Mixing making me fat.

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Member Since: Aug 17, 2004

And I don't make enough for a gym membership haha. First world problems.

Need to start running to the studio... Ah me. Just blurting **** out. Tripping after long days. Anyone else working in the industry? How do you find a balance?

My new years resolution is to hustle for way more work so I can afford a steak and a girlfriend! :-)

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Since: Dec 04, 2007

Jan 02, 2012 05:03 pm

First off, really wish I -was- in the industry, or at least part of it hehe. (working on it though)

Friend of my wife's works in some area of public relations in some way shape or form. He knows some businesses who do training videos, and he said he'd give them my name and such. We'll see if anything comes of that.

Otherwise, my wife's really the bread winner, and my "day job" is in information technology doing contract work as it comes along. I'm trying to slowly break away from that and get into the studio business. There are a couple local studios here in Iowa City that I might explore to see if they'll take on a volunteer or intern or something. One of 'em is called Minstrel Recording. Another option is contacting the university music dept. and seeing if they know of any students or faculty who might want or need something done. What I'm really aiming for is getting into working with local bands/groups who might need stuff done for handing out CDs or looking to getting into the digital distribution scene... something along that line.

Since: Nov 27, 2007

Jan 03, 2012 08:01 am

all ya need is a medicine ball and yer good to go. You do everything with that. squats, shoulders, cardio, push ups (on it). everything you can think of, the medi ball is yer friend. 20 mins 4 nights a week with that and you''ll melt away your fat.

Now.....its just the doing it it that's the hard bit ey? hahaha, ****n tell me about it.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 03, 2012 08:32 am

Just sitting on a large medicine ball, rather than a typical chair, while at the desk works your core a lot more than you'd think...

Since: Aug 17, 2004

Jan 03, 2012 11:43 am

Now.....its just the doing it it that's the hard bit ey? hahaha, ****n tell me about it.

Thats it hahahaha.

And I can't afford a medicine ball right now haha. Although I am buying a Focusrite pro 40 this week! Starting live sound work this month and am going to record it and pitch a good mix to the bands after the show... Hopefully bring in a few more pounds!

Rockstar Vatican Assassin
Since: Mar 20, 2009

Jan 03, 2012 01:34 pm

You looking to lose weight or gain muscle? If you're simply looking to lose weight, stop eating crap!! LOL!!! Everyone knows weight is about calorie intake vs what you burn off. If sitting on your *** all day isn't burning off that 4500 calorie intake, then yeah...

The other tried and true method of losing weight is to smoke more crack!!! Ok, just kidding on that one (or am I?).

Buying a gym membership is worthless... since most people only use about 6 months of their 2 yr contract. Laziness wins every time and the gym equipment stinks of **** and armpit.

If you can't "Iron Gym" or do some sit ups whilst at your studio, then reach for carrots and celery so you're not eating any calories while inactive.


Since: Dec 04, 2007

Jan 03, 2012 08:41 pm

Yeah, agreed.

We generally don't eat out 'cept for the weekend. At home I generally eat fairly small meals, and sometimes we'll cook asian stir-fry or italian, and stir-fry some vegetables to go with it, but use the whole-wheat/high-fiber noodles. I'm not big on tomatoes, but we usually cook up onion, green/red pepper, carrots, and broccoli. No meats though, wife's vegetarian hehe.

I'm bad about snacking, but it's usually stuff that is whole-wheat fibery goodness. We tend to get the all-bran crackers or various other type fibery snacks.

Also we recently scored a Wii on the dirt-cheap on black friday, so we've been doing the Wii sports and resort sports plus together. It's not as good as say going hiking, or working out, but it's better than nothing, and we'll usually spend a good hour or so at it.

Over the course of the past year, I've managed to lose a good 15 to 20 pounds. :) Definitely slimmed the waistline a little since one of my pairs of pants requires a belt now, lest it be hanging off my ***. :P I still wear a 32 waist though. (same as in high-school, and I'm 32 y/o going on 33 in may)

Since: Nov 27, 2007

Jan 04, 2012 12:28 am

beers, for most dudes is up there for over calorizing (calorizing?a word ahaha)

By medicine ball i mean the weighted ones like the size of basketball but about 8 kgs.

