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Member Since: Apr 05, 2002

I called SONAR today, and we'll see how true this is true (but I was surprised at the wording that they usied to begin with) but apparently they said that SONAR 2.0 was developed because there were "bugs" in the earlier versions. Now, that being said, they didn't offer to upgrade me for free, whcih I think since I bought it 3 weeks before it's release they should have, but they did give me 50% off the upgrade price of $79. I bought it, I figure that if it really does improve my performance than it worth it. I have been getting a lot of crashes lately, and have even called their tech support and was emailed a laundry list of things to try that didn't completely resolve it. But, I wanted to let peopel know that they are giving a discount, if that helps anyones frustrations I don't know, but like I said, I bought it. I was surprised that the rep used that word "bugs" personally because I worked in tech support and we did NOT use that workd, even if we knew it was a "bug." We said there are "undocumented program features", aka "bugs." But, I just thought I would let people know. Cheers all.
Marc (da Sharc)

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Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 06, 2002 12:59 am

I wish they would give us lifetime user's of their product a little break. I too have placed my order although grudgingly. I begged one more time to their support dept. asking for a discount, but I am sure I will be stuck payin the full price of $169.00 since I ordered the original pre release in March of 2001. Life is short and from what I have seen of the XL version, I think I will be happy once it is here. Like I said in the soapbox article, "they have joined the big league's now".

Noize 2 U

Since: Apr 05, 2002

Apr 07, 2002 01:06 am

Ya know, I think the XL version is probably better, but for what I want from it, I can't justify spending all the extra dough. Most of the stuff is synth related and I do pretty much all straight audio, nix that, I do ALL straight audio with effects, so the other stuff is lost on me. Granted, in the future I MAY do it, but right now it seems like a waste of a perfectly good program. But, I do think it's a rip to upgrade a program a few weeks after someone buys it and then charge them. Especially when they SAID it had bugs. That says to me, programmer error. I worked at a software company and when we realized that we had screwed the proverbial puch, then we sent out updates, and we didn't charge unless you wanted a special cd delivery. Oh well, it could be worse, I could be giving my money to Micrshaft...oops, I did already! lol
Marc (da Sharc)

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 07, 2002 01:30 am

I have to say the XL version is not just the extra synth's. They do include a better suite of plug's. And the 2 big gun's for mastering and such. Those 2 plug's alone are worth the XL price. But if they will not give ya a break on the XL version I don't blame ya on waiting. I will let ya know if the new plug's are truly worth the doe.


Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 07, 2002 06:42 am

screw Sonar, get Sonic Foundry Vegas, for those of us who never use MIDI, Vegas is beautiful...AND it works with video as well, so you can do movie scores and just put soundtracsk to your home videos...kinda cool feature.

I have found it actually easier to use the Sonar, plus has the sound quality of Cubase. Vegas doesn't support VST or ASIO, which is a bummer, but then, neither does Sonar.

Real men use Vegas :-)

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 07, 2002 11:48 am

But if you allready have Sonar, it also has a the film sync and view function in it as well. It is just now an integral part of the program. In fact they had it B4 Vegas was around. But like dB said, for those of you who wish to not use midi in your production, pick up Vegas as it has more tool's for use in this area. And I believe Vegas can use the same pluggin in to convert VST plug's for use in Direct X program's like Sonar, but don't qoute me on that.

Real Men sync with Anolog Tape :-0

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 07, 2002 01:51 pm

I have used Sonars video features...I have thus been unimpressed, but, at least it has it. The Video 8 encoding for Sonar doesn't work at all, the only thing I have got Sonar to do is actually just view the film to sync with, which is great, it is more than most apps have, but Sonar will actually encode clearly, SOnar encoding of video is choppy and poor quality...

In My Humble Opinion.

Real Old Men sync with Anolog Tape ... hehehe

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 07, 2002 03:24 pm

Yes, agreed. I have never used it to do anything but view the film to sync the score. I would never try to encode the video with it. There are far to many program's out there that are built just for video. I have heard that Sonar 2.0 improved, but we shall see. The main reason in most case's is to have the video available in the program so you can score the film or video. And in my case I have the need for it to function with full audio and midi capability, so that is were Vegas would not work in my need. Now if I need to finish the product and burn it to a final cut with full audio, that is were Vegas will be used without a doubt.

OK, now how did we get this far, oh ya complaining about the upgrade. Well we all learned something here I hope. both program's have their pluses. It is just a matter of what you are going to do.

Peace, and old is a state of mind,

Noize 2 U

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