another hard lesson learned by my oldest kid

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

As regulars know, my oldest daughter has learned a couple tough lessons in recent weeks. This weekend was no exception.

She was racing down the road on her bike with a friend and into the friends driveway...he made it, she didn't. She didn't make the tight corner into the driveway and did a virtual face-plant into the back of their mini van. huge dent in the back of the van with some paint loss, she bounced of it and landed on the ground. Left side shin completely skun up but no blood...the friends mom later found the visor from her helmet half way out into their yard a good 10-15 feet away from the point of impact.

I heard a thump down the road and looked, two moms who were outside went running, I looked and saw it was Ashley so I go running, she was shaken up but no serious injuries. I grab her bike to take it home a notice something...she actually bent the fork on the front of her THAT takes some impact! She must have hit that van HARD.

She's gonna be a bit sore this morning I think. She was already stiffening up a bit last night.

She is also now a big advocate for wearing helmets.

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Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 08:24 am

awwww.... her first flesh pretzel... :) They do instil the need for helmets...and camelbacks... and body armor...

She must have hit really hard... I've been hit a couple times and had some pretty hard spills but I've never bent my frame.

so lesson
#2 "Stopping hurts." :)
#3 "Cars Win"

Since: May 15, 2004

Apr 30, 2007 08:32 am

Luckily she had no serious injuries dB.. As parents we always worry about the kids especially when we're not looking. The tough thing is things always happen at those times if we looked away even for a sec.

Most recent thing happened near my workplace was a couple of parents lost their 5yo boy in a shopping mall and found 2 weeks later.

That happened just the sec they looked away.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 08:39 am

I can bet she won't whine we tell her to put it on for a week or so, until she forgets about it.

Yeah, it seems as soon as I say "sure, kid, go ahead, have fun" something goes to hell...but damn, I've had some spills in my time (still have the scars at age 40) but man, that must have hurt, I just called home and my wife said she hasn't said anything about being stiff or sore...

damn, did she get lucky...looking at the scene, the bent fork, the dent in the car, it could have been a lot worse. I may have to post some pics of the bike and body...

Off to look for a bike tonight...her birthday is coming, we said we'd get her a birthday present early this year...

...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 11:08 am

A new bike and a rear door for a Minivan?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 11:09 am

yeah, pretty much, pretty much...and possibly a new helmet as well.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 12:55 pm

BTW! Pictures! :)

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 12:59 pm

Yeah, I am going to take a couple tonight I think...the bend on that bike fork is impressive.
Since: Feb 07, 2005

Apr 30, 2007 01:01 pm

I'm glad to hear she is ok. Sometimes I think us parents feel their pain as much as they do. Again, just glad to hear she is ok.

I had a huge spill one time when I was a kid. Roaring down a big hill, wiped out in a big way. Fortunately it was just after football practice and I still had all my gear on.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Apr 30, 2007 01:12 pm

wow, lucky she is ok and wearing a helmet. I took a really bad spill when i was like 6 or 7 over the handlebars of my bike and hit my forehead (no helmet) on the corner of the curb. I still have the scar/mini dent to this day.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 01:26 pm

I've had two though one was me being stupid.

I Mountian Bike sometimes and took my old Trek on a BMX course... there was a bunch of middle schoolers there making fun of a kid to afraid to go through a jump so I went though it on my full sized mountian bike and make it and then continued to a small but very steep little mound of dirt...well I went about 6ft straight up... and nose dived straight back down... hurt my hip really bad on that one...

Back when I was in highschool my car broke down and I rode my bike (same bike - it's over 10years old now) to school... I was riding home after school and needed to jump a curb on a street to get on a trail... but I needed the entire 2 lane road to do it and there was a car behind me. I tried to wave thenm past but they wouldn't pass me so I cut into the left lane to make my right turn...and then they decided to pass me... They caught my rear tire and I flew into a wooden fence and my right jawbone caught the corner of a fence post... when I woke up I was in the bottom of a deep ditch. No the car didn't stop.

Including walking and running I've been hit about 7 times and I've never had a car stop.

But through that I've learned one thing... those redlight traffic cams arn't really plugged into anything...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 01:38 pm

Wow, zek, people do suck...nobody stops. I can't imagine not stopping if I saw, or was part of something like that.

