yay, new track

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Frisco's Most Underrated
Member Since: Jan 28, 2003

Hello folks, I just put up a new track. Same old process, but used a couple new tricks I learned here over the past couple months. Please critique, and be harsh. I am planning on re-doing this piece, and would like any suggestions. one love. Here's the link:


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Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Apr 15, 2003 11:29 am

Ok, harsh.

First positive points. Very good definition between voices. I appreciate the changes on the main theme consistantly on the and of one of the rythum. It gives me a definate sense of seperation.

I get a sense that the two theme's never recognize each other. I keep waiting for some resolve or recognition that never happens. There is also something in the phrasing that is bothering me. I can't put a finger on it. Most phrases of the main theme come and go without problem, and then there is the clinker. Something missing. Like no turn around or bridge just a jaged restart.

Bottom line. Excellent start for a mix1. Am quiet interested to see where you will take it!

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Apr 15, 2003 06:25 pm

I like it. I bit a turn from the decidedly urban beats of the other stuff of your I've heard. the joint at 2:05 was a little sudden, for it's forgiven. maybe a short pause there, or a drumbreak would give the restart a meaning. I like the idea of telling a story where you get to make it up yourself. great idea. for me, it's a sad story. but a good sad, like something nostalgic or maybe a regret from so long ago.

i'd really like to see you get away from using soundfonts. they're such a limiting thing. how about mic'ing up those hand drums with that neumann?? you could bang around on those for a few minutes, then open that file up in a wav editor and cut out one or two of the best loops and sequence that. and what's up with all this equipment you're not using? a compressor, a mixer, a NICE mic. wow.

but again, sounds nice. you have a good ear for placing the sounds where they belong. we just need to find you some better sounds.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 15, 2003 07:53 pm

Hey Jamie, Im in the midle of doing up a couple of his tracks which I really liked on my synths. I love what coolo has done with what he has and cant wait to hear were he goes in the future. And now reading Jamies post again just gave me a brilliant idea. coolo, I will email you something for you to think about tommorrow, maybe tonight if I get time. Anyway, I didnt get to listen to the whole tune tonight but I will give it a better listen tommorrow and let ya know.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Apr 16, 2003 03:39 pm

Thanks for listening guys.

Walt, I think the structure is not going to change much (if at all) but rather sligtht changes to each part. If you figure out what is not quite right, or have any suggestions, they are much appreciated.

Jamie, trust me, I want to start recording the congas, and start using the new mics more than almost anything. But I need a new computer first. I'm still stuck on the motherboard. Actually, it was your comment about not getting one with imbedded sound capabilities that has thrown me, cuz I can't find any without the imbedded sound. I'll figure it out though. Also, the soundfonts are somewhat limiting, but I still think you can get good sounds out of some of them. You just have to search through lots of rubble to find the gems.

Noize, I'm always interested to hear what you have to say. Looking forward to hear where I go in the futrure too (smile)

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