My Latest Song - Ready For Input.....

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Member Since: Jan 12, 2004

Hi Folks

Here is my brand new song I've been working on for about 10 years!! It's called "Without You (The Words)". Still a work in progress with the bass needing lowered methinks and the vox to be re-recorded properly!

Aye, although its the latest one I've recorded its another one from my catalouge of self penned tunes.

Mostly accoustic number with a strong drum beat and bass line. Sounds nothing like any of my other stuff so all feedback is much appreciated. In fact - it must be the first upbeat song I've ever recorded with no electric guitars!!

** Vocals are a scratch track. If you listen - you will hear the "deliberate" ahem boo boo! Couple of fixes are needed to the vox and I will be re-recording the same vox but this is for demo purposes **

All feedback and input is very welcome...

Here's the link:

Cheers HRC


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Since: Jul 02, 2003

Jul 25, 2004 07:43 pm

Sounds good there Coco! Nice keyboard work. Bass sounds fine to me, if not a little low in the mix. The acoustic lead could sit a bit lower in the mix, but might just be my headphones :) I like the step up in the last verse, good vocal range there. :)


Since: May 09, 2004

Jul 25, 2004 07:48 pm

That's pretty cool, coco. I like the texture that the piano and the acoustic creates. The acoustic solo is very melodic and fits very well. I thought it was very clever the way you used the end of the solo to modulate to another key.

Nice job!

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Jul 25, 2004 08:02 pm

Cheers guys..

Aye. This was a tricky one for me - the key jump threw my last vocal line off towards the end of the last verse - the high peak I didnt quite reach as I would have liked but I plan to re-record the vox anyway...still it's really clever when you write songs that are difficult for YOU to sing :-)!! Its a challenge I suppose.. (and I like making it difficult for maslef :-)

Olddog - aye - the bass you are right. It was pumpin so I cut it a little, and think I cut it too much. Will sort and ta for confirming that - just what I needed.

Cheers for that Mike - I apprecuate your words too. I know your a guitarist yourself which makes the comments on my solo all the more relevant so thanks very much.

Cheers guys...


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Jul 26, 2004 11:52 am

Also - this is the first "proper" song with full band ie. drums, bass etc - that I did NOT double track the vox.

Does anyone (preferably someone who listened to something else I done) think it sounds better/worse or indifferent with single trackd vox??

I know there a couple of errors and aye, forgot a couple of words but I am re-recording the vox anyway. Just for general info and double tracked vox.

Cheers guys


sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Jul 26, 2004 02:55 pm

dagnabbit, dagnabbit all to heck - coco, I just posted a LONG (and quite favorable) review with a suggestion regarding another acoustic track in the rythymn section of this song, and the sucker got lost when I posted it because the site logged me out. I gotta run, but I will return to this forum later and try to duplicate it.

Great song!!

(I really should clear out my dang cookies... I think I brought this on meself...)

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jul 26, 2004 03:03 pm

I can't find any missing threads in the database.

This problem HAS to be user side. It happens to only specific people...if it was web site side, it would be everybody...I don't know what would cause it, but it looks like my catch half worked, cuz nothing got posted...

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Jul 26, 2004 03:59 pm

Cheers Tincan...

I will look forward to your comments again! RE: more acoustics...could be an idea but I had trouble fitting just 1 and a damned "piano" (MIDI'd then fixed job!).

Aye - tis fun these problems..yi never know what you will come across!

Cheers buddy.


sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Jul 27, 2004 08:41 am

Ok, long story short here...

Loved the song. Some of your best stuff. I enjoyed it and thought that it would play on the radio well.

It sounds a bit sterile to me because it is sooooo clean and clear. Right away when I heard the song, I kept "hearing" an idea for an additional ac. guitar rythmn track.

Listen to the beats that the bass drum is playing on. I think it would sound phenomonal if you were to play a fast, bar- or open-chord style ac. guitar on those beats, playing the chords that the piano is arpeggiating. (not unlike the Cure on that song called "Inbetween Days" - this one: )

If you want to hear a brief example of what I'm talking about, let me know, I can whip up a quick sound bite. I hope I'm not being too presumptuous with this suggestion, it's just that each time I hear the song, I was hearing that other track too.

