5 years for Kwame

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Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Member Since: Apr 11, 2004

Appearently, lying to judges still isn't a good thing these days... good to know.

Detroits currupt mayor is up for a 5 year stay in our wonderful prison system. Doesn't seem like near-enough time when you consider all the 'other' bs that they couldn't prove.

Kind'a reminds me about when Washington DC mayor got caught smokin' crack... the big difference being that nobody wanted to prosecute 'ol Barry. Everyone loved him so. Kwame, though... sheesh, what an arse. If the 'right' people didn't end up disappearing, I do believe his trial would've been much, much more of a mess... with alot more time handed out.

Poor, poor Detroit. Not even their mayor could keep from sucking the life out of her.

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Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 11:09 am

Detroit is in bad shape, like so much of the country that relies on basically a single major industry to support it. When the industry is booming, it's great, but corruption creeps in as everyone wants a piece of it...then when it falls it falls doubly hard.

Very sad for all the hard workin folks...as for Kwame...well, see you in about 3 years...

Let's see, 5 x 12, 60 months...1 day off for every two good time, so 40 months...120 days credit for time served...40 - 4 is 36...damn, I was right, 3 years...

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

May 25, 2010 11:26 am

Awesome 'guy math', dB! I hear/see so much 'woman math' these days, that it's kind'a good to see some from the other side of things... even if it is calculating prison sentences. haha

He'll be up for parole in about a year and a half, so we may hear from him even sooner.

Even worse news for this once proud town...



... a story I've been following about the once-great Detroit Special Responce Team. The last force in the D that I had any respect left for. : (

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 11:40 am

I have followed that story a bit myself (not really close, but trying to keep up)...terribly tragic, I am still unsure how much I blame the SRT though...until the full story emerges...I mean, if they were harboring a murderer, were not following instruction of law enforcement...whether it was discharged during a struggle, or from bumping into somebody, they shouldn't have been running, they should have been down on the ground...but they don't say which residence they found the guy in.

IF they were harboring him, they clearly put their whole family at risk...

Still, horribly, horribly sad that a young girl gets lost in the fray.

But, like I said, I've been from a distance, so I may not have all the facts either.

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

May 25, 2010 11:54 am

Yes, quite sad. From what I've heard, alot of their(SRT) own rules of engagement were thrown out the window for this raid. Geoffrey Fieger is representing the family... can't really see how that will help this town either. It'll be just a matter of time until that town is so broke the State/Feds will have to step in. What a mess.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 11:57 am

Yeah, the explosive they originally threw in was, from what I heard, not normal practice at all...but then, they didn't know who they were dealing with either.

I've heard more than one pundit say that Detroit will be the first city that will have the military called in to enforce martial law...that would be a sure sign of the beginning of the fall of the American empire.

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

May 25, 2010 12:07 pm

...that would be a sure sign of the beginning of the fall of the American empire.

That's really what we're witnessing here. It's kind of sureal to see it initiallizing in Detroit.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 12:13 pm

I won't call it that yet, not yet, but it is a very critical juncture in the history of America...depending on how we handle it, it could result in the fall, or a great defining moment in it's comeback from the edge.

Really, I think it lies more in our hands then "theirs" (being capital hill) by how we react in our own lives getting our voices heard and voting...because right now it's very "us against them"...not them as in dem or repub, "them" as in the political elite on the whole.

While there is a lot of bad news, there are some encouraging signs too. Only time will tell.

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

May 25, 2010 12:28 pm

Well said, and very true. I'll be crossing my fingers as well as keeping an eye on the D to see what happens next in this messed up sagga. The edge you speak of is right under their toes.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 12:31 pm

You got that right, we are teetering on the edge...and we'll either pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get back our government gone wild, or we'll be assimilated...

I don't want to be assimilated.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

May 25, 2010 01:45 pm

It's too big...

Assimilated by who?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 01:52 pm

Assimilated by the utopian socialist mentality that engulfs so much of Europe.

It's WAY too big...and it's just begun.

