life getting in the way of music

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sloppy dice, drinks twice
Member Since: Aug 05, 2003

I haven't spent more than 4 hours in the studio in the last month... getting very frustrated with myself and events that keep me out of there. In the last month, my wife broke her leg (which by default instantaneously turned me into a waiter/nanny), our baby was in the hospital for 3 days with a stomach virus, all three of us got sick with a bad cold, and my weekends have been robbed by my in-laws needed help with their preparations for a move. Argh. I have two song snippets I've laid some tracks down for... I went back the other day on my sick day from work and tried to record - got one track done, pronounced it trite crap, and gave it up for the day. Anybody else have any recent time-thieves in their lives? hahahaha

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Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 09, 2003 10:26 am

Well, in all honesty, it's a matter of priorities. To me, if my children are in the hospital or my wife is layed up (for whatever reason be it a broken leg or whatever) that takes a far superior level of importance than music does. If I have a job to do in my studio that makes money, then I make time to do it, if it is strictly me wanting to hack around making music myself for fun, then it is a hobby and I do it when I have time to do it (which hasn't been as often as I would like for the last 5 years).

Sometimes it does suck when I have a good beat going in my head and I can't find time to get downstairs and bring it to life, then when I do have time the beat is gone...but, such is life...if that is my biggest problem in life, then my life is pretty darn good. :-)

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Oct 09, 2003 10:44 am

Needs have priorities - wants do as they will. I make no money for writing/recording music, I do it for sh*ts and giggles, so obviously the higher priority of taking care of my wife and baby are what's keeping me out of the studio in the first place... but does that mean I'm not dreaming of laying down some tracks? hahaha :) nope. C'est la vie...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 09, 2003 10:46 am

Ya, I hear ya, but sometimes these trying time are what inspires some of the best music...when you get time to make it.

Hey, did you just change avatars?

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Oct 09, 2003 10:50 am

Yup. Now instead of a goofy green bastard I'm a grinning hobo or something. Ah, the many faces of the tincanbug....

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Oct 09, 2003 12:50 pm

you look like rip van winkle now (pre big sleep).

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Oct 09, 2003 12:56 pm

funny, I was just thinking that I could go for a nap... zzzzzzzzzz....... but I'm at work. (shrugs)

a.k.a. Porp & Mr. Muffins
Since: Oct 09, 2002

Oct 09, 2003 02:20 pm

Oh man, I know how it is. School totally gets in the way of me improving upon my recording and engineering skills. Hopefully soon I'll be doing music production or audio engineering for school, as I've finally found a decent college nearby that has good music and audio engineering programs. Gives me a bit more of a reason to hold out for these last few semesters of high school so I can get accepted somewhere good. If I go somewhere close I can commute and also have a job getting on-the-job experience in at least live sound, since I already have a connection to a guy who runs a sound business and has told me I do a good job mixing :)

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Oct 09, 2003 05:41 pm

life sucks. i want to be a rock star.

that's all.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Oct 09, 2003 05:54 pm

man, I wish I woulda started doing this earlier. I didn't even think about it till 4 months after I graduated college. It's been a long learning experience. Just gotsta keep pushing.

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Oct 09, 2003 09:24 pm

keep pushin'.

Since: Dec 16, 2002

Oct 10, 2003 06:43 am

"man, I wish I woulda started doing this earlier. I didn't even think about it till 4 months after I graduated college. It's been a long learning experience. Just gotsta keep pushing."

You think you've wasted time!
I did nothing for the whole of the 90's! Ten years away from music! ten years I can never get back.

If you are in your early 20s just go for it, follow your dream - at least later you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did all you could, even if it didn't work out.

I'm lucky if I get three evenings a week to do my recording due to full time work and family commitments. It's very frustrating. But like someone said sometimes its because you are away from recording that you get new ideas and inspiration. Some of my songs have come to me whilst doing my 9-5 office job and thinking about music.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Oct 10, 2003 01:13 pm

yeah, I quit my office corporate marketing good paying job to focus on making a career out of the music business (and make music). But don't get me wrong, that stupid job gave me a bunch of inspiration. And when better to write songs when you're stuck in traffic during your hour long commute...

mid twenties (25), but still chasing a fleeting dream

...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

Oct 10, 2003 01:19 pm

i dont wanna be doing my rubbish job forever...gotta have a dream aintcha?

