Monitering Probs

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Member Since: Mar 05, 2003

Hey guys, long time since i last posted. I'm running a audiophile 2496 connected to a behringer eurotrack ub802 mixer with the main outs connected to my tascam vl-s21 and my tape in/outs to my audiophile. my problem lies in the monitering of my guitar when i try to record. it seem that i cant listen to my guitar without it coming through the main speakers at all times. this is quit annoying for those late night recording sessions with my other dorm-mates. ive tried a bunch of things but nothing makes it so i can only moniter with my headphones. help guys!

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Ultra Magnus
Since: Nov 13, 2004

Sep 23, 2005 02:23 am

Sorry if this seems like a dumb reply, but can't you just turn the monitor amp down and monitor through headphones via the mixer?

Since: Mar 05, 2003

Sep 24, 2005 02:06 am

yeh i know that would seem like the obvious thing but it doesnt work for some reason? thats my main problem

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Sep 24, 2005 02:10 am

give a more specific description of how you are hooking up your monitors to your tascam or your behringer.

jimmie neutron
Since: Feb 14, 2005

Sep 24, 2005 07:20 am

That's a little mixer with the push-button for the Send To Tape & Send To Mix, right? And that's how you're controlling your "Send" to the interface?

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Sep 24, 2005 03:05 pm

ah...for some reason i read "tascam" and thought that it was a recording device, not your monitor setup.

connect your "CTRL ROOM" outputs to your tascams. then connect the audiophile's outputs to the "TAPE IN" inputs. keep the "TAPE OUTs" going to your audiophile's inputs.

now if you want to hear the playback from your computer, press the "TAPE TO CTRL ROOM" button. if you want to hear your guitar only (or whatever signal is going from your mixer to your computer), then make sure neither "TAPE TO" button is pushed down. with this setup, never push down the "TAPE TO MIX" button, or you will get some wicked feedback that could do some damage to your speakers or sound card.

now the "PHONES/CTRL ROOM" knob controls the volume that goes to your tascams as well as any headphones you have plugged in.

now get used to using the "M-Audio Control Panel" since there is a mixer in there. it may not play back the guitar as you have it set up now, but if the "Patchbay/Router" tab's "H/W Out 1/2" is set to "Monitor Mixer", then the mix that is set up in the "Monitor Mixer" tab is what is going back to your mixer. so if you can hear your instrument in your room just fine, then you can bring the "H/W In 1/2" tab down a lot, or mute it entirely. But if you are doing something like direct bass or keyboards or something, then you can bring the H/W In 1/2 faders up and down to get a good mix with the playback ("WavOut 1/2").

Sound good?

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Sep 24, 2005 03:20 pm

Oh yeah, having that hookup with the "TAPE TO CTRL ROOM" makes it so that you can shut off your speakers and use your headphones, but make sure you turn the M-Audio Control Panel's Patchbay/Router to Monitor Mixer.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Sep 24, 2005 04:01 pm

where ya been Minkus? I don't recall seeing you around for a while until the last day or two, good havin ya back.

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Sep 24, 2005 05:07 pm

hi dB, thanks! fortune stepped in recently, moved out on my own, working a crazy job, school, got a studio for my personal project, about to start demoing. i'll drop a thread when the demos are finished, just want to throw some love back at HRC as thanks for helping me learn the craft. hope things are well with you! i'll go update my profile now so you can see the gear i've been collecting...e-mail or IM me if you'd like.


Since: Apr 03, 2002

Sep 24, 2005 05:14 pm

Excellent, glad to hear things are going well.

Wow, quite the list of gear...

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Sep 24, 2005 05:24 pm

actually just finished updating it now. thanks!

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Sep 24, 2005 06:29 pm

Nice to see ya Minkus. I've been away for a few months as well.

Nice to hear things are moving along for ya.

Since: Mar 05, 2003

Sep 25, 2005 01:46 am

it almost looks like i have to turn off my moniters if i dont want to hear them which kinda sucks but oh well

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Sep 25, 2005 03:55 am

you could get a stereo volume control or a stereo volume pedal. but otherwise, yeah. that's the price of not having a lot of expensive gear to route your signals.

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