Never been so proud of my Wisconsin neighbors

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

Small town school principal tells PETA to STFU.

Lovin it.

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Brother Number One
Since: Jan 22, 2008

Apr 17, 2008 12:41 pm

PETA are such idiots sometimes. They do some good work but then undermine their credibility by getting upset about stupid stuff. There's nothing wrong with hunting done properly.

******* greenpeace are just as bad. THey might a right mess of Brent Spa

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 17, 2008 12:46 pm

They are just like any other activist group, they are all formed around a good idea with good motivations and end up going to a total extreme position and destroying the groups effectiveness and reach while making themselves look more and more foolish.

Brother Number One
Since: Jan 22, 2008

Apr 17, 2008 01:02 pm

When greenpeace were moaning about the Brent Spar oil rig being decomissioned the made a right balls up.

Basically the most environmentally sound thing to do was to sink it where it stood and it would have formed an artificial reef/fish habitat on the sea-floor. Great.

unfortunately due to greenpeace pressure they had to drag it off to a fjord in Norway and it caused a right mess. Basically 'cos they didn't like the sound of just sinking it where it was.

Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Apr 17, 2008 01:17 pm

Yes!! PETA often makes me ashamed of my liberal tendencies. Kudos to the principal for having the stones to stick up for common sense.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 17, 2008 01:19 pm

Well, as of last night you have Hillary to be ashamed of too...I don't often laugh out loud during debates, but I did last night.

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 17, 2008 01:25 pm

>sigh< My life without meat would not be a life worth living. The vegans can chow all the tofu and celery they want. More for me.

Puppy. It's what's for dinner.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 17, 2008 01:27 pm

Happiness is a big ol' Sirloin on the barby...

Brother Number One
Since: Jan 22, 2008

Apr 17, 2008 02:44 pm

My best mate's Mrs is a fookin' vegan.
She eats the most boring plain crap imaginable.
Plain rice and apples mostly.

We went out for a curry recently and she managed to stretch to a Lemon Rice. She didn't even fancy a spinich and potato curry.

Needless to say the rest of us were getting stuck into a lamb and spinich bhuna's and the like

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 17, 2008 02:47 pm

I have a few friends and family that are various degrees of vegetarian or me, it's fine as long as they don't sit there and hassle me when I order a steak and veegies for dinner when we go out...

Anyone watch the first season or two of "Surreal Life"? Corey Feldman was on it and would constantly go off on a rant to anyone that dared eat meat...THAT pisses me off far more than those who just do what they do, and le everybody else do what they do.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 17, 2008 09:28 pm

Peta can simply K M A!

As stated it might have been a worthy cause in the beginning but it is now nothing more then a cartoon of itself. The same can be said of the Green Peace morons.

As far as a Vega goes. My son out in Portland now is a full on Vegan. Once a meat eater like you and I he simply changed. He does not however preach to anyone about no meat, having been a meat eater at one time.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Apr 17, 2008 11:53 pm

Quite frankly, no one preaches much to me. Maybe it's because I'll tell them to eat their rabbit food and put a cork in it. You know, simple. Do you like what you're eating? Good! Enjoy!, and shut the f#@$ up. But I'll live longer! Fine, and you can spend those extra years being a miserable cuss to someone else as you try to impose your chosen habits on them. It is fair game and well taken for someone to inform me of consequences of habits that they have discovered. The babble ends there.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Apr 18, 2008 03:57 pm

Ha ha, and into the ring steps coolo...

Now normally, I do as db stated (do what you do and let everyone else do what they do), but for some reason, something in this thread brought out my ire and I gotta talk on it!

Background: I am a strict vegetarian and have been so for 12.5 years.

My argument: For MOST people, if you eat meat, you are being selfish and short sighted (either that or you are ignorant of certain facts and don't realize the effects of what you're doing). But it's like this. It is extremely inefficient to produce meat compared to grains and produce. It takes way more energy and uses up a lot of potential food supply. Cows also release a large amount of methane gas into the environment and are a huge greeen house gas polluter. Additionally, manure runoff ends up in streams and rivers completely mucking up the ecosystems of our waterways (plants suck up the nitrates and grow too much and use up all the oxygen in the water and suffocate the fishes...etc.). I won't even talk about hormones and antibiotics and personal health. That's on you and I could give a **** what you do with your body. But by buying into eating all the meat, you participate in using up scarce resources and particpate in adding pollution to the planet. Therefore in my mind most meat eaters are selfish and short sighted.

That's where I stand. Feel free to dislike me and my stance and please, it would make it more entertaining if you got defensive and responded emotionally.

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 18, 2008 05:30 pm


Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 18, 2008 06:10 pm

But really, I've heard the arguments from both sides. All glibness and personal tastes aside, let's deal with the facts.

People who complacently enjoy, or overindulge in, potentially unhealthy items such as meat (or food in general), alcohol, gasoline, guns, etc. will only change their attitudes about using them when confronted about the choice in a way that affects them personally.

Are you with me so far?

The media, the President, the church, and even your grandparents - remember them? - will not convince anybody to drop the things that they enjoy or are accustomed to. It takes a personal kick in the ***.

And it ain't never gonna happen from something read in an Internet thread. Carpal tunnel from typing opinions that no one cares about can hurt you too.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 18, 2008 06:22 pm

Yeah, and over cultuvation of farmland saps the soil of nutrients, leaving it barren, presticides poisoning our water supply...yada yada yada...there are good and bad to everything...meat eating is not overly harmful to anything any more than alternatives...

That said, I am grilling up some steak tonight and enjoying, it's not unhealthy unless it's your complete diet...there are good sides to eating meat as well from a health perspective.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Apr 18, 2008 06:46 pm

Holly Crap! One great debate after another. Long winter? General under-employement?, election year contact high?

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 18, 2008 07:15 pm

Walt, mostly I'm taking it all in. Like you said earlier, it might make a great sitcom.

Hmmm.. let me check my contact list. Maybe Jerry Van Dyke's still in there. He would play me, of course.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 18, 2008 10:21 pm

Having grown up on a farm I always enjoyed listening to city kids tell me how farms should work...

# pigs are clean!

No... feral pigs spread the smallpox that killed the indians...

# Cows are like dogs, trainable and nice...

No, I had a cow push over a tractor and a rodeo refused to buy it because it was too aggressive. ...and I've been bit by dogs three times...

# What'd you grow on your farm?
# What?

# I started a new diet! It's all protein!

Never heard of protein poisoning then eh? starts with 'the pointy bits' of your body feeling like they are on fire...fingers...toes... and that too...

# I have pinkeye, don't worry it's not contagious.

1. Mulch flowerbeds over the week end?... 2. Get the **** away from me!

# Glue from animals is wrong!

I have a dead horse, does the trash take it? No?... got an excavator?

# Chickens are smart!

...when it rains... they will look up and drown...

# We need to close this old industrial farm! It smells like **** in our brand new subdivision!

Wait until next week when your mulch dries... then the smell will go away...

etc....and it goes on... and on...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 18, 2008 10:32 pm

# You can always trust a photographer!

String bender
Since: Unknown

Apr 18, 2008 11:36 pm

Now thats a great principal! Actually, where I went to high school the principal was a big hunter too. Opening day of hunting seasons were always excusable absences. We have a huge PETA headquarters here in Norfolk,VA and a local rock station used to have an annual "PETA fishing tournament" in the river out in front of their offices. They still hold a fishing tournament but the lawyers got to them and they are no longer aloud to use the PETA name when promoting it anymore.

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