Anyhow, regardless, it's a great song coco! Nice job.

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Jul 27, 2004 09:02 am

Hey Tincan

Thanks for takin the time buddy. Appreciate your comments. Your idea is good too and there is no way I reckon yer presumptuous.

In fact, if ya fancy knockin together what you are on about that would be so much appreciated - if ya have the time. The chords are E, B, C#m, A, B - thats it! You'll get the progression no bother from those. The step up bit is just to F# and follow the same progression.

If you fancy takin a shot at the track then that would be fine. If you dont have the time then a guide would also be cool. I was gonny throw this to ya's but I didnt know how well received it'd be - so aye - up to you buddy. Either a sound bite or the track. Full credit to ya for the idea Tincan.

Cheers very much


sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Jul 27, 2004 09:29 am

I am totally up for this! Thanks for the tag. As soon as I get olddog's project done (should be soon, drums are coming along great) I will take a stab at it. I have a really good feeling about this.
I look forward to working with ya... :)

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Jul 27, 2004 09:38 am

Nice on Tincan! I really canny wait to get this one on so when your done with the drums for Old Dog we'll get this going.

Thanks VERY much for your help with this buddy - mucho appreciated.



P.S. If you need anything else shout up, tracks with, without anything - again - thanks.

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Jul 27, 2004 09:53 am

Hey, I may tag you for some future keyboard work... The piano sounds great, whereas I find 7 thumbs and 3 big toes sprouting from my hamfisted knuckles everytime I sit down at a keyboard... It's not easy being green...


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Jul 27, 2004 04:08 pm

No problemo buddy..

Remember...the future's bright - the future's green and white (I know you aint got white in yer wee pic but my fitba team does and thats their slogan :-)..

No bother if ya need a hand with owt - it would be a pleasure to help wherever I Can.

I appreciate your help on this one green buddy!


sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 02, 2004 06:38 am

Would you mind enabling download for me? Thanks. Or just email it to [email protected]

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 02, 2004 06:52 am

Hey...good morning to ya Tincan!

Man, yer up early today by your times!

Anyways, I'll enable just now. I keep doin that by default - I should just make it all downloadable but alas, I forget.

I'll do it now buddy.



Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 02, 2004 06:56 am

There yi go Tincan...

And Thanks a million for yer kind offer of help on this one.


Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 03, 2004 08:57 am

OK, third attempt to reply to this...
After pressing SUBMIT i've been chucked out the previous two times...

If this works i'll try remember what i wrote (it was long!)

Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 03, 2004 09:01 am

Ok, that worked.

Good song coco! Nice and upbeat. Cant wait to hear it with the reworked bits, especially the reworked vocals.

The acoustic solo is great...i love it. It's simple, which is what i love about it. I'ma "less is more" man. And it comes in just when you think the song might finish. Key change too... woah, ambitious!!! :)

One thing that struck me personally, is that the kick drum pattern sounds like a typewriter. MY feeling would be to cut it down from 4 hits to 3 and that would change that...its the 3 quick hits that make it sound typewritery to me.

Another idea i had while listening... the first time you sing the chorus, you could cut the instruments out the second time you sing "life is just so empty without you", bringing them back in bang on the "you". Just an idea to add to the dynamics of the song...

Cool song coco!

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 03, 2004 12:47 pm


That is a stonkingly good idea and if I am honest I am just too darned lazy to have tried/thought of it before!!

But now you mention it - it is a darn good idea. I think I will need to ammend the drums to do a fill when it comes in but that could be JUST the dynamic it needs... It will be tried for sure.

Aye - vox need re-done. I will redo as soon as the wife lets soon as I get time :-) . Nah seriously - I hope to have another vocal cut done by the weekend so I will DEFO try yer wee idea.

Tincan is helping me oot with another geetar so it should be pretty cool when its done and I remember the words to the song .. ahem ..write a song and forget the darned words!! EJIT I am!

Thanks for taking the time to listen and yer comments are very much appreciated.

I will try that idea...


