type in the following:

lame -b 48 -m j %I %O

You can replace 48 with whatever bitrate you want. Hit save, and close, and you're done.

When you go to File > Export > Audio, you should see LAME MP3 Encoder under "Files of type:".
Please note that the Sample Rate in the exported does NOT apply. (?)
Also, please note that the Bit Depth DOES still apply. (?)

If you'd like to have multiple sample rates, without having to go into the EncoderConfig each time to edit it, follow the same steps, pressing new, and typing in "LAME MP3 Encoder - 48k". You can replace 48k with whatever sample rate you want. The extension box should be replaced with .mp3, description - put whatever you want, in path, type: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\lame
In command line, write:

lame -b SAMPLE RATE HERE -m j %I %O

Replace SAMPLE RATE HERE with whatever sample rate you want. Make sure to use only the first two, or three numbers corresponding to the sample rate you want. Hit save, and close, then you're done!

*credit* goes to Adam Nobumoto

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