I had a few good spills as a kid too...I grew up on a loose gravel road, so me and all my friends pretty much had road rash somewhere all the time. I mountain biked a lot as well, took a couple good tumbles out there on the trails.

The weird thing was, I talked to my daughter about that this weekend before the incident...she was going pretty fast on her bike and I told her that at some point she WILL spill, it happens to everybody, she didn't care much so I let it go...well, karma and all that...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 30, 2007 02:10 pm

I'll tell you what though...she's just damn lucky that tail fins aren't as popular as they once were!

Voice of experience here.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 02:15 pm

argh, I don't even think I want to know the gory details on that comment...

well, yeah, I'm a sucker, what happened? it had to hurt like the dickens whatever it was...the mental imagery is horrible.

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 30, 2007 02:28 pm

I was 9 or 10... running after a baseball, not paying attention of course. Ran headlong into the left fin with my shoulder. Didn't get the make & model. Nothing broken - missed the ribs - but one ugly bruise. That'll learn ya. I also got knocked cold by a baseball during fielding practice around the same time. Probably the same ball. Of course, back in those days, no kid ever went to the hospital unless a limb was severed or something.

As you could guess, I decided not to pursue a career in baseball.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 02:41 pm

Oh jeezuz...ya, that'd suck...

It's amazing how resilient kids are man, they are made durable...what happens to that durability? I inured my knee 3+ months ago and I still can't walk, my daughter hits the back of a friggin van and gets up and walk away...

Pisses me off.

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 30, 2007 04:42 pm

And always look both ways before crossing the tracks....

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 04:52 pm

here is a little collage of the damage, with her showing some of the war wounds...I am stunned they are not darker...yet...there are four others, but two are on her face and she wouldn't let me take pictures of that, one across the bridge of her nose and one on her chin (chin took a good shot)...the other two are tiny wounds. The scrapes really don't show up on pics well.

oh, and the front wheel is pointing the right direction, look how far that son-of-a-gun is pushed back...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 30, 2007 05:16 pm

Who needs tattoos or body piercings when you can get the free stuff..

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Apr 30, 2007 05:22 pm

that is strange that you could hear the thump. but how do you get skinned up and not bleed? i still have road scars, one obvious one on my knee which came from sliding into second base on a road in shorts.

another horrendous injury from my youth came during a game of 'rundown.' ran into the back of some girl's head, striking her skull with my front teeth. three came out instantly.

worst one though was a skateboarding injury. speed wobbles on a huge hill, an old narrow skateboard. flew off, landed with all my weight on my left arm. got up, friends asked if i was ok. i said yeah, then rose and went to touch my left hip, which hurt. the arm 'got there' too soon. which confused me. then i realized the forearm was bent nearly 45 degrees where there was no joint. strangely, it didn't hurt. i was like 'oh no,' then walked up the street.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 05:28 pm

yeah, it was weird I was watching our younger one on her scooter and heard a soft "thump" down the road, just naturally turned to see what it was, not panicked or anything, just heard a noise...

How her leg got skinned and not bled I dunno, it wasn't a deep skinning, like she kinda glided across the pavement or something, very weird...not one drop of blood though.

Since: Apr 05, 2007

Apr 30, 2007 05:29 pm

Yeah, one time i put my hand in a deer trap cuz it was down on the bottom shelf at a Scheels, boy did my dad yell at them.

Since: Jun 08, 2006

Apr 30, 2007 06:12 pm

Glad to hear your girl's okay, dB. I've been there with my daughter (watched her go full tilt into the back of a parked pick-up the first day she got her scooter), and I was terrified.
Being a parent is often scary.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 07:04 pm

Who needs tattoos or body piercings when you can get the free stuff...


..ehh... you'll have to click on it to read it...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 30, 2007 07:14 pm

Ha tha'ts pretty funny zek. But you forgot the stigmata and tears on Mary...

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Apr 30, 2007 08:23 pm

Yep, glad she is OK.

zek, you have way too much time on your hands. But I do see the stuff you tagged. Power of suggestion maybe.