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 03, 2004 08:47 pm

Here's take 2!

New vox when I actually REMEMBERED the words to my own song (quite an achievement!!). Some more grit in the voice - I'm hoping with lots, lots and lots of singing I will gain that grit that folk like Rod Stewart, Steve Tyler and others have naturally! It come thru towards the end but alas, I need it "all the time"!! Still - its an art we must perfect!!

All feedback and input is very, very welcome.

Cheers guys


Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Aug 03, 2004 09:53 pm


First of all, great song! The melody and chord progressions are awesome! Your voice sounds strong and tuneful. There's a lot of energy in this recording. I have listened to it several times, and it gets better with each listening.

If you want a little constructive criticism, I would second what neuaddsibly mentioned about the kick drum. A straight "boom-chick-boom-boom chick" might be tighter than the "boom-chick-ch-boom-boom-chick" that you used. (Does what I just wrote even make sense to anybody?) That, however, is just a minor matter of preference!

You nailed the key-change on the nuts, and the acoustic solo is "spot on" and pleasing.

I can't wait to hear your next new song!


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 04, 2004 06:29 am

Cheers JIm...

I appreciate your comments and taking the time to listen.

Nope - you are totally right with the drums.

Funny wee story there actually - I programmed those drums using Cubase then routed them via my Zoom machine.

However, when I copied a part of the loop, I copied an extra wee bit of the bass drum so thats why its a tad off I thinks! If you listen to the first bit, you will hear the bass drum is slightly different as it goes on through the song (Changes start of second verse I think)..sloppy work by me I am guilty! But, yer right as is neuaddsibly, I need to fix that.

Joy of having MIDI drums via the machine - easyish to fix! Twil be fixed asap...will also experiment with a break at the end of the chorus with just vox.

Thanks guys...appreciate your time and comments.


Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 05, 2004 05:03 am

Coco, i think your vocals at the end of the song are wicked and should be that good throughout (coz you obviously got it in you!!). After the solo you seem to really get going, and that suits the song so much. Two line sin particulr that are great are:

"baby wont you love me..."

"woah, all i need is the the words..."

They are rockin. I dont know how you record vox, but i always find it better to do 4-6 takes on the trot.... by the end of the first take i'm usually starting to cook and really get into the song. Sometimes it takes longer, but its very rare that anything from the first half of the first take makes my final vocal comp.

And you do know this song is begging for some cool harmonies, right???? Do it man, itll sound great :)) Coming along so good, this one......

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 05, 2004 06:04 am

Cheers Neuaddsibly

Aye - yer right again. Am thinkin I SERIOUSLY need to start doing more takes cause its always better at the end! I think I will take yer advice here cause I think the start of the song is weaker than the end vocally.

So, I'll listen/record a few times and by the 3rd, 4th take - it should be souding better. It also seems to grain ma voice which is EXACTLY what I want.

You have identified the 2 vocal parts where I was worried aboot reaching the key...aye - glad you said that. Its hard to reach I high note, whilst maintaining power when you want to just blast it but you know blasting it too much wont work and it'll go off key! But, alas, yi can but try, try and try again til you get good.

I actually think everything you have said throughout this thread is spot on - a lot of things I've asked myself but disregarded so thanks A LOT - its good to know its no just me and these ideas are good!! (tho we very rarely believe ourselves!!).

RE: Harmonies...a ha...that was on the agenda for this one but, am trying to think just where they could go. I agree tho, it needs some harmony. I thinks the chorus and maybe somewhere else no sure??

I will get a wee shot at this again tonight mibbes and see if I can do a bit more.



Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 05, 2004 07:10 am

No probs mate, i'll keep ramblin all day, if anyone finds my opinions useful then all the better :)

When i started out i never did vocal comps, but then i realised it was worth being just a bit more patience... coz those parts that sound off to us singers will never stop sounding off, after all.... they dont correct themselves of their own accord, after all :)

It's really useful doing multiple takes.... sometimes you'll hear something soft and gentle in take 1 that will be perfect for a bridge.... sometimes you'll just want the plain gravel all the way thru that comes with singing the song 6 times in a row. It's the beauty of it.... gives you loadsa dimensions to play with. And some people think its just a question of notes, LOL :)

Yeah.... i'd try harmonies for the chorus and throughout some other parts if i were you. Instead of picking out the spots before hand, another useful approach is to just sing along as much as possible with the whole song (except verse 1 maybe) uisng a different melody, experimenting higher, then lower, then doing some "ooooooohs" and "ahhhhhhhs" for some phrases..... then listen back, see where it works and where it doesnt, and chisel away all the crap.
I know nuttin about theory like i said on another thread, so this method works for me, unlike if someone tells me to do a "4 part harmony along the coda" or whatever...... means nothing to me!! LOL

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 06, 2004 06:39 am

Aye - you have many good points here buddy.

I think, on reflection, I will be less lazy with the vocals from now on. I started off in this vein (my version of Dead Flowers took me 8 takes to get a decent one, which is the one that's on just now).

Though, I tend to scrap the whole take most times and just go for it again rather than splicing (which I have started doin now - when I started oot 8 months ago - I redid it every time!!).

However, primarily I am a lead guitar player (or guitar player who prefers lead!!) but by default, I am now the singer/drummer/bassist/guitarist(s) and all thing else!

So - it takes some gettin into. I just wished I'd seriously went for it all a bit sooner...then I'd be further doon the line (tho probs wouldnae have been in as many bands!!). gonny see what I can do with this one. I'll maybe take a little longer and put more thought into it. I am also workin on a new website which will be quite cool..when I resolve the issues with the streamin mp3's with my host :-(.



Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 07, 2004 08:13 pm

OK Guys

Thanks for the input so far and big thanks to Tincan for helping me oot with some guitar and Neuaddsibly for all your comments and suggestions as well as everyone else - its all much appreciated!

Neuaddsibly - I've taken your point aboot harmonies. Here's a rough(ish) take - some bits are better than others - harmonies/extra vox as per your suggestion.

Have a listen if you have a minute or two to the new version and see what ya think. All this addresses is an extra vox track which is harmonies (top suggestion from ya - dunno how I pulled it off - I'll let all you dudes deceide!). Still to do the drum fixes and Tincan is still to pass me the guitar work (thanks again for that Tincan) so its no quit finished.

But, moving along it's the link:



Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 07, 2004 08:24 pm

Meant to say..I wont be recording any more vox for a day or so..I think I burst my voice box singing the high harmony on the key changed chorus :-) !!

Still, I remember John Lennon saying he done that for Twist & Shout ... "I couldnt sing the bloody thing..I just screamed it..thats why we recorded it last on the day!!".

Aye, he recorded (with the Bealtes) the whole of Please Please Me in ONE DAY!!!

Now that, is a legend!


sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 07, 2004 09:44 pm

Coco, the song is sounding really, really good. The new vocals are outstanding. As for the new guitar track, I've got the last 30 seconds of it left to record yet. I had to stop at that point yesterday because I ran out of studio time before I could commit the last chord changes to memory... 15 more minutes would have finished 'er right up. Almost done, almost.
Try some decaf herbal hot tea with honey and lemon... that'll fix your voice up. :)

Since: Jul 02, 2003

Aug 07, 2004 11:11 pm

Sounding really great Coco! Vocals sound really good. I think the bass could still stand to come up a bit more, but maybe that's just me.

As far as double tracked vocals, I'm (obviously) a big fan of dtv's, but your voice pulls it off I think, don't hear any reason to double track this one.

I think I did something like 16+ takes on Heart of Blue (and still not happy with em' <G>) so if you got this one in 8 your doing alot better than Me. LOL


Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Aug 08, 2004 06:29 am


I love the improvements to this song! The harmonies work very well! The main vocal line is great too! Great mix/mastering job. It sounds very professional through my Alesis monitors. A+


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 08, 2004 12:06 pm

Cheers guys...I was dubious as to if this worked or not!!!

Aye - thats what ALL my songs actually need when I think of it - backing vox of some description. Almost all ma songs recorded so far need at least a word, line or chorus etc.

So - I think I'll do just that.