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Oct 10, 2003 10:32 pm

i'm 29 and my horrible plan is to avoid marriage, take jobs, and just pursue dreams, one of which is music, the other of which is writing.

it wasnt even a choice, really. i feel like i dont have one. i have to run this into the ground, even to where people begin laughing at me.

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Oct 17, 2003 02:34 pm

*cue laughter*

a.k.a. Porp & Mr. Muffins
Since: Oct 09, 2002

Oct 17, 2003 02:36 pm


Sounds like a plan to me ;) Doesn't really sound like that bad of one, actually...

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Oct 17, 2003 02:40 pm

music getting in the way of hammering nails into housing frames in the hot sun all day

it sucks...i haven't spent more than 4 hours this month hammering together braces and support beams with my uneducated peers in the hot sun ever since the band started this new totalitarian practice regime. all day, every day, all we do is sit downstairs in the cool air-conditioning and come up with great music--hit song after hit song--then go out and play shows and get picked up by women. they say you're never too old to do roofing, but man i'll tell ya. deferring the dream like this hurts. i need to quit this da** band. like in that one song, i forget the name.

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Oct 17, 2003 02:45 pm

we got to move these refrigerators...
we got to move these color tveeeeeeeeees...

Since: Mar 13, 2003

Oct 18, 2003 02:38 am

glynb- I was out of it for the 90's too, I wanted out back then. Too much booze, too many cover tunes. I was aging quickly. Those days all I knew was playing out, not the foggiest idea of recording for myself. With computers thats all changed it for me.

Mr. Bug- how is the child? When they're young its so hard so see them go through that. My "baby" is now 5 1/2 and its hard to imagine her being so apparently helpless- nowadays when she gets sick she wants a little bell, to ring for me to fetch this/that/everything... isn't she cute.

Mr Bug Its funny you mentioned this topic of time, and yearning to get time for music. I've been thinking alot about that. I have nothing urgent or family oriented affecting my time now(thats the hardest). But I'm going through that yearning for time for myself. With all the stuff I'm learning, I'm practically sprinting out of the office every day to get home to my music. All the surfing and practicing and learning has got me really confident. I'm thinking 'if I only had more time' to go do it all. I have enough EQ, compression, fx knowledge for now, so my only obstacle is TIME. I'm not in a hurry per se, but damm... I took a couple days off all to myself to work on stuff and it was heaven. I could SO easily do this full time! How do I cure my itch when I'm stuck at work ? (thats my biggest time thief)...Reading musician/recording bulletin boards! Revising lyrics. Mapping out new tunes and arrangements. Like I finish my work ahead of schedule on a regular basis so I can surf the boards and read. I am nuts

thanks for sharing

sloppy dice, drinks twice
Since: Aug 05, 2003

Oct 18, 2003 05:29 am

Alanfc, thanks for asking. Dylan is doing great now, he's all better, even the cough is gone. You know, it's just amazing - when he felt better his mood became even more jovial than before. He's one very happy kid now, and that's such a relief - it's so good to see him happy and back to normal.
You know... even back in high school, when I had all the time I wanted to record, for the most part - I still didn't have enough time for recording and working w/ music. There's never really enough time - we usually die before we run out of ideas. I can only hope that whatever awaits us on the other side, that there's a guitar with my name on it. hahaha

a.k.a. Porp & Mr. Muffins
Since: Oct 09, 2002

Oct 18, 2003 11:46 am

High School = All the time I could want to record?

Not for me. I'm in my Junior year and I've hardly even touched a thing in my studio since school started. I've only just started getting some time now and then to work on it. That probably has somewhat to do with the fact that I have a lot of interests and I think my High School, in specific, is perticularly challenging. Oh well, I make time, but it's at the expense of doing really well in school and making a good enough grade to get into a good college with recording engineering. Then again, I wouldn't want to go into recording school not knowing what I'm doing, so it's a real toss up. Anyways, I'm sure it's harder when you've got a full time job and are also trying to get into recording as well, but it's not easy balancing it with school, either.

By the way, I just got a job (It pays!) recording a really talented local band! They came over and checked things out-- recorded a little something, and said they liked the way I do things. So I'm going to be devoting the next 20 friday nights or so to recording with them. It should be a great experience doing what I love best-- Producing somebody else. I can't wait to make these guys sound as good as I can. I'll be posting some of the stuff as soon as we get some of the tracks down.

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