the Beatles Rock

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Member Since: May 04, 2003

just wanted to say that...

I'm way to young to really know what the big deal was and stuff... but last week a friend gave me the white album and sgt Peppers..

god.. awsome stuff

so like... why didn't people turn me on to them like 5 years ago?

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Since: Apr 03, 2002

Mar 26, 2006 12:31 pm

My personal fav Beatles is Magical Mystery Tour.

Kaos is only a form of insanity
Since: Feb 03, 2005

Mar 26, 2006 01:18 pm

Rubber soul, Double white, Abbey road.

Now where would we be without them.

just listen & listen & listen, there are more things to them than meet the ears.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Mar 26, 2006 01:24 pm

In listen to Sgt Peppers, just think about everything goin on in those tunes and to think it was made with only 4 tracks (maybe 8, I forget)...and then think how spoiled we are by way of comparison...

Since: Jan 12, 2004

Mar 26, 2006 05:02 pm

dB has HIT the nail on the one.

They done so much with nothing.

THEY are the pioneers of the studio ... first band to do anything remotely cool in the studio for my money, cutting up tape, splicing it, playing it backwards, upside down, inside out - you name it...

And, I believe, John Lennon was credited with (if not THE first) one of the first proper uses of controlled feedback on I Feel Fine (intro note)...

The Beatles, are, always have been, and always will be in my book, THE best band ever to set foot on a stage on this fine planet and I love many good bands, great bands and others aside.

Nobody, will touch them commerically EVER and for songwriting, studio technique and general "X FACTOR" they will NEVER be beaten.

They are, the best.


INdeed, and John Lennon for my money, was my fav Beatle. But, they are 4 and without each, they wouldnt be what they were.

RIP Lennon and Harrison. And long live the Beatles.


P.S. Pepper is a great album - I prefer Revolver and Rubber Soul but I also like stranger songs like Octopus's Garden, covers like Mister Postman and the classics of course, but again, things like Oh Darling from Let It Be (I think, either that or Abbey Road, I forget) is also a brilliant song...I have their entire recorded works and its one of my most prized collections...

Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Mar 26, 2006 05:46 pm

Cripes!'ve ranted on and on, and you've left nothing more for me to say!!

Aye-Aye!! The Beatles were/are the be-all/end-all in my book. My two favorite albums are also Revolver and Rubber Soul.

McCartney is my favorite...


Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Mar 26, 2006 07:59 pm

lol and now jim just said what i wanted to say

lennon baby!

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Mar 26, 2006 10:36 pm

Lest we not forget Sir George Martin. Without him that sound created on that 4 track recorder would not have been possible if not for his extreme daring and willingness to experiment. It was his magical hand that created all those chops and cuts and leaning on the tape reels and banging on pots and pans and turning the tape backwards. The man was far ahead of his time indeed. I must say he was one of my biggest inspirations to not be affriad to do anything with whatever means I had to make my sounds differant.

Not saying the Beatles were no less fantastic, but we being our own enginers and producers need to remember as well who forged that sound that made those 4 boys famous.

I can honestly state I liked every album those blokes put out.

But my top 4 would be Abby Road, Let it Be, Magical Mystery Tour and Sgt. Pepper.

I spent many a night in headphones or with my speakers leaned over my like a tent, listening to some of those records. And absorbing every little sound inbedded in them.

Prince CZAR-ming
Since: Apr 08, 2004

Mar 26, 2006 10:54 pm

I too was blown away by the creative works of the Beatles. Seems like each step of their journey was creating new ground. Something that many a major band now-a-days only do with one, or maybe two albums, the Beatles seemed to do with most, if not all of them.

I first heard the Beatles after their hey-day (mid 80's), but still absorbed loads of their stuff, mostly on my own, revelling in their creativity and daring.

Great stuff, that.

Since: Jul 02, 2003

Mar 27, 2006 01:42 am

Certainly no argument from me. :D They are the only band I ever bought every Album they released and I could count on one hand the number of songs they wrote/covered that I didn't like. It would be very hard for me to pick favorite albums, it would depend more on my mood than which I thought was better. But if I had to pick, Rubber Soul & Revolver would be two of the tops.

My favorite Beatle would be John, followed closely by George, but as Coco said it was the 4 of them together that made The Beatles.


Since: Aug 13, 2005

Mar 27, 2006 04:55 am

Yeah,Yeah,Yeah.Looking through the 200 songs in my Beatles song book,mostly mega compositions with fab harmonies,one of many I like is -If I Fell.The Shea Stadium video clip is amazing,all that vox gear,one set up looked like a 'vox Supreme'only ever drooled over in brochures.I had a vox Defiant but ended up linking it to a vox AC30,cool or what? Once a year there's a Beatles weekend in Liverpool England thats brill,its a bit strange watching bands from Japan and Spain doing The Fab Four but they do it great.Anytime of year you can check out The Cavern and Beatles Story, well worth a visit.

I am not a crook's head
Since: Mar 14, 2003

Mar 27, 2006 11:16 am

I love the White Album. I make a point to listen to it every year on my birthday :D

There's certainly something new to take from it on each and every listen.

Blessed are the Cheesemakers...
Since: Jan 25, 2006

Mar 30, 2006 01:51 am

My fav is definately Abbey Road. There are just so many friggin' good songs on there (Oh Darlin', She's So Heavy, etc.). The medleys are excellent and even Frank Sinatra himself said that Something was the best love song of the century. It is rare today to find albums that even come close to this one in terms of great writing, musicianship, sound engineering and emotional power.

Pete Best for me ;)

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