Hippie, hahahaha, yeah smoking crack would do the trick. except youll waste muscle rather than fat but whatever works. hahaha, na not ideal tho in more ways than 1.

just sittng on the fitballs as dB said works good for core.

and not watching episodes of man v's food too is good. i got me a hankering for one of those barstool sized chucksteak burgers he tried recently. so massive, i dont see how nayone could eat that much and not be 300+pounds. i think yer stomach can only hold 2 and a hlf litre max this thing has to be 5+ pounds and you gotta eat it in 60mins. crazy

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 04, 2012 08:57 am

Ya know, I am amazed at the impact of simple things...one is not drinking soda...just that can do amazing things for weight, energy and general health.

Beer, yeah, well, that isn't going anywhere, I won't trust a man that doesn't have one vice, beer is my vice. Ha.

One cool thing as well, if your lifestyle and living situation permits, bike or walk places instead of driving for reasonable distances, stairs instead of elevators...just little stuff.

It boils down to "get off the couch, fatty!". :-)

Since: Nov 08, 2010

Jan 04, 2012 11:18 am

Man I hear ya! Since I started with this knee prob., I have swelled up to like 307 lbs. I can finally walk again, and now I'm on a New Years resolution diet. I hate it already. All I want to do is hang out at Red Lobster and drink sugary cokes. But I'm eating a lean cuisine panini and diet fruit juice instead. Good food makes people happy. It's a shame it's no good for you. Makes me wanna play some blues. :(

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 04, 2012 11:19 am

You are better off drinking sugary soda than those poison aspartame injected ones!

Since: Nov 27, 2007

Jan 04, 2012 09:14 pm

thats it hey, i love food, i would love to be eating burgers and kick *** pizzas all the time but ya just cant.

One thing everyone is deficient in right now world wide due to pharma co's taking it outta fodd is, iodine. This will **** with your thyroid to no end and you'll stack on kilo's.

There's so much more going on than alot realise with nutrition out there where your biggest enemy is not necessarily food but the fact yer deficient in vitamins and or mins, and sure you cann be eating all the right foods, but...genetically moded foods, salts and foods with the iodine removed... all that **** is designed to keep you on the meds, which in turn makes you sicker...i mean how is it giving you meds that are so acidic its ridiculous gonna make you healthier?

here's a test i did here at home...i have a ph. pen. i measured disprin which is a form of painkiller/asprin here.
it came up at 4!
4 is extremely acidic....health IS dependant on your body ph. its as simple as that.

Best defence in general is to get to know how the body works and what it needs and then they cant mess with you.
Tis why they tell you to drink lotsa water.......

sheez where did all that come from?? sorry, end of rant.

Since: Nov 27, 2007

Jan 04, 2012 09:16 pm

just quickly tho, if you wanna lose weight make your body mopre alkaline...thats it!

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 04, 2012 10:24 pm

Dematrix hits on a VERY good point...with how bastardized food is today...tomatoes, for example, are picked premature and sprayed with something (I forget the gas used) to make it red and look ripe...today, they have less than half the nutritional value they did 30-40 years ago...add in pesticides and yeech...with growth hormones and such given to beef...is it any surprise that today's highschool football players are bigger than professional football players 30 years ago when I was kid?

They keep you sick by what you eat and "make you well" by getting you to keep taking some meds that they have to fix whatever ails you...then more meds to help with the side effects of the first meds, then more meds to help with the comflicts between the first two meds...

Welcome to the machine, my friends.

Since: Nov 27, 2007

Jan 04, 2012 11:41 pm

**** yeah man, thats it right there.
you guys wouldve no doubt heard of "the new world order" ey? How crazy is that ****!

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 05, 2012 06:45 am

I am not an Alex Jones type NWO/Illuminati/33rd Degree Mason conspiracy theorist, especially since I am a Mason myself, BUT, yeah, the true groups of global power brokers of banking and lawmaking are truly aiming for a repeat of the Serfs and Lords type society...look into Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Counsel on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Club, Aquarium, Aviary and such things, it gets pretty wacky...

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 06, 2012 08:06 pm

a couple little acid pills aren't going to change the PH of your body much...

