Acoustic Guitar pre-purchase

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Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Member Since: Jun 24, 2004

Right. I know it all comes down to personal tastes, playing styles etc., but I'd really appreciate some ideas from you wonderful lads and lasses on an acoustic guitar at$600.00. Point me in the right direction....
I also know very well that I could always pay $50.00 more an get a better one, and another fifty for better than that, and so on, so factor that in.

I'm hoping for a little money to come my way soonish, and I need a new/better acoustic guitar. I play a very loose style with lots of open strings and jangling, and drones and stuff. I'm not too into the Ovation sound (they sound like mandolins...and I already converted a guitar into a mandolin to prove the point), but I need something I can plug in as well as have a nice natural tone. On board preamp/pickup would be nice, but not essential - I have mics.
The cheapo lines from Taylor/Gibson/Martin/Guild? Epiphone?
Anyone familiar with Seagull (Canadian handmade)?


If I were buying an electric guitar, I'd have made my decision already. This is spooky new ground. I want something I will love playing forever. I kinda "grew out of" my Fender (White painted thing).

Thank y'all.
Oh, and have a great hoilday weekend.

Just eat the damned hot-dog, don't ask what's in it.

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Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Jun 30, 2006 05:54 pm

And yeah.....I do need another guitar.....

Yes, I'm a gear-junkie, but I can stop whenever I like....

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Jun 30, 2006 06:17 pm

Being a drummer... I found my acoustic guitar by taking a guitarist to Elderlys in Lansing, MI and had him play all of the guitars in the price range... I stood back and listended and came out with a very nice sounding Alverez Deadnaught for about $300

Faze 2 Studios
Since: Aug 15, 2005

Jun 30, 2006 07:36 pm

muhahah, acoustic guitars is my thing so i might be able to help you, as far as recording, dont ever ask me.

ok, for the $600-$700 id definatly go with a lower end taylor. Calling it a lower end taylor might make it sound bad, but trust me, there 200 series of acoust guitars is great. I personally have a taylor 214 (and a 414) but a 210e or 214e you can get on ebay new for around $650-$700. The 210 is a little darker tone to to, but they both have that nice taylor warm high end.

Ive found that the lower end martins sounds pretty muddy, though i love there high end models. And Ive never found yamaha acoustics to all so pleasing.
Lower end ibanez acoustics sounds very good for there price. I have an Ibanez art wood 100 that give many higher end guitars a run for there money, at its only a $300 guitar.

to sum it up, id give the taylor 200 series or some mid range ibanez's a good look. though dont look into the taylor 100 series, they sound good, but me (and others i know) have had problems with humidity greating effecting there sounds even while using a humidifier.


Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jun 30, 2006 10:50 pm

TallChap, the SeaGull is a great guitar. If you can find a good toned one. Each one is a bit differant sounding which is good really. I like the Takamine in that price range. Good all around tone for a electro acoustic.

I completely agree on te Taylor as well. For that money you can get an excelant sounding guitar. But indeed try several as again they each sound a bit differant.

I got lucky and fell into a hadn built Hohner with a Shadow pre amp in it. It is honestly my favorite of all the acoustic's I have owned. Aside from my Ibanez ATL which I miss dearly.

I am not a crook's head
Since: Mar 14, 2003

Jun 30, 2006 11:12 pm

Take a look at the Martin D-15. Its their more economical line that still has a spruce top. If you look into lower end Martins, stay away from anything with an X in the name...they use a weird laminate top that just doesn't sound right. The D-15 though, is a real steal at $700 new.

Seagull, Breedlove, Alvarez Yairi, Gretsch all make good acoustic guitars in that price range.

The best thing to do is go everywhere you can and play everything...really, everything you can. Acoustic guitars can really vary from one to the next even within the same make and model. Somewhere out there is your guitar. Go find it! :-D

Since: Jul 02, 2003

Jul 01, 2006 01:01 am

I really like Takamine acoustics, I have a 12 string & 6 string, they have some really nice ones in that price range. But play everything you can get your hands on, when you grab the right one whatever brand you'll know. :)


Since: Aug 13, 2005

Jul 01, 2006 04:50 am

Sorry I know very little about acoustic guitars,even though I have three.I won an electro-acoustic on ebay for £34 but I wouldn't recommend it.It looks ok, plays ok,like new cond,put it through amp not so good.Keep us informed on your quest cause you'll save us a lot of hassle on searching when the chance comes.A mate of mine has a Takamine and it sounds good.

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Jul 02, 2006 05:53 pm

Dean has some SUPER acoustic/electrics....we sell 'em at my store and they are just beautiful, well made guitars...stay away from tak's Jasmine series, not worth the $$ at all...

check out dean's line..i'll dig ya a link...the finishes are f'n top!

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Jul 05, 2006 11:36 am

Thank you to all. Really. Very helpful.

Gretsch? Really? Had no clue they made acoustics. Live and learn, Ian...

I'll try the Taylor 200 series. I love the way the top end Taylors sound. Hopefully I can find something that will work.

I do like the Seagull guitars I've tried. They sound nice, but since I hadn't heard much of them, I was unsure about quality. Hand built, and all Canadian woods....

And Dean....My experience with them is just on their little electrics (they're "full size", but...well,, you know...I'm 6'4" they look like mandolins on me). Nice enough. Never considered their acoustics.

I'll let you all know when my quest comes to fruition. Should be fun. Just gotta get the $$'s in line.
Amazing that as a dyed in the wool bass player, I spend most of my time with an acoustic guitar on my lap now. Must be growing up.

I am not a crook's head
Since: Mar 14, 2003

Jul 06, 2006 10:43 am

Yeah my friend just bought a Gretsch acoustic and its a good guitar. Its a dark-sounding guitar, but has a solid low end. Its made in Korea I believe.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Jul 06, 2006 01:53 pm

Another that might turn out a little more expensive, and mean a few weeks on the couch...-

'ER INDOORS: "You spent HOW MUCH on a guitar?"
Me: "'s one of Mike's...."
'ER INDOORS: [Silence] - duration? Weeks...

My buddy makes woderful guitars (he helped me with my Jazz bass). Might have him put one together for me.

Plus side:
*It will be a f'ing masterpiece (he makes everything the old fashioned way)
*It will be absolutely unique
*I can have any shape/colour/wood/neck etc. I like (within reason)
*It will be mine...all mine...forever...
*He does amazing inlays (my bass has an abolone/mother of pearl rose set into the headstock)

*It will be expensive (he uses really nice woods)
*It will take some time (can't rush genius)
*I can't play it first (However, I know he'll not short-change me here. He knows his stuff.)

I'll keep you all posted, and let you know where I go with this. Hmmmm......

Anyone else have a drop-dead custom in their arsenal?

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jul 06, 2006 08:30 pm

I did have a custom electric made back in the 70's. IT was however stolen from a gig not more then 2 or 3 months after I took delivery. The makers name was Charles Orr. He built guitars for the likes of Gene Simons, a bass that is, actually several. Prince is another he built for. His acoustics were good but nothing like his electrics. Solids, semi's and hollows. Custom pickups, electronics. And the paint jobs were spectacular as well. He never built a bolt on solid or semi. They were one piece or 2 for the semi's. Mine was carved from one solid chunk of wood, I remember the smell of it the day I picked out the wood and he started cutting. It was called the FireB**ch. OF course modeled after a Firebird. The neck was a touch wider, but thinner front to back. You could almost bend it in half. And it was painted Firemist Burgandy, same as my car.

OK, now I must go wipe my tears away.

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