Live sound...

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Member Since: Apr 26, 2002

I'm doing sound for a school play... ick... it's a mess. We have 2 mics hanging on either side of the stage about 2 feet above head level. They used to be on stands on the floor in front of the stage but we hung them because of floor noise. We're still having problems of them picking up people walking more than anything else... can somebody please explain why? And how would this be fixed or at least helped?

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Cone Poker
Since: Apr 07, 2002

Nov 07, 2002 01:03 am

Stages are noisy... that's the first issue. if you're going to mic a stage you're going to get a little bit of noise from it. I also imagine that the stage is hollow... that can't help. What I would do is first, assuming that the mics are going into a mixer and then out to the amp and speakers, play around with the EQ of both mics and see if you can't get teh noise down like that, and then I'd play with positioning. One thing you need to look at when choosing mics for this type of thing is there pickup pattern, meaning in what shape the mics are going to pick up. You have mics like a cardoid mic which reall is any mic with a heart shaped polar pattern. These mics are most sensative to sounds which are coming from the front. Sounds which arrive from 90 degrees to the side are 6 decibels less sensitve than to the front, and theoretically, it's completley unsensitive to any sound coming from the rear.
an important attribute to a cardoid mic is the fact that it can discriminate between direct adn reverberated sounds which come from all directions at random.
A figure 8 mic has a pattern like a figure 8... easy heh. bi-Directional elements are most sensitive to sounds coming from the reont or read *or left or right* of the mic and it rejects sounds coming from the other two sides.

Does that help at all?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 07, 2002 05:36 am

though probably not possible your best bet is wireless lapel mics...that and getting a crew in to fix your stage floor...ya know it's so easy for schools to get funding these days ;-)

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