Mixer and compressor, monitoring and connection problems?

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Member Since: Dec 29, 2004


First let me start off by saying I'm fairly new to multitrack/digital recording.

Previously, I was using my Behringer MX2004A mixer to record into my computer, like so: I had the main outputs of the mixer going directly into the soundcard, and the soundcard outs going into the "2-Track ins" of my mixer. That way, I could switch between monitoring the main mix, going into the mixer, and the mix coming out, by engaging/disengaging the "2-Track" switch.

Now however, I've added a compressor. I have it set up as follows: I have the main outs of the mixer going into the L/R channel ins of the compressor, respectively. I have cables going from the L/R channel outs of the compressor into the soundcard. I still have the outs of the soundcard going into the "2 track ins" of the mixer.

I seem to have a problem however. No matter if I'm monitoring the main mix, or the two track return mix, I cannot hear the effects of my compressor as I use it. I turn the knobs, adjust the threshold, change the output gain, whatever, and I cannot hear the effects of my compressor settings. It's like it's not being monitored. I can SEE the effects of the compressor however, on the soundcard's software monitor/mixer.

Basically, I want to be able to monitor the effects of my compression settings on the fly, and ideally hear how they sound when applied to the mix as it comes back to the board from the soundcard outs. Is this possible?

There's another problem. My mixer seems to ONLY have inserts for the individual channels, and there doesn't seem to be an insert for the master channel. I know that the ideal way to use a compressor is to connect it to channel inserts. The problem is that I want to compress the ENTIRE mix. The mixer has an "Alt 3/4 output" and fader, as well as stereo aux sends and returns, but I have read that aux sends are NOT good for compressors.

I hope I have been concise enough and my dilema is clear and I haven't been too confusing. LOL :oP

Can anyone give me any suggestions, or tell me how I can hook this up to achieve the desired end? Because at this point I'm pretty stuck! Thanks!


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I am not a crook's head
Since: Mar 14, 2003

Dec 29, 2004 05:35 pm

I think that you might be able to use one of the aux send/returns as long as you make sure that you're using 100% wet signal. If any dry signal is mixed in, then it defeats the compression by allowing dynamic peaks through that would have been compressed.

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Dec 31, 2004 12:13 pm

Prolly not much help but, the technique of compressing the aux track, and mixing it with the uncompressed signal is called "exciting", basically you get the best of both, and works nicely on a master bus.



Since: Jul 10, 2004

Dec 31, 2004 01:43 pm

The fact that you make adjustments and can't hear any difference suggests the compressor might be in bypass mode. Is there a bypass switch? Try to monitor just the sound being recorded to your puter directly not back through your mixer.

Given that there are no inserts on your main outs, the way your doing it would be the preferred method.


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