please correct me if i am wrong

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Member Since: May 26, 2004

a buddy of mine seems to think that "true stereo "is created by adding delay ,reverb etc...and when i told him that panning L &R was how i was instucted to create a stereo field and add effects later to enhance said field he came unhitched and told me i wasted my time going to college ,i tried to explain that if you have two ears you need to sounds that appear to be coming from different places ,hence fooling your brain into thinking that there are two seperate signals but he is lost on this concept ..soo did i waste my cash on college or is my friend a foolish bafoon because if i am right i can't wait to show hime this post and the reponses that may follow hahahaha hhaahheeheee (gee i hope i am right )

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Jack of all trades master of ___
Since: May 28, 2004

Jan 04, 2005 05:18 pm

True stereo is not adding delay, reverb and things of that nature...those would be called EFFECTS or SIGNAL PROCESSING...look it up in our "Glossary & FAQ's" to the left...Stereo is simply two Mono coming thru the right speaker and another thru the left...

I wonder what his explanation of how 5.1 Surround Sound works...maybe adding a lil Chorus, Or Multi-Tap Delay??? Funny stuff...

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Jan 04, 2005 05:35 pm

actually "true stereo" isn't just tw different signals comming from two different speakers it's alot more stereo audio, you are creating a 3 dementiona image of sound, the same way your two eyes create a 3D image, only in audio you have height (frequency), width (left and right), and depth (reverb and delay)....not only that but if done properly with two mics, you can get stunning realism and literally recreate the exact sound you've recorded. think of listening to a symphony with headphones on, that stereo immage you're hearing tells your brain alot of info, like the lead violin off to the right a bit, and the tympany in the back of the orchestra ect. in the case of panning things to different sides, you're dooing what's called a stereo effect, which is different to XY micing a city street to create a stereo image...does that make much sence?



Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 04, 2005 05:36 pm

I get true stereo all the time buy listening to my two kids scream from different direction, no reverb involved.

Since: May 26, 2004

Jan 04, 2005 05:37 pm

exactly what i said but somehow i was deemed the village idiot i have been reading Huber&Runstein offand on for about 3 years and i admit that i am still on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to knowledge but i have been trying to explain this two - ear theory to him for a while now and he won't get it or even read about for fear of admitting he is wrong i guess

Since: May 26, 2004

Jan 04, 2005 05:38 pm

ya i got some stereo kids as well only problem is they don't have a mute processor button

Excuse Me, I Like 2 Ask Question
Since: Dec 05, 2004

Jan 04, 2005 06:14 pm

lmmfao db.. wow..but indeed a good question..

Now i just learned something. thanks

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Jan 04, 2005 06:29 pm

wow i should start proofreading my posts before i post them, my fingers seem to move faster than my brain which causes many-a-spelling-error.
sorry everyone



Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Jan 04, 2005 06:59 pm

... I cannot imagine where someone learns that sterio field are built without panning... unless he's used to solo instruments that are just panned center :)

Sure reverb is commonly used to move things back in the mix... but it can't do left and right... you might be able to do it so freakish way with two copied mono signals (still panned) hard left and right with different reverbs... but... ick

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 04, 2005 07:45 pm

Well, I used to use reverb back in my foru track days to add a taste of reverb to otherwise mono tracks. It can help add some depth to mono stuff, but by no means makes it stereo.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 04, 2005 08:06 pm

Good one dB, I almost choked on that one.

I can do 5.1 with a van full of boyscouts.

Good answer tho wyd, covered all the bases short and sweet.

Since: Jul 10, 2004

Jan 04, 2005 09:13 pm

did i waste my cash on college or is my friend a foolish bafoon

Yeah, your friend is a foolish baffoon. Show him this post. Even this dumb blond chick knows a stereo field is created by panning individual channels left and right. It's beyond comprehension that he could think otherwise.

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Since: May 10, 2002

Jan 04, 2005 09:56 pm

Oh wow, leave it musicians and drunks to fight about anything.

I like getting out of my car and arguing with sign posts myself. Especialy stop signs. Who do they think they are?

Will the 'true' stereo please stand up!

In the day when there were a lot of mono recordings floating around I could almost see the 'true' stereo arguement worth having. They used to use eq-ing on a mono recording to create a bit of a stereo image.

Man Ballz, you need to trade up with the friends thing if this is what you got. I hardly think you are the bafoon!
Panning is good enough for me for the 'trueness' of stereo. That said, I agree with Whosyourdaddy, (god I gotta figure out something smaller for your handle) that adding the third dimension of distance per delay enhances the realism of stereo. My prefered method of stereo live group recording is the Decca-tree configuration which provides just that; left to right and delay stereo imaging.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 05, 2005 02:41 am

ballz, your friend may be confused, because often times when reverb is applied the resultant sound comes back with stereo imaging, even if the original was mono. But of course, adding reverb, in and of itself doesn't make it stereo.

Since: May 26, 2004

Jan 05, 2005 07:41 am

well i am certain once he reads this he is goin to get all upset as he hates to be wrong but at least this may settle this little quarrel we have been having on beer night .but noiw we may be reduced to talkin' ...gulp...politics...btu don't get me wrong i still love beer night hhaaha

Prince CZAR-ming
Since: Apr 08, 2004

Jan 05, 2005 11:43 am

I've read that original stereophonic recordings actually had a third channel, but they (developers, producers, whatever) couldn't find a way to put the audio onto disks easily and cheaply, so they opted for the 2 channel audio.

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