Since: Nov 11, 2007

May 25, 2010 03:10 pm

Duh Coolo! The Borg haven't been a threat since the late 90's; so commies are rushing back in. Don't you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

Reading the Wiki on Kwame is pretty freakin' hilarious to me. Someone should have stopped this guy a long time ago; looks like he made it obvious enough from the beginning that he was not out to help the city.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 03:15 pm

Hahaha, well, I dunno about the Borg, I just know I am ever so slowly having my pockets picked more and more and actually getting less and less for it...and both current US parties are guilty of it, just taking out of different pockets for different reasons.

We need to rebuild the gov't...

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

May 25, 2010 03:40 pm

Right Quinc'... The D's been on the decline ever since Clinton, and his boys from Arkansas came up here to push the CIAs 'Nicaraguan stock', back in the 80s. That was actually the begining of the end, if you ask me. The other cities that were effected seem to have survived, if not thrived from that whole mess.

Since: Nov 11, 2007

May 25, 2010 04:58 pm

That was Clinton? I saw the movie Blow and always wondered how valid the accusations against the CIA were. I wasn't exactly politically minded back in the late 80's; I was pre-occupied with things I thought vastly more important such as defecating on myself and inserting blocks into various hole designs. Alas, youth is wasted on the young...

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

May 25, 2010 06:29 pm

and always wondered how valid the accusations against the CIA were

well, the reporter/author who broke the story, and had the details mysteriously drove his car over a cliff...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 25, 2010 06:57 pm

mysteriously drove his car over a cliff...

Funny how stuff like that happens, huh?

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

May 26, 2010 01:34 am

Well, I heard a story that wasn't true (according to wikipedia... ha). Apparently it was two shots to the head and determined to be suicide...


Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

May 26, 2010 12:04 pm

Right Coolo... 'cause anyone knows it takes two shots to your own head, if you wan'na do it right.

What a guy.

The 'exposure'(w/i the Ds music scene, and by driving a cab) I recieved in the early '90s was intense. Back then, the drugs* would kill you if you didn't know what you're doing (think 'TOO pure')... now'a-days, it's quite the opposite, and the only people who are really 'hooked' on them are the ones who've just plain given up on themselves completely.

(*Disclaimer:Marijuana is not a drug... it's a plant, and thusly can never, ever be 'TOO pure'.)

Since: Apr 03, 2002

May 26, 2010 12:15 pm

Have you read about the heroine coming thru Mexico right now? They have found people dead with the needle still in their arm due to purity...it's pure, clean and cheap...just what we need...ack.

And I agree, pot doesn't count, if you O.D. on pot you just got to sleep for a bit...

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

May 26, 2010 12:33 pm

THAT drug is one eval, life destroying mofo. There isn't much worse out there, as far as I am aware. Once you're in its grips, you need to really want nothing else but to be out of its hold, just to break free... a monumental effort that makes quitting smoking appear to be a cakewalk. Then, you may survive the withdrawl, with help from other drugs that do pretty much the same thing to you, which require other drugs to break free from. A long, nasty cycle. I know peeps who have been on Suboxone for almost two years, and still have to take a fraction of their original dose to make it through a day! Eval.

I do believe that 'munchies' are also a sign of a pot overdose. Which reminds me... it's time for lunch.

Since: Apr 26, 2006

May 26, 2010 08:26 pm

I agree Kwame got what he deserved, system worked in that case. I've been to Detriot a couple times in the last 8 years or so, that's a sad case in progress.

And the SRT made some seriously bad decisions on that raid, no reason not to wait him out if they knew where he was. Supposedly kids toys were in the front yard (tell tell sign). But enough blame for the folks inside the house too. I've never had to do a raid like that but had enough training to do them years ago.

"You got that right, we are teetering on the edge...and we'll either pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get back our government gone wild, or we'll be assimilated..."

For the last 10-15 years I have watched red light cameras, speed cameras, community street cameras, go up. Phone calls monitored, credit card purchases tracked, wire taps made easier and savings account deposits must be reported if over $10,000. (Do you really think those cameras can only be activated for traffic violations?)

And you are right it's not one party or president, nobody cares or watches unless they think it's the guy from the other party doing it. So pretty much 50% of the folks don't care at any given time. and they are both doing the same thing. Digital TV will allow 2 way communication someday. And a cell phone can be tracked to a location very easily. Political 3 Card Molly.

And I use to think Dick Gregory was just talking nonsense.

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