Cheers Tincan - I appreciate your efforts on the geetar and I know that "time up" feelin - married tae with 2 kids...tis a pest sometimes with the wife!

Olddog - you are mibbes right aboot that bass. I will mess with this when I jig the mix with Tincans geetar,,,good point.

Jim - thanks for those kind words. I monitor on Edirols so if your Alesis sounds good then I am happy! Good man...

Cheers again guys... I almost have this one pegged with just a couple of fixes to do and what I mentioned above. Thanks to y'all for all the valued input.


Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 09, 2004 09:36 am

Sorry i havent had time to pop by last coupla days Coco.... i'll give this one a listen tomorrow (or tonight if i get the chance) and tellya what i think. Cant wait.... the additions seem to have gone down great with the others!!!

Later my scottish friend...

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 09, 2004 04:55 pm

Cheers Neuaddsibly

No worries at all..just whenever you get a chance buddy. I appeciate the time it takes - and your inputs so far has been most valued.



Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 10, 2004 03:23 am

Well you've picked out some great harmonies IMO! Both in terms of notes and location. When singing harmonies to our own lead vocals, it's my own personal opinion that we try to use as different a register or tone to our lead vocal as possible, either really high like this, or really low...... this really helps avoid that bemused "huh...there's two of him?!?!?!" effect that the listener sometimes gets ;)

Those harmonies are almost Beach Boys-esque. If i were to pick at anything, i'd say they sound a bit too separated from the rest of the song. They are perfectly far enough "back" in the sonic landscape, but a bit stuck to one side, kind of unbalanced. One possible way to blend them in which i often use (have no idea if this is accepted or common practice, but it may at least be worth a try) is to either clone the harmony track or - even better - sing it again identical to the first one, then pan one left and one right (no further than 90 each side), zoom right in on your software and drag the one on the right a bit to the right so that it's a *fraction* later than the other one. Half a millisecond, one millisecond (if thats what theyre called LOL) will be enough. Then EQ each harmony track is different ways.... i tend to have more bass down the left side and less highs, and then very little bass and more mids/highs down the right. Play with the volume levels for each. This gives you a really full and rich-sounding set of harmonies which not only makes them sound less thin, but also detracts even more from that "huh there's two of him!" phenomenon.

Might be worth a try, you might like it, or you might hate it and wanna keep it this way. Thats the beauty of opinions eh ;)

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 10, 2004 06:43 am hit the nail right on the heid there neuaddsibly.

I Hoped no-one would notice but alas - you are a sly fox! I did just that...I only recorded one harmony and I panned it just off center to the right a bit. So - your ears are damn well trained!!

Aye, I will experiement. I often double track my main vocal line so I thinks here, I will double track the harmony and pan it to the left. Lower both volume slides and eq differently.

I think this should do what you suggest and its defo worth doing. Thanks for noticing and making me get of ma lazy backside to experiment! I actually burst the voice box almost singing they harmonies and it sounded real bad til I mixed it..then it sounded ok.

I think, I'll double track and see how it goes. Then I'll post a new mix, maybe try and do the drum fixes at the same time.

Cheers Buddy - loadsa good input as per usual.


Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 10, 2004 08:16 am

Hey mate,

"I actually burst the voice box almost singing they harmonies and it sounded real bad til I mixed it..then it sounded ok."

Ouch, you wanna be careful (says he who has been forced to sing way too many out-of-range rock songs for the cover band LOL). I often have that feeling too.... you do a take and think "my god, that was pure dreadful!" but mix it in anyway, then it suddenly sounds great. Mixing our own vocals is never the greatest way of doing things as we hear our voice different to everyone else, but its the only option when we're wearing so many hats aint it.

"I think, I'll double track and see how it goes. Then I'll post a new mix, maybe try and do the drum fixes at the same time."

Good idea. I'd go along with olddog Dan in saying that the lead vocal doesnt need double tracking on this song. I sometimes do that too, depending on how thin my voice is sounding. But i always double track harmonies, sometimes quad track them LOL, slightly different voicings for each.

"Cheers Buddy - loadsa good input as per usual."

No prob again...glad if any of it helps. It's great to hear the song improve every step along the way!

