question for battery 3

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Mikey Spencer
Member Since: Apr 26, 2007

so im using battery 3 on my electric drum set and everythings working great except one thing i can't figure out how to do. CLOSE THE HI HAT! i have my open, closed, and foot pedal hi hat setting but how do i make it to where the open hi hat stops/closes when i push down the pedal?

also, anyone know of any good ways to get the triggers im not hitting to stop accidentaly going off? im using a yamaha dtxplorer

thank you

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I am not a crook's head
Since: Mar 14, 2003

Jan 15, 2008 05:18 pm

I've never used Battery but in most sequencers there is an option for each sample/channel where you can specify what all other samples/channels will be stopped if this sample is triggered. Basically a way to keep 2 sounds from sounding at the same time like an open hihat and a closed hihat. Or a snare hit and a snare roll

Say you have an open hit on channel 1 (hitting the hihat when its open), closed hit on channel 2 (hitting the hihat when its closed) and pedal hit (stepping on the pedal) on channel 3. There should be a way to say that channels 2 and 3 "cut" channel 1. Meaning that any time you trigger channels 2 or 3, channel 3 immediately stops playing.

In Fruity Loops, for instance, on each channel there's a "cuts" box where I can specify a channel to be cut any time this channel is triggered.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 15, 2008 09:28 pm

Tadpui has the hi hat thing down.

As for the triggers sending false trigger data. You need to adjust the sensitivity in the brain of the kit. In other words the original drum synth that your triggers are plugged into should have a menu option for adjusting the trigger sensitivity of each trigger to prevent false hits.

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