i need help with my room

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Mikey Spencer
Member Since: Apr 26, 2007

first i'll give a very detailed description of my room....

- it is basicly a 12' x 12' box. two walls are close to or possibly 13' though...

- the two (lets call the 13' walls) are fully covered with a thin layer of carpet. one has a closet door that is not covered

- the back wall which is one of the 12' walls in covered with the same carpet except it has two 3.5' x 2' windows with a 44" gap between the framing (which is uncovered wood. not much though) of each other

- the last wall is one of the 12' walls and it is covered in cork from the top until it reaches my desk which extends until the doorway which is uncovered

- i have 2 speaker up kinda high on the cork wall and one in the corner on one of the back corners

- i have a twin bed on the wall the is completely 100% covered with carpet.

- my floor is a thick carpet

*** my goal is to try to get the drums to not be so freaking loud and hopefully increase the sound of other things in the process but my main goal is to quiet the drums.

- i would like to do this as budget minded as possible. i have access to endless carpet padding which i plan on using......

thanks so much for your help

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Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Aug 22, 2008 10:29 pm

By quiet the drums do you mean to sound proof the room or simply muffle things a bit? A completely carpeted room will be pretty dead sounding, but will never completely sound proof the room. Even if you lay several layers of carpet or padding. The padding itself will probably take away all the high end of the sound and create a very dull lifeless recording.

To truly sound proof a room you need to actually build a wall inside a wall leaving and air gap between the two walls.

You can keep the sound from getting out of the room with something along the lines of Auralex Sheet Bloc but it is not a cheap alternative.

Mikey Spencer
Since: Apr 26, 2007

Aug 23, 2008 12:34 am

i mean more to make it quieter inside the room as well as soundproof it some

Mikey Spencer
Since: Apr 26, 2007

Aug 23, 2008 02:55 pm

here are some ideas i cam up with so please tell me what you think.

- make corner bass traps by.... putting a piece of wood over the corners of the room (except one thats impossible because of a door) stuffing the inside of the corner with pieces of carpet padding then covering the outside with carpet padding.

- and the ceiling.... i was thinking of of possibilities, one making a 2 or three frames out of 2"x4"s, like a rectangle with one piece going through than covering with masonite and carpet padding and hanging them on my ceiling. my other idea was just simply cutting out squares of carpet padding and covering most of the ceiling with them.

would these things make any difference? any thoughts or suggestions?


Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Aug 23, 2008 04:25 pm

The bass trap idea might work OK. Not perfect as the bass trap needs to have an open absorbing type face, but your idea might work out OK if the top and bottom are open.

As for the padding on the ceiling. Pretty much all that is going to do is add more absorption and suck the life out of the room

As I stated, depending on how you want your drums to sound it may or may not work out with a decent sound. By guess is it will completely dull the sound of the room while only giving slightly moderate quiet to the sound getting out of the room.

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