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 11, 2004 04:04 pm

Hi coco, I just wanted to let you know that I finished up the guitar track today. However... I'm having trouble with my webhost and currently can't upload the dang track. It'll likely clear up tonight, and I'll upload it by tomorrow at the latest, I'm pretty sure. I think it sounds pretty good, myself, and I think it makes the bass drum hits sound more like they fit in - but that's just me... you'll hear it soon, promise.

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 11, 2004 04:16 pm

ok, problem is apparently fixed... standby to commence upload of 21.5MB zip file on 56k connection... initiate upload. Roger, we are go for upload.

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 11, 2004 04:22 pm

oh, just wanted to add: this track is totally bare. Very little compression, no eq, no verb, nothing. The tabla rasa. Go nuts. Sounds kind of good in the mix without verb, actually, but it does need more compression, I reckon. IMHO :)

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 11, 2004 04:42 pm are THE man! Good man.

I look forward to getting this track and I appreciate all the time/effort you have put in with the recording and also the uploading. Especially since you are on the auld 56k - I only upgraded to Broadband recently but wooo what a difference.

I'll add some comp and see how it sounds, then I will keep the original track and try that too. Cool....I've heard your guitar stuff before and its damn good so it wont need much tinkering from me I thinks...

Again, 1 million are a true gent!


sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 11, 2004 08:35 pm

Here ya go :)

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 11, 2004 08:44 pm

Tincan...what can I say! You are THE MAN...

I will now go download this and I appreciate SERIOUSLY your effort here. In fact, for uploading via 56k modem - you deserve a medal - fantastic...1000 thanks to you!

I will go off and get this on the hard drive but I'll probs take a listen tommorow as here its 2.40am and WAYYYY past my bedtime - I'll pop off to bed and leave it downloading.

However, I'll be back at ya tommorow and I'll see what I can do with the mix.

Again, I cant thank ya enuff. Very good stuff I am sure. Canny wait to check this out.


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 11, 2004 08:56 pm

Sodd bed! No chance - I just listened to it, and I am still listening again..tis good.

Good job Tincan...good job. That is well cool. Man, you have it pegged there for sure. This is very good stuff and I thank you sincerely.

Would you believe I chucked it into slotted RIGHT in to the right place give or take a tiny milisecnd I nudged it!! Whats the odds of that...just nestled in like it was there all along.

Aye - its very good Tincan...The tone of your guitar is lovely...its a good guitar for sure. I am gonny hit the sack now, but tommorow am gonna try and mix it in, and with a little volume boost, mix this right into the piano/ma accoustic (tho yours shall be louder as its better :-) and I'll give ya a shout when its done.

GOOD JOB! THanks very, very much buddy.

All the best.


Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 12, 2004 07:27 am

Ignore me if i'm stating something you already know, but if that track you just uploaded was a mono wave file just zipped, you'd save a load of file size and therefore upload time by converting it to an ape file.

Again, sorry if you know this already.

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 12, 2004 07:51 am

an ape file? If that's not a reference to Jane Goodall's journal, then I have no idea what you're talking about...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Aug 12, 2004 07:57 am

ape is just another compression type.

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 12, 2004 08:02 am

Hey, thanks for the tip! Looks like I could use that...

Since: Apr 08, 2004

Aug 12, 2004 09:53 am

It's a lossless compression format and commonly used in collabing circles..... very good if you wanna retain as much quality as possible wihle still having slightly more manageable file sizes. Good link db... stoopid of me to forget it.

If you dl poweramp, you'll also need the codecs (also free) for wma and ape conversions.

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 13, 2004 05:11 am

OK Guys...

A new mix will be posted later today...sounding good even if I do say so myself.

Tincans guitar suits the song to a tee..perfect.

vocals have had harmonies double tracked and sounding not bad...

Nearly done.


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 13, 2004 06:57 pm

The latest mix can be heard here:

This features the new guitar part from The Tincanbug - many, many thanks Tincan. I think it sounds great. IT may need raised just a tad in the mix but its sounding good with the rest of the song to ma ears.

