Winner of the Halloween Gig Horror Story Contest...Alanfc gets electrocuted

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

Here it is:
Electrocution. My Life saved by girlfriend's roundhouse right.

It was about 8:55pm. Going to go on from 9p-2a.. Our cover band was
playing at a bar in Molalla Oregon. (I can't remember the name of the bar
but it had a gigantic white horse statue over the entryway overhang.)
So its 855pm, we go on at 900pm for 5 hours of Brian Adams, Richard
Marx, Bill Idol, Van Halen ,etc, covers. Earlier in the day when we were
setting up the lights, one of our band members got a little shock from
the light trees. We thought nothing of it. OK, cut back to 855pm: The
stage at this joint is elevated about 12 feet above the main dancefloor
and bar area, accessible by stairs at stage right. (It was a murderous
setup getting stuff up those stairs.) I was the single guitar player and
we had a keyboardist, drummer, bass player. They were all tuning up and
chatting onstage waiting for me as usual. I saunter over to my guitar
"gimme an 'A'" tune up a bit and traipse over to my mic. I had a loud
dirty Marshall sound and my amp was right close to me, so I had the heel
of my right hand on my strings to control my sound. (what about your
volume knob Al ?) Anyway, with right hand on strings I traipse up to my
mic, to adjust its angle, with my left hand. Then, all the sudde!
n, Dzzzzzzzzzztt ! My left hand was sucked on to, clamped down upon,
the mic. My body was full of electricity - I could not get my hand off
the mic ! I am yelling, "get me off of this" and "O my god" over and over
. I could not pull my hand off. Not a chance. With all my strength, I
was still helpless. I was sure I was being killed, electrocuted. Right
there, on the spot. I was thinking "this is it- I'm dying , I'm dying
this is it, I'm going to be dead. Is this what its like? , O my god"
While still yowling like a wolf. I could feel my bandmates groping and
grabbing at me and being cast off by my electricity. I'm yelling at them
"grab me. turn it off !!" They could not get a hold of me, and couldn't
think fast enough to turn off the power. I was clamped down on the mic,
expecting death, thinking "oh no oh no" for 6 seconds. It was an

Now, my girlfiend at the time, to whom I became engaged to (on the way
home from this very trip!), heard my first cry out and immediately knew
something was really really wrong. She quickly scrambled up the friggin
stairs within 6 seconds, and got onstage. She sprinted over to me. She
didn't try to grab me like my bandmates, she didn't look for the power
source to turn off... Instead, she wound up with her biggest strongest
roundhouse swing- right into my left hand and the mic. BOOOOOM ! She
punched my hand off that mic. And then another BOOM- three of the
channels on the mixing board blew up. Then yet another BOOM ! The bass players
amp head, blows up..... I faintly hear screaming from offstage and
heavy breathing right above me. The screaming came from the crowd (it was
big that night) And the heavy breathing, that sweet sweet breath, it was
my hero girlfriend covering me, collapsed upon me.

I was on my back. My beautiful ossum Kramer with the Floyd Rose tremelo
was off of me, face down on the stage about 4 feet away from me. My
body was tingling. I was laughing. It was sort of an insane type of
laughter. I was alive. I was SURE, more sure than anything else ever in my
life, I was sure I was going to die. Positive. Dead. So I was laughing.
And my left hand was throbbing, probably because of that big punch from
my girl.
Then the confusing chaotic sounds of people rushing up those stairs to
the stage, alot of noise down below in the main dancefloor bar area.
Mostly womens higher pitched voices I heard. And about 20 people saying
"call 911, call 911". That was going around in my head. "Call 911".

About a minute or so passed (according to my girlfriend) and we started
hearing sirens. And the heavy sounds of big paramedics' boots and gear
traipsing up the stairs to the stage. I heard one of 'em say "Whoa". I
blurr out the next part, except the fact that I was carried down the
statirs in one of those upright position stretcher/chair things, and all
the people looking at me as I was carted through the crowd to the front
door and to the ambulance. It was a small town and apparently this was
a big event.