Grissly tales all above indeed. I as well have way to many scars from stupid things. Ever tried to jump a motorcycle, street bike by the way. I did, 360 honda kind of chopper like. Landed flat on my back, and the bike landed right between my legs. I was out cold for a good deal of time. They thought I was dead. I jumped a three wheeler over a trailer once. Once was enough! Broke 7 of my ten fingers and several other hand bones.

but onto the bikes. Tuna is the worst offender. He has trashed 6 bikes total, only 3 of his own. Jumped a car with his BMX bike, blew both tires as well as totaled the rims and bent the frame. He hit the trunk lid on the way down. Not much but some bruises and a couple cuts. Next was just a regular board jump, with a 26" mountain bike. Broke a couple ribs, bruised several more and totaled the bike, broke the forks as well. Then he once again tried another board jump, only bigger. With my mountain bike. Of coarse he missed the landing and hit another car. This time it was his kidney he bruised and was very close to rupture the doc stated. And of course the bike was totaled. He must have been way in the air as he actually bent the crank on it, aside from twisting the frame, handle bars and twisting the rims past the point of repair.

Aren't kids great.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 01, 2007 08:06 am

Upon further inspection of the helmet, the shell cracked and the styrofoam cracked all the way it did it's job well, that could have been her skull.

There goes another few bucks in a new helmet, that one served it's tour of duty faithfully.

...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

May 01, 2007 10:39 am

wow, that bike is a MESS. Glad Ashley's ok though, she got off lightly there by the looks of the bike.

Since: Aug 13, 2005

May 01, 2007 01:05 pm

Good job she had the helmet on,glad she is ok.My son used to do all this crazy rollerblade stuff at parks and streets,walls, railings,buildings.Im glad he's over all that now cause a lot of his cuts and grazes were burnt with friction.Ouch!

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 02, 2007 03:23 pm

man, did her bruises get darker ove rthe last 24 hours...and they multiplied...can't help but chuckle when I look at her, which pisses her off even more, especially when I reach out and poke at the bruises (lightly).

As long as she is OK, I am entitled, as a father, to have a little fun with it.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

May 02, 2007 05:54 pm

don't forget... hand sized bruises are something that should be seen by a doctor.

I was working on a ruleset for an RPG and learned that medically am open hand blunt wound is equivelent to a fist sized puncture wound. ...and you get up to six... and then you're supposed to be dead :)

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 08, 2007 12:42 pm

Well, after getting one cheapo bike (cuz she thought it was pretty) we took it back after the gearing wasn't indexed, bolts were not tightened upon assembly and the brake pads came flying out while I was testing it...

I then, much to my wife's dismay said I am taking her to a real bike shop and getting her a real bike.;childid=512

is the one we got (try the zoom in feature on the page, thats cool!).

She is just big enough to fit a 19" seatpost bottomed out on a 26" bike, that she will grow in to well this summer and the bike should (read: BETTER) last her as long as she is in my house under my watch.

Sometimes ya just get what you pay for, pay a little more, get 200% more bike.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

May 08, 2007 04:48 pm

chuckling to myself imagining db "testing" a "pretty" bike. Is that db on the purple my little pony bike with the white streamers pedalling ferociously down the block? *shakes head* Grown men these days...

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

May 08, 2007 05:13 pm

lol yeah that's a funny mental picture....

i hate the 'speed wobbles'....we had a huge 1/2 mile hill that was super steep in our neighborhood when i was growin' up...and we'd sit down on our boards and try to make it to the bottom....i can't remember if anyone ever made it, but i vividly remember tryin' to keep the wobble to a minimum, cuz once it got outta control, you were done.

as for bruises, i've had my arm (from shoulder to elbo) more or less completly covered in bruise....we used to get drunk and 'swap licks' and i was damn good at takin' a hit and not givin' up. that's how i learned wiping your *** with your left hand (if your right handed) is EXTREMELY difficult.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

May 08, 2007 05:17 pm

Nice choice of bike! What was it $250? ... if it makes you feel better mine is a 1997 Trek ZX6000 with the old style cantaliever breaks... which stock was $700... I added about $400 to it... and I need to replace the chainring and grip shift (and likely derailer) ... it's 10 years old and can take a hell of a lot of abuse... and is very light...