Fixed the vocal harmonies (double tracked these and panned left & right).

all feedback is most, most welcome and a big thanks to ALL who have given feedback and ideas so far - cheers guys.



sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Aug 14, 2004 09:07 pm

Hey man, I think it sounds great. Nice tracks, coco. :) I'm glad I could take part in your project; thanks for the chance to jam.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Aug 14, 2004 09:22 pm

not bad stuff man. totally different from what im used to listening to. i liked the solo a lot. it did remind me of a cure-ish type sound.

good mix and good musicianship. keep it up man.

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 15, 2004 05:44 am

Cheers guys...mucho appreciated. I still need to tinker just a wee touch more but not much at all. I am pleased with that solo too - first solo I have ever recorded using good old acoustic.

Tincan - pleasure havin ya onboard. Guitar was EXACTLY what the song needed so the pleasure was all mine. Thanks again for your efforts here.

Cheers guys


Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Aug 16, 2004 11:05 am


I can't believe how great your song sounds! I just listened to the original version that you posted a few weeks ago, and then compared it to the most recent version. There's no comparison! You've done great things with your tune!

Not only is this a compliment to your great song and to your great musicianship, it's a reflection on the value of the HRC forum, and how people communicating honestly and working together can accomplish great things!


Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 16, 2004 05:09 pm


MANY Thanks for these words - I appreciate the sentiment and I am glad what Im doing is now working. I am actually proud of this song as many of my other songs are a little more raw (2 gtrs, drums and bass).

This is an attempt at acoustic rock (dunno what genre it is but thats what its meant to be!). Anyway, Ive used acoustics, piano, drums and bass with a GREAT gtr track from the Tincanbug - ta to TCB. And it sounds better to ma lugs than some of ma other stuff...I thank you heaps for taking the same thought :-) - this is really the direction I want to go in, with some of my other stuff like Candy Girl and Dead Flowers thrown in too.

RE: This forum - you have hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEID! This forum has not only helped but made it all possible for me anyway. And its folks like Tincan working and contributing to the song, and for this song, ALL the folk in this thread who have contributed ideas and thoughts which have helped me IMMENSELY! Big shout and thanks to y'all.

Jim, your own contribution to the Dukes song was great too. It shows what can be done by a bunch of (relative) strangers over the web! It truely is a community and has been more help to me over the last 8 months than any teacher, school, course or book could ever hope to be.

I have some other collabs on the go via this forum and they are all cool. I hope to do much more of this in the future too - its the best way to get the best possible recording you can when your the solo guy with a PC, some geetars and loads of ideas...long live HRC!

BIG SHOUT TO HRC!!! Da bomb...

Thanks again Jim..much appreciated.

Since: Nov 21, 2002

Aug 18, 2004 02:05 pm

song sounds great, coco. the guitar tone is awesome, the vocals are right on, the only way i could think of improving it, is using real drums, but they sound damn good for programmed drums anyway.

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 18, 2004 05:10 pm

Aye...many thanks for that Dan - I appreciate you takin the time to have a listen.

There is 2 rhythm guitar tracks and 1 was contributed by my bud, The Tincanbug - with thanks to TCB - it sounds good on this song and it padded it oot nicely - so credit where its due. Original version was just 1 guitar and the lead guitar solo but TCB guitar finished the rhythm section nicely.

Yep - if I could have real drums it would be awesome but alas, Im the one man band dude with nowt but my songs, a geeeeetar and some other bits and bobs (which includes ma wee Zoom machine for the drums).

I agree tho, if I could have some real drums on all my songs they'd be a heap better. Not necessarily different beats - just real drums.

Thanks for that tho Dan - I appreciate your time.


Since: Aug 22, 2004

Aug 22, 2004 02:47 am

Far out, this is such a great song and I couldn't have told you the drums were fake, they sound just as good as any real drummer. This gives us a really good idea of what this song would sound like if it were studio produced.

Once again,

good work!

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Aug 22, 2004 05:11 am

Thanks for takin the time Matty...appreciated.

I also like the drums - they are one done on one of the most realistic kits on ma drum machine, souding minimal - Im still no overly joyed with the kick drum pattern here but I'll fix it later!!



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