Mixing the drums..again

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Member Since: Feb 14, 2004

I was wondering how to hook up all of my drum mics to record them. I have a Behringer UB2442fx-pro and I am using a Tascam u-122 to get them into my computer so I have only 2 inputs. Should I assign different components of my kit to subgroups and then use the subgroup line outs to the tascam? If so, how would I want to group these? I just want maximum flexibilty with what I have when it comes time to mix down the different tracks. Thanks again for all your help.

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a.k.a. Porp & Mr. Muffins
Since: Oct 09, 2002

Feb 15, 2004 08:16 am

Well, if you only have 2 inputs, then you don't need to worry about subgroups, just use the main outs-- unless you're using the main outs for your headphone and monitor mix. Just plug everything in and use the pan knobs to arrange things in the stereo field.

Since: Feb 14, 2004

Feb 15, 2004 11:31 am

That makes sense. I was just curious if there was a way to isolate each mic so that if I needed to change the sound of something in Cubase (like a snare or the cymbals) after it was recorded I could only change that particular portion. But, I think I would need some thing more than what I have (the Tascam), right? So I just need to make sure that I get the sound I want with the mixer before it goes to Cubase I guess. Thanks for the help.

a.k.a. Porp & Mr. Muffins
Since: Oct 09, 2002

Feb 15, 2004 11:06 pm

Yeah, if the tascam only has 2 inputs, like you say, you would need an interface with more inputs to do that, in which case you would use the outputs from the subgroups.

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