A letter from Geoffrey

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Czar of Midi
Administrator Since: Apr 04, 2002

For those of you who know Geoff Fraser, a long time member of HRC. He is once again over in the land of sand. He has been stationed at Balad AFB in Iraq, not sure how long his stay is this time but I will keep ya posted as he cant log on to HRC from there.

Anyway, we email back and forth while he is stationed abroad and I thought it would be kool to share some of the things he hears and see's.

He is at a much higher risk base then he was stationed at last time, as he refers to it as "more boom". He did bring his laptop and I assume we will hear some new tunes when he gets home.

I just got todays email and he did say I could post it so I'm gonna do so now.

He has told me some stories of lame government peeps before but this one tops it all. I will let you guys be the judge. I personally am freakin appauled by this, but thats just my opinion.

Here is the email in its entirety, short and sweet.

Hay Paul,

You won’t believe this crap, (you can put this up at HRC) A few months ago an atrocity happened here at Balad AB Iraq. There were 3 US senators (whom are High on the armed forces Distinguish Visitor scale) Traveling back to the states from a “dog and pony show” .They were manifested on a C-17 (large cargo and passenger plane, has over 60 seats) with Marine and Army Shoulders going (most of which had been here over a year). The Senators demanded that they fly alone and adamantly expressed that they did not want to travel with the “grunts” going home. I’m in a hurry typing I have planes on the ground and the tower calling so forgive the grammar and other **** but you get the idea . The senators got there way and pissed a lot of people off. Another “lets **** the little guy!

If any of ya feel like just given him a shout I am sure he will appreciate it as it sucks over there and hearing from friends make those guys days.

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Since: Jul 02, 2003

Jan 11, 2005 11:20 pm

Man that sucks! Too bad stuff like that can't get out in the open without people getting in trouble. Man I could fill this post with the little censored guy over stuff like this. :(


Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Jan 11, 2005 11:26 pm

city of the rich, city of the poor, eternally at war with each other.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Jan 12, 2005 12:20 am

Our elected representatives who consistantly bring shame upon the people they represent with their actions. I for one would be honored to share a ride with the troops. Those senitors however can kiss my (once is enough for a day easy to catch the meaning). I don't care what their precieved status is. They are scum.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 12, 2005 12:34 am

For them to refer to the soldiers who are fighting for the crap they started as "grunts", and to not want to fly home with those guys is the most appauling thing I have heard. I sent my father a copy of Geoffs email and when he sees it he is going to go ballistic. He is one of those guys who will write a ten page letter if he is pissed off enough. He also has a list of friends in high places a mile long. And I actually never realized it till this holiday season when he gave me everything he has written in the past 30 some years, including hand written replies.

But Walt, I like your referance to them, scum indeed.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Jan 12, 2005 11:25 am

I have always felt close to the millitary. In retrospect I probably could have made a great career out of it. When there was a job to do, we got it done. My niece lost her dad when she was vary young, and I became somewhat of a father to her at a very young age. She is now a battalian commander. Maybe that influenced her, who knows. Her dedication to preparing troops for combat far supperceeds that of any managerial counterpart I have ever witnessed in the civilian world. She and many others like her accomplish more in a month than our senitors accomplish in there time in office. I listened as they lied to me during Viet Nam, I watched as they wasted my tax dollars on Monica, I watch the scandals roll by, I watch them sing songs on the white house steps as New York crumbles, I watched as they stole my money for their retirement as social security is far beneath their self proclaimed status. They can't share a ride back home with the people that kept them from being beheaded while visiting.

I ask myself; Why do I need these scum?

Since: Nov 28, 2004

Jan 12, 2005 01:47 pm

I can't believe the ignorance by these *** edited ***
US goverment calling there own troops "grunts"
these people are fighting for THERE country show some muthafriggin respect damn Im not even american and this has got my all worked up friggin people you know?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 12, 2005 02:27 pm

that is a disgusting story. nice appreciation there...jeezuz...

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 12, 2005 10:27 pm

Thanx guys, I didnt sleep much last night worrying about maybe I should not have posted the letter. But he did say to go for it. But I shoulda been good with it, as I know most or all of us here appreciate the dudes over in Iraq doing what they do for us, and the world I suppose.

Walt, I am seeing some simalarity to the way guys were treated coming home from Vietnam. My father said it was a completely differant world when he came home from Korea, parades, people really wanted to know that you were OK and all. And were proud to be seated next to a soldier.

What the hell has happened to this country???

Since: Mar 31, 2003

Jan 13, 2005 12:53 am

My father served two tours in 'Nam, was wounded, Purple Heart and all. Comes home to a country of people who spit on his uniform and a government of jack(edit)s who try to sweep the whole thing under the carpet. He threw all of his medals away, which is a shame because he really earned every one of them, and in a way that I am fortunate enough to never have experienced. Now, he cant even get adequate health coverage and as sick as he is, has to make frequent trips from Louisiana to Texas in order to wait countless hours for someone to tell him he isnt really as sick as he is. Our tax dollars at work, by these same (edit) that wont even hitch a ride home with those folks who keep their (edit) safe abroad. To hell with them all.

Since: Jul 10, 2004

Jan 13, 2005 01:37 am

I wish he would name these 3 scumators Noise.