When I got to the hospital after a 30 min. ambulance ride, they
observed me for about 4 hours and I got to go home. By then my mom had driven
out and was there to take us. My gold chain was split in two and
embedded into the skin against one of my neck vertabrae. My cotton parachute
pants (yes cotton, yes parachute!) were split down the back!.
Vertically split fabric down each leg from butt to calf. My Budweiser t-shirt
was OK though thank god. My father in law to-be, a cornoner, said that
people that are struck by lightning have their clothes mangled and
shredded. I think he said it was something about the gasses in their bodies
burst out and cause that, maybe thats what happened to my chain and

That night, the sound rental company we had rented our board from,
drove all the way out to Molalla from Beaverton and went in and repaired
the blown out channels. That night ! Like quickly. Maybe they were
worried about their responsibilty in the event. I don't know one way or the
other. We did learn later that the building hadn't been inspected since
1971. My dad got payment from the club for my bills the next day!
Pretty quick. The police report was evidence enough I guess. I bet the club
owner was relieved. I didn't care... I was alive !! And still am
alive today !

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Since: Mar 13, 2003

Nov 13, 2003 06:46 pm

AAAhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

Yeeee hawwwww

(I never win anything)

Thank You dB Masters

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 13, 2003 06:55 pm

Too bad you had to get electrocuted to win...

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Nov 13, 2003 06:56 pm

hahahaha hilarious!

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 13, 2003 06:57 pm

ya, unless you were the one getting pummeled by your girl :-D

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Nov 13, 2003 10:33 pm

the title alone made me crack up. electrocution is the most extreme thing i can imagine going wrong on a stage. no beating around, straight to the prize, the absolute worst horror.

we're glad youre alive, alfanc.

Since: Mar 13, 2003

Nov 13, 2003 11:05 pm

Thank you Fortymile for appreciating my life so !!

I've since learned that the textbook definition of Electrocution is a Lethal shock. So I guess I was just =really shocked really bad like for a long time=

the police report said "subject electrocuted" so I just always used that term.

The next day the band wanted me to get back up there and finish out the commitment at the club. But the club hadn't corrected the grounding problem. I was the youngest in the band and they sort of tried to buffalo me, and my girl got on the phone and kicked some *** and told them where to shove it. She's a bit older than me and the same age as the rest of those guys. I was pretty meek back then, and always under the influence of some type of substance too. But now, I'm sober over 13 years so I ain't so meek anymore.

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Nov 14, 2003 09:22 am

That's crazy, man... glad you're not dead! Sounds like a winner to me.

Bane of All Existence
Since: Mar 27, 2003

Nov 14, 2003 12:17 pm

good article:

that seriously is a crazy experience.

i played bass and did sound at a halloween party a couple weeks ago. we got pretty freaked when we started to feel some current going through us, so i insisted that the owner of the house change the circuit we were plugged into (at the time, it was the same that all the goofy lights outside were on). could have been another similar halloween horror story!

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Nov 14, 2003 01:19 pm

I've gotten a light zap on the lips many times when I was playing and singing, but never like Alanfc's story :)

Once I was at a car shop to have my battery charged. The guy brought in a mobile charger setup on a cart while standing in a puddle. His buddy across the garage plugged it in, since he saw it was unplugged. All of a sudden he yelled "whoooOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" and he went pedaling backwards, unable to let go of the cart, finally tripping over something and landing on his butt about 15 feet away. Thankfully his coworker saw his mistake and unplugged the charger. We all - including the victim - had a laugh at that.

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Nov 15, 2003 03:30 am

can we see the other entries, db?

Since: Apr 26, 2002

Nov 15, 2003 09:56 am

Yeah, let's see 'em! I can't remember which one I sent you...

Cone Poker
Since: Apr 07, 2002

Nov 18, 2003 01:59 pm

I've been shocked pretty bad numerous times, most of which were my own stupidity, but i can't imagine actually getting it that bad.

Freeleance Producer/Engineer/Gtr
Since: Aug 11, 2002

Nov 18, 2003 05:04 pm

sorry dude... you deserved the shock, i mean c'mon... "parachute pants"? i'm surprised fate didn't get you on the ride there!

haha! anyway, good story!

Since: Mar 13, 2003

Nov 19, 2003 02:07 am

yeah but but

but it was 1987-88

But but I had the Eddie Van Halen pants ! The Kramer with the Floyd Rose !

Freeleance Producer/Engineer/Gtr
Since: Aug 11, 2002

Nov 19, 2003 02:29 am

ok i see now... but... were any mullets hurt in this accident? hope not!

Ignorance Is Strength
Since: Nov 10, 2002

Nov 19, 2003 11:32 am

Wow shocking story, absolutely shocking.

...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

Nov 19, 2003 12:53 pm

boom boom

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