ADA Ampulator ??

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SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Contributor Since: Jun 20, 2002

This one goes out to the peopel that have been around a bit . I'm saying that because this product is no loger made . I've been reading about it and it seems great , but i can't find any where to buy it let alone price it. Anyone have any good reveiws or bad on this little baby.

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Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jul 08, 2003 03:23 pm

Oddly enough, a drummer buddy of mine has one of those in his home studio, I dunno if it's the exact thing, but it is an ADA and it has little push buttons for which cabinet to "emulate" and I think the type of amp head...can't remember. What I do remember is that at the time it was awesome. We actually tried to use it for something as recent as a couple years ago and I remember thinking "geez, that thing sounds like crap" either it got worse or my ears have gotten better :-) He has had it for probably about 7-8 years...

That said, however, it's better than having NO amp emulator :-)

SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Jul 08, 2003 03:40 pm

ahhh , i was just reading a few post from bands like filter and such that said they used one a lot on "title of the record" . I didn't know how old these things were , no wonder i have not seen em . They might have been the heat back about 5-10 years ago but I'm guessing Digitech and Line 6 have a strangle hold on that market now .

Maniacal Genius
Since: Dec 30, 2002

Jul 08, 2003 04:52 pm

It's definitely a predecessor of the modern amp sims. I've not used one myself, but it looks like lots of people have gotten good results with it. However, you have to consider what else they were using them with. I would imagine that the Ampulator was probably best used as one piece of a guitar rig and not as the rig itself. I'm pretty sure that "Title of Record" was not recorded mostly with simulated amp sounds. The sims were just not that good back then. But used in conjunction with other gear, it may have been just what the doctor ordered.

I did check on prepal and saw that the average going price on them is about $275. For a ten year old item that originally listed for $600, that's pretty good retention of value. It must be a pretty decent piece of gear to not be completely worthless by now!

If you can find a good deal on one, I would sure love to hear what you can get out of it.

Since: Dec 30, 2002

Jul 08, 2003 07:29 pm

I've never heard of one, but for a product to retain 50% of its market value over 10 years is pretty good going....

oh but then I hate amp sims :D


SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Jul 09, 2003 04:58 am

I'd like to play with one before i bought it , but with 80% good reviews that i've read it might be worth checking out . Quote:"I plugged into my Marshall JMP-1, routed the G-Force through the preamp's effects loop for some reverb, and used an Ampulator cabinet simulator to record the guitar direct. We got so many good tones with the Ampulator that we recorded a lot of the guitars direct." -Patrick
who knows , i'm just cerious , it's what happens when you have a bit of free time on your hands.

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