Food for Thought (long c&p)

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Hold 'Em Czar
Member Since: Dec 30, 2004

TM: Since I don't work for any academic institution or feed at any government or corporate trough, I'm free to think anything I want about reality. And I think the phenomenon which most people can agree is happening is that time appears to be speeding up in human history, for example, or in the twentieth century, or in the last 25 months. So rather than see this as just something trivial or an artifact of the act of perceiving it, I would like to think that it's real, that time is in fact speeding up. When you look back at the history of the universe, you see that this has been going on for a long long time. Things have been happening faster and faster and faster.

bb: Do you mean speeding up physically?

TM: Yeah. So that for instance, immediately after the birth of the universe, there was a long period of time where the only thing that was happening was that it was cooling. The amount of energy was so high that you couldn't get molecules, you couldn't get stable structures, you couldn't even get atomic systems. The universe was very simple and very hot. As it cooled, it became more complex. Each drop in temperature allowed new things to happen which built on previous new things which had happened. So, for example, first you get electrons settling into orbits around nuclei, then you get atomic chemistry for the first time. The universe cools, and time passes, and you get molecular chemistry - bonds of lower strength that can form only at the lower temperatures coming into existence. That allows complex polymers to form.

bb: Well how does all of this make our Earth spin faster to speed up time?

TM: Bear with me. So this process of complexification is going on in nature. When you look at it you realize that it happened faster and faster. It took a long time for there to be life, or just for planets to form, and stars to settle down. Then once you get life, you get a very rapid proliferation of form, and by rapid I mean in scales of hundreds of millions of years, and then you get higher animals. After that you get animals like ourselves, and you get language, and culture, and writing, and electronic media. Each of these steps occurs more and more quickly, leading to the conclusion that human history and the presence of tool making, poetry making, and thinking creatures on this planet have something to do with being caught, or you might otherwise say, fortunately positioned very close to a kind of anomaly that is haunting space and time. You can think of it as a collision with a hyper dimensional black hole.

We and our universe and everything in it are being sucked closer and closer into the presence of something which seems to be made out of pure idea. It's very hard to English, but it explains basically what's going on on this planet - why it is that 50,000 years ago, ****-hurling monkeys decided to set off on the long march toward the space shuttle, and an integrated global economy, and toxic pollution, and the whole ball of wax? A process of some sort unique in nature was unleashed 25-50,000 years ago. From that point on there was a tremendous push into symbolic expression and the cultural consequence of symbolic expression which is technology. And now, we've run the nut right off the end of the bolt, and the planet's finite limits are being reached. But the process shows no sign of slowing down. So rather than see it as some apocalypse or some terrible flaw of human fate run amok, I see it as a natural phenomenon. Human history is not our fault.

The world is getting weirder and weirder by leaps and bounds. It's moving faster and faster. It's very science fiction. You have potentially human life-extinguishing epidemic diseases, at the same time that you have whispers of cold fusion and journeys to the stars. Meanwhile people are meeting little rubbery beings in their bedrooms in the middle of the night, and having rectal examinations. All this crazy **** is going on which is called the melt-down of Western civilization at the end of the second millennium. Then if you toss psychedelic drugs into the mix, shamanic plants and this sort of thing, and make journeys out into the architectonic superspace of the culture, you quickly realize the cosmic egg is cracking.

bb: But Terence, what does the weirdness of everything have to do with time?

TM: Well weirdness, when you analyze it, means unusual connections. Connections between things which would ordinarily not be connected. This was the perception of surrealism. Another way of thinking, what time speeding up means, is that all boundaries are beginning to dissolve - boundaries of space and time - and everything is beginning to coalesce into some kind of organometallic-human-machine-cultural-spiritual-material interphasing amoeboid something that is spreading like a coral reef around the planet. In order to not freak out and see it as the end of everything, you have to think of it as under control, first of all. So then the question is, of what? I think it is controlled by something like the Gaian mind.

bb: Gaian mind?

TM: Yes, the planet is some kind of organized intelligence. It's very different from us. It's had 5- or 6-billion years to create a slow moving mind which is made of oceans and rivers and rain, forests and glaciers. It's becoming aware of us, as we are becoming aware of it, strangely enough. Two less likely members of a relationship can hardly be imagined - the technological apes and the dreaming planet. And yet, because the life of each depends on the other, there's a feeling towards this immense, strange, wise, old, neutral, weird thing, and it is trying to figure out why its dreams are so tormented and why everything is out of balance.