Lost for words with all to say.
Since: Sep 12, 2003

Jan 13, 2005 07:07 am

I think they should be named too, it's sickening to hear that. If they are named, we might want to take Geoff's name off of here!


Jan 13, 2005 09:00 am

this is just horrible, but it doesnt surprise me one bit, our gov. is mostly scumbag losers with a self serving agenda!!!

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 13, 2005 10:57 pm

Actually if they were named I would make this thread dissappear and start a brand new one.

But that said, I am guessing that kind of info would easily be tracable as to exactly were it came from and punishment I am sure would be pretty big. But maybe not, for exposing the jerks for what they are.

I'm Your Huckleberry!!!
Since: Dec 04, 2004

Jan 14, 2005 12:42 am

Shows the hypocrocy of those in our govenment..Makes me so angry as you know he's not the only punk like that..What makes me even more angry is we keep on voting these clowns in. Like the rest of you, it is killing me not to know who this creep is but I don't want our friend in trouble either, seems like were in a catch 22:(..Hope he get's home soon and safe!!!!

Since: Jul 10, 2004

Jan 14, 2005 01:36 am

Noise, so which 3 senators do you think would most likely buy Mogami cable if they had a studio. This is kind of off topic. You could start a new thread. Delete my post because it's off topic. :)

Lost for words with all to say.
Since: Sep 12, 2003

Jan 14, 2005 07:02 am

I was wondering the same thing Recording Chick......maybe we should start a new topic?

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Jan 14, 2005 07:24 am

Well, thats just typical of politics and the sole reason why I wrote Wasted Land. The song is all aboot that kind of bullshit that happens all the time regardless of country or political party. In fact, I could apply it to so many damn situations its not funny - I just wish I'd sung it a little better ;-)

Seriously, I have so many people telling me I cant say anything as I CHOOSE not to vote a lot of the time. I reply: "WHATS THE POINT IN VOTING WHEN THEY ARE ALL EQUAL - THEY ARE ALL CONNING, TWISTED, CHEATING BASTARDS"! So, thats my take.

I HATE politics, but I hate politicans even more (in the main). There is very few who deserve ANY respect and I for one, have no time for this kinda bullshit reported in this letter. Abuse of power and they should be blootered for it...by the folks they choose to insult.

I suspect a senator equivelant here is an MP (Member of Parliament) and I can tell ya, these getts are just as bad.

They are bastards the world over.

Apologies for the rant and the language...rant over.



I'm Your Huckleberry!!!
Since: Dec 04, 2004

Jan 14, 2005 01:34 pm

I agree coco, you said how I feel as it is true the Governments are corrupt, the Governments start wars. I remember back in the 60's we had duck and cover drills at school because Russia was supposed to bomb us, and we were told Russia was evil, well I was married to a Russian girl and met many Russians and have been to places internationally and found out the people of all these countries are the same, we want to live in peace and raise our families the best we can, if the Governments would get there Sh$T together there wouldnt be as much wars and Sh$t, in this very forum we have people from many nations and we get along fine..It just don't make any sense to me and I for one am very frustrated and pissed that we losing awesome people because of corrupt Governments,, I think those ba$tard$ should go a fight it out and leave us out of it ue

Since: Jul 10, 2004

Jan 14, 2005 04:26 pm

If I were the soldiers, I would complain about having to ride home with these 3 asses. These weasels are'nt fit to lick a marines boots.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 14, 2005 09:14 pm

Well no one road home with them. They apparently got the whole plane to themselves as the didnt want the soldiers who just finished their tour of duty over there and were looking forward to getting on that plane and going home didnt get to get on that plane. They were apparently forced to wait.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Jan 15, 2005 12:46 am


I don't know what happened to this country. In whole it personifies narcistic, without principal... I need to be cautious. I could writh things I may later regret out of frustration. Yes, I too was gretted with distain upon return. I didn't even go to Viet Nam, I simply served in that time period. But obviously that is not the point. I do think most people do have a better handle on what it is for the troops. Regardless of our Government's decision, when the troop hits the ground there are no choices of whether to 'play' or no. I think people are starting to understand how not to project a few peoples actions on the troops. Obviously I am greatfull for that.

Interesting article I came across the other day. The postulate was that we have an entire generation with 'perfect' self esteem. Here's the oxy moran. Per Webster's defination of self esteem this generation is self validated in their actions with no regard to the social aspect of their being. I can quite there. The ramifications are horrific.

SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Jan 27, 2005 11:30 pm

Wow , thanks guys . I wasn't sure how this was going to go. It's good to be able to check HRC again (i made a deal with some COM folks) . It's election time and boy is it fun . I can't depict a whole lot due to the fact that big brother seems to be watching all the time . But we're here and alive.

SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Jan 30, 2005 04:39 pm

Hay db due to a few odd e mails i've recived latly ,could you take my Government E-mail out of this thread.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 30, 2005 05:20 pm

Yep, I pulled it out, I didn't think it was a good idea to put it there in the first place, nor a good idea to put an entire email where you are trashing the gov't, therefore I will also pull your name from the thread.

Also, thanks for your continued service to this greatest nation on God's green earth.

SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Jan 30, 2005 05:45 pm

thanks, I don't mind people using my personal e-mail through yahoo. It's not a selfish thing but more of a security issue . Thank YOU(and everyone else here) for your support .

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