She will enjoy riding with front suspension too... much smoother... and she will probably be the only kid in her class with a 'real' bike.

If you got the bike for less than $400 it's great investment... I think the frames have a craftsman style warrenty too... so she should be able to fall off the grand canyon and get a new one. :)
Since: Feb 07, 2005

May 08, 2007 05:23 pm

While we are talking about bike accidents, I'm reminded of one time way back in grade 7.

We use to live up a 5 mile long mountain road. We use to be able to ride down the hill at the same speed as the cars, even faster if there were no cars. Well this very pretty girl from our class lost her front tire while racing down the hill and faceplanted into the pavement. She lost a shitpile of teeth and broke her jaw etc. Very serious accident. She never was the same after that. Sad story.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 08, 2007 05:32 pm

hehehe, yeah, coolo, it was a site to behold I am streamers of anything, so don't get all weird :-)

zek, yes, lifetime warranty on the frame and the store has a lifetime on the components from normal use...two years of adjustments and a free full tuneup before Feb 2008.

Yep, a real's nice. Just today she hit a bump and realized what the suspension was, she came biking back saying "dad, I hit a bump and this thing bounced up and!"...then she was trying the shifters, really nice trigger shifts, I am hearing the clicks and she says "these shifters are awesome" as she flies by...she likes it.

I know what you mean about expense, mine is a Specialized Stumpjumper. VERY spendy bike. I got lucky and got it at a police auction for cheap...I am going to have to change the gearing one of these's 10-12 years old now, still very nice though...looks beat to hell (is beat to hell) but still works. Good bikes are built to last.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

May 08, 2007 05:58 pm

Good bikes are built to last.

and don't say huffy or murray :)

Don't forget, if she still has the bike when she's 16 her car has to cost less than it. :) You know... mountian biker rule #1... car must cost less than bike.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 08, 2007 06:24 pm


Oh, and by the way, as far as price goes, I forgot to answer, after taxes and crap, we got out of the store for under $300, so I consider it a winner of a deal.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

May 08, 2007 06:26 pm

Hey, did anyone ever have one of those orange triangle flags on those bamboo like poles that attached to the back of the bike? Thinking back, those things crack me up.

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

May 08, 2007 07:01 pm

The vision of dB on a girl's bike was too much, so I had to do a quickie photoshop:

Boy, am I gonna get banned for this one.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 08, 2007 07:19 pm

OK, I am so hopping the next flight to Colorado to kick somebody's ***...

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

May 08, 2007 07:28 pm

bwaaahahaaaa ahaaaaa


Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

May 09, 2007 10:29 am

OK, I am so hopping the next flight to Colorado to kick somebody's ***...

How convenient. I work right next to the airport.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

May 09, 2007 10:58 am

How convenient. I work right next to the airport.

It's been nice knowing you. There's "smartass" (which is cool...), and there's brave (also cool), and then there's friggin' mad..... Did you not even read the motto?

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

May 09, 2007 12:58 pm

and then there's friggin' mad.....


TC, is this a good day for you? If so, what shade are you wearing?

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

May 09, 2007 07:40 pm

Answer: On a good day, lipstick....

Question: What do you wear under your kilt?

Either that, or I'm Sooooo emo!

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

May 09, 2007 07:42 pm need that "Law of the fist" thing back...people are starting to think you're getting soft!

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

May 09, 2007 10:38 pm

Yep, nice bike dB. Did she go with the purple then?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 09, 2007 10:52 pm

yep, that was the exact bike she got, only the fork is white.

TallChap, yeah, I may have to find a more intimidating avatar again...people are taking advantage of my new found serenity.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

May 10, 2007 11:08 am

Irrelevant, but not unrelated...

Mother's day coming up, and the Moms in our group of friends are looking to go on a mass bike ride. Ours have been hanging up in the garage for aeons.

Saturday will be spent oiling, pumping tires, changing inner tubes, getting heights right, and hooking up that "hangy-off-the-back-half-bike" for the boy (his first outing on anything but his little Schwinn with training wheels). Problem one is the number of different tire sizes on all the bikes.

I actually miss riding my bike. I used to ride all the time (Specialized hybrid with chromoly frame and forks, and extra large frame for my height).

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