Ok, Here is Tell Me a Lie-FINISHED!!!

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Member Since: Jul 25, 2004

Thanks to all that commented and gave me assistance. I worked out the Piano on the break. Uped it's volums some and EQ'd it some. Also used the new surround plugin in Sonar :-) The part now bounces between right and left. Kind of subtle but fun.

As I am about to call this song finished, please let me know if there is anything really needing attention.

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Since: Jul 02, 2003

Apr 18, 2005 03:36 am

I need to listen on my speakers tomorrow to be sure, but I think overall I liked the first mix better. You lost some of the warmth in this mix mainly on the guitar and it sounds like you panned the guitar farther right which to me is making the mix a little right heavy. I think the piano part could still come up a bit more, but it sounds much clearer now.

This mix really sounds good though, particularly I think the vocal sounds clearer/cleaner on this mix.

So to sum up my thoughts pan the guitar a little more toward center just enough it has some presence on the left, bring the piano in the break up a touch more (I think EQ is fine on it now),and I think it will be perfect at least to my ears. :)

And let me know when your CD goes on sale! :)


Lost for words with all to say.
Since: Sep 12, 2003

Apr 18, 2005 08:58 am

I like the song! I was happy to hear the harmony, I just knew the song needed to have it and it did! Oh yeah *note*, I'm listening on my dinky laptop. I think the kick could come up. Then again, dinky speakers. Overall, I like it!

A small pie will soon be eaten
Since: Aug 26, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 10:45 am

Mate, you know I love this song!

The piano I can now barely hear but I’m not even sure it needs to be there.

Are you recording the acoustic, line in?

The harmonies, as before, are awesome.

I'd bring the bass up.


Brilliant song!

Since: Sep 08, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 11:08 am

I agree with olddog, a little guitar on the left side would be good idea. Maybe just a hint of it (the reverb of it or echo,) just some kind of presence) The piano needs to come up in volume also or maybe just a narrower eq (it sounds spread out to me). Anyway, great song. Love the harmonies and the vocal lines just stick in my head!!!

Controlled Chaos

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 11:21 am

excellent tune and mix!!! i didn't hafta change my volume from "normal" listening levels up at all! i hafta agree the guitar is right heavy and is making my right ear go numb (or something to that effect)....other ideas to balance things more....pan the vocals slightly right, AND bring in the guitars closer to center.....or ya can pan backup vox left and automate the guitars to go center when there's no singin....but yeah i'd be tempted to put a tad longer reverb on the snare (or compress the reverb only, if you can)

i think the piano is PERFECT right where it is now, ya catch it, if you're payin' attention" and it's one of those things that most will overlook, until they know it well enough....which i think is cool

oh just another idea, the drums seem to be leaning to the right, if you move the guitar to the left side and 'in' a bit closer, the backup vox can be off to the right a bit...hmmmm whatever..

i likes it alot---aL-ot, ahh-lought, aey-loot, aloe-tihh.


Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 11:23 am

general crituique "quasi-rule"

if you hear alotta the same things, fix it

if you everyone tells ya something 'new', you can pretty much ignore it.


A small pie will soon be eaten
Since: Aug 26, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 11:34 am

Bring the Piano up

Since: Jul 25, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 11:35 am

LOL. Thanks WYD. After a night to sleep on it, I agree about the balance. I will do another pass at it tonight. :-)
Love feedback for this kind of thing. My ears get too used to something after awhile and they stop being critical.
I will also take a look at the acoustic Guitars. Not sure what happened.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 18, 2005 11:38 am

if you everyone tells ya something 'new', you can pretty much ignore it.

Well, I entirely and completely disagree with that...

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 11:48 am

ya know, now that i think about that, i think i was sayin' that in the context of average listeners critiques, and not peers....

does kinda sound silly i know first hand (you guys) the critiques are alot more in depth than "i can't understand what he's saying"


thanks for makin' me think db


Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 18, 2005 11:50 am

The first mistake anyone can make in any area of life is "ignoring" any advice based on anything other than the single person giving the advice proving themself a moron previously.

At least thats how I see it.

But, then, I am a moron, so what the hell do I know.

A small pie will soon be eaten
Since: Aug 26, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 11:52 am


Back yourself WYD!

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 12:26 pm

well, in mixing i'll say that's just why it's a "quasi-rule" it gets broken more often then regular rules.

Since: Jul 25, 2004

Apr 18, 2005 12:34 pm

I think you statement has validity WYD. While ignoring a comment may not be wise I believe it is more of a weighted response. ...Hmm everyone thinks I should balance the guitars... That carries plenty of weight. If one person thinks that the crack of the snare is off, then I will listen again for it, but I won't go to mix thinking "I have to change the snare"

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 18, 2005 10:24 pm

Here is a thought. I notice the strings which play well with the guitar track may also be leaning a bit to the right. One thing I would try if I were mixing this one. Lean the strings just a tiny bit further left, to help balance out the guitar part. I like the guitar were it sits in the space myself, but indeed it may be the strings that are making the mix seem heavy on the right.

If indeed you were to try a bit of delay on the guitar track this is the suggestion I would make. Use a simple tempo delay. No more then 15 to 20 ms of delay. The delayed echo must be panned about 20% or so left. You might try and experiment with the postion. And it must only be one short delayed repeat on the left side. Otherwise it may blur the next chord.

I agree with vocals being clearer in this mix as well. They sit very well now. I like the drums as they are because they sit well and dont ditract from the mix. I can hear the kick plainly here. It is soft but it is present for sure.

AS for the piano thing. That is one of the mystery type things. I find it interesting that certain instruments in a mix may not be very present when listening quietly, or on a certain system. But when the volume comes up, magically there is something the listener didnt hear before. Or they pop it in the car instead of the boombox and viola, there is this piano thing I didnt hear before. Some people find those things interesting, and it will also make them listen harder to other songs on a CD, seeing what else they might have missed the first go round.

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