Got myself a guitar book:

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Member Since: Dec 04, 2007

We were at Barnes&Noble picking up a book for Heather, and I was perusing the music section thinking about grabbing a guitar lesson/technique book to get myself back into learning.

I found a few of em, and had my fiancee look them over (she used to play classical guitar, and had better feeling for straightforward-ness than me)

Anyway, ended up settling on "The Guitar Handbook" by Ralph Denyer. It contains a forward by Robert Fripp, and is a pretty thorough book. Everything from chords/tabs to correct posture and fingering techniques, to working with the electronics in an electric guitar, and setting up the amps/pickups/effects pedals, etc. etc.

Good book so far, and the layout is very straightforward. It starts with a brief history of guitars, and different makes/models/brands, as well as some select musicians. Then it goes onto the lessons and such. In the back there is also a "tab quick-reference"

It's a good book so far, and I've already corrected myself on a number of things (particularly left-hand fretting and position) I'm looking forward getting back into learning while I do my job hunting.

Let the callous-building commence!!! :D


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Since: Jan 18, 2003

Jul 26, 2009 04:55 am

the best guitar books are those by rikky rooksby. he has a few specifically for guitar. i emailed him about a small scale error i saw once in one of his books and the error was noted and we talked for a day. he told me to check out ralph vaughn williams. his books are awesome.

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