The culture is melting down. It's happening, and nobody knows where it leads. They're doing computer modeling, some of which indicates that it's too late, that if men of good-will and women of good-will came forward everywhere and took control, it would be too ******* late. I don't think so. I think that there's some very large plan in all this that doesn't come from God Almighty or anything like that. It comes from biology. It's the architecture of evolutionary breakthrough that is etched into every molecule of DNA on the planet. It's going to happen - the egg shell is breaking. The womb is ruptured, and there is no way out now but some kind of journey down the very frightening birth-canal of experience. The next 30 years will stand your hair on end, guaranteed, because it's barely begun. Right now, we are living in the golden twilight of Western Civilization. The long afternoon of Cartesian rationalism. Ahead lies agricultural failure, atmospheric disruption, ethnic warfare, sexually transmitted diseases, propoganda, superdrugs, AND a whole bunch of good stuff. But it's going to be a white-knuckled ride to break through at the end of time, because there is so much to be unleashed. What's happening is we're turning into something else.

We're now in the process of answering your original question which was why did I say we would be unrecognizable by the year 2012? Because we cannot continue to be recognizable and survive. We monkeys love a good fight, so now the pressure is coming on. The kissing has to stop, and the struggle will be wild and wooly, but we're intelligent. We're survivors.

And finally, what does this faster and faster mean? What it means is that time will eventually go so fast that the rest of the future - all of it - will happen in a few seconds. This is similar to the bubble-like expansion of space and time at the birth of the universe. There will be a contraction of space and time at the end that will be similar to the bursting of a bubble. That's what I think lies at the bottom of the basin of attraction that is pulling us towards itself and that seems to be located in the late months of 2012.

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Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Oct 05, 2006 06:38 am

Fortunatly most of that doesn't even make sense :)

Where'd you dig it up?

Pinnipedal Czar (: 3=
Since: Apr 11, 2004

Oct 05, 2006 09:42 am

Whoa .

Damn... I'd better hurry !

Prince CZAR-ming
Since: Apr 08, 2004

Oct 05, 2006 11:39 am

Heh, most of that makes sense.

But his view does change my retirement plans =).

SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Oct 05, 2006 01:50 pm

nice find.

in the best Mr Mackee voice"drugs are bad, M-kay."

Since: Aug 13, 2005

Oct 05, 2006 02:03 pm

A funny thing is that Christmas seems to come around quicker as each year passes and if you say this to anyone older they always say "wait till you get to my age". It's even worse when you hear that a crack in the earths crust has speeded up the earth for real!May as well leave the decorations up for next year.:)

pop music
Since: Sep 27, 2005

Oct 05, 2006 04:59 pm

You know, the wife keeps hitting the snooze button in the morning and then has to run around to get out of here on time. I say just go to bed earlier to get your rest and she counters, 'I gots too much to do'.
So it's a vicious circle I believe. After a couple more beers and a cigar I may have the solution. Then again I may not, I'm in no hurry though.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Oct 05, 2006 08:25 pm

Christmass does come around earlier every year lately. Has no one noticed the new toy adds allready on the tely? In fact I believe if my record keeping is correct judging by the Target stores here, the xmass stuff has come out a week earlier each year for the last four years. Its the commercial mentality if they get it out first and early then the shoppers will have more time to start early and shp more.

In my case I dont buy the wifes gift's until Xmass eve day. She is a snoop and will find it one way or another.

But dB and I have had a tradition for the last few years or so. The morning after Thanksgiving we head out to the local BestBuy and get in line at some ungodly hour of the AM, usually cold and damp. Last year it snowed on us. We then scurry in with the rest of the humanity to snatch up a few good deals. We used to start there and then run to Comp USA or what ever and snatch up the early bird specials. Last year we just did BestBuy and my list for the kids was done. Works for me.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 05, 2006 08:35 pm

Hells ya, nothing beats standing in a friggin cold-*** line with Noize waiting to get a bunch of **** free if I remember to send in the rebates.

I still say we should get a coffee cart out there and sell hot java...we'd make a fortune.

Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Oct 05, 2006 08:39 pm

do i detect an HRC contest?!!! hehe ยง=oP

[quote]Fortunatly most of that doesn't even make sense :)

Where'd you dig it up? [/quote]

lotsa neat readin' there!

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Oct 05, 2006 09:08 pm

I only missed sending in one of the rebates this year. Much better then the couple before that.

I can see if I can swipe the 5 gallon coffee urn from work. For an extra buck we could toss in a smidgen of Brandy.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Oct 06, 2006 08:36 am

That's why I feel so OLD!

Funny how these armageddon dates keep rolling around.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 06, 2006 08:38 am

We all know the end of the world is 2010 when the aliens destroy their experiament "earth".

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Oct 06, 2006 09:35 am

speaking of aliens, sue the gov't if you are abducted in Germany

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