That being said, moderation is key to food input. And
Keep your calorie intake to 1500 a day and you will most likely lose weight even if you don't exercise. At minimum I try and walk 30 minutes a day and before I sleep I do a quick 5 minute workout either one set of pushups or one set of curls at a moderate weight. That being said, I could lose 7-10 pounds. But I always gain weight over the holiday and then lose it over the next couple months...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 06, 2012 08:12 pm

I can speak from VERY first hand experience, that coolo's advice is accurate until you hit about 40...at that point (or thereabouts) the body changes and weight is not lost by diet, or by exercise, alone...some measure of both is completely necessary.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 06, 2012 08:30 pm

Aw db, why are you trying to scare me.

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

Jan 06, 2012 08:55 pm

40+... embrace your innner walrus! lol

Any 'major' changes in your life could shorten it just as easily as lengthen it. Genetics are a big role... take it easy on those resolutions, guys.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 07, 2012 09:49 am

I resolved, a long time ago, to never set resolutions.

coolo, accept the facts :-)

Life changed a lot at 40 for me...not good or bad, just changed...I used to be able to just stop drinking pop and drop weight like mad...or start working out and get ripped pretty easily...now I watch what I eat and exercise when I can and still only keep moderate shape...the body just doesn't react like it used to.

A couple years ago I was training like 12-15 hours a week or even more, hard, kickboxing, jiujitsu, Kenpo...still never lost my beer belly...it's just nuts.

Rockstar Vatican Assassin
Since: Mar 20, 2009

Jan 09, 2012 12:36 pm

Yeah man....
I picked up another 8lbs over xmas!! Stupid Italians and their 7 course dinners! I'm not at 40 yet, but I can sure as hell attest to the fact that my body absorbs fat well... but only loses it at the pace of 1lb per 3 months!! The odds are not in my favor these days!!!

Since: Aug 17, 2004

Jan 11, 2012 06:44 pm

Well, I just got hired for live sound in a bar 20 minutes walk from the studio I work in. I'll be lugging my recording gear rain or shine 2 nights a week. Theres my gym membership!

(In reality this will last a week before I start taking a cab)

Since: Nov 11, 2007

Jan 11, 2012 08:24 pm

Between my desk job during the day and my desk hobby of recording I live a very sedentary lifestyle indeed. I've not been doing so well recently, fitness wise. I blame it on family expectations/American eating paradigms, and the availability of ready made food choices. You know, everyone and everything but myself and my choices. (seriously, I want a fast food chain that sells steamed local vegetables as the main course, I'll pay anything up to $8 for a meal that is honestly good food. Why doesn't that exist!) I just eat eggs in the morning, unsalted almonds for a snack, salad bar at grocery store for lunch, and whatever I want for dinner. It's the "whatever I want for dinner" that is the problem. Example 1: last Friday I created the "bacon explosion", Example 2: I am smoking bacon wrapped mesquite chicken breasts tonight.

Check out this website, and soak it in. Any of you who are into health/nutrition should check into it. I gotta feeling dB would really geek out on this stuff: www.exrx.net. If you spend enough time with it you'll end up like me, creating a complex network of food choices as the relate to your level of activity and severely over think the consequences.

Real life example:
"I had 27 unsalted almonds and 15 unsalted peanuts today for snacks...does that mean I should skip salmon tonight and just eat potatoes after my workout? I think it does, but nut proteins aren't as easily metabolized as the proteins in fish so maybe I should. Then again, almonds and peanuts are complementary proteins and consuming them together provides a more complete protein structure...so maybe I don't need the fish after all."

Honest to Allah, that inner dialogue was on my mind earlier this week. But tonight...bacon. hahaha

Since: Nov 27, 2007

Jan 11, 2012 09:25 pm

i been a bit crook the last 6 weeks, may have chucked a few kilo on not sure....but training again soon, next week possibly so will take it off again.

i got me a try tower 200 a while back and i might throw down some old tyres and stuff to make a little course outside, so i can do both every 2nd day to make things interesting, cant wait to set up the mini course. Im sure i will bust myself up a bit.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Jan 12, 2012 07:19 am

Quincy, I refuse to play that insane counting game with myself...but I know what youare saying. Healthy food exists if you grow it or shoot it yourself me thinks...crazy.

I just eat smaller portions (US sized dinner plates and portions are NUTS) and make sure I get off my *** once or twice a day. Just got done treadmilling for 15 minutes first thing this morning, will do another 20 when I get home...common sense diet, smaller meals, more movement.

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