opinions appreciated

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Member Since: Nov 27, 2007

Im having issues with my performance meter peaking out in cubase.

what to i have to buy to remedy this?
Ive heard all sorts but nothing too concrete on what to do.

I have 7200rpm on HD 4 gig ram, i cant change my VM on my iMAC, etc etc.

If you wanted to remedy this situation what would you do?

would an external HD do anything?

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Since: Jul 02, 2003

Sep 02, 2009 01:03 am

If it's your CPU that is peaking out another HD isn't likely to help much. With 4 gigs of memory I doubt your VM is causing the problem unless you're running alot of memory intensive synth's. What speed is the CPU running at and how large are your projects?


Since: Nov 27, 2007

Sep 02, 2009 02:34 am

well, my projects are fairly big, about 4 tracks of guitars with comp, verb. some delay on certain channels, drum software with the same effects, using about 8 separate tracks.
bass with compression, and attempting to do vocal tracks while all this is running on a low buffer setting.
running the vocal track thru cubase monitoring with compression, delay and verb.

not sure what the cpu speed is running at but the performance meter is making it spit the dummy at times,
causing it too fizz out or be unstable.

there are obviously solutions like the freezing of tracks and not putting effects on anything till the recording is finished, but would like to think i can overcome this problem by making sure my setup is as good as i can get it ya know?

if anyone out there is running there's fine with similar usage i would like to know what there thoughts are.

So whatya think O.D? am i to expect this the way i have my proji's set up?
What hardware can i buy to up my performance? If any.

Since: Jul 02, 2003

Sep 02, 2009 03:08 am

Well that's quite a few effects to be running while your trying to track at a low buffer setting unless you have a pretty stout computer. It really depends on how fast your CPU is. If your version of Cubase is an older one, you might do better upgrading it, I know Sonar is alot better in performance than it was just a couple of versions ago.

I usually try to have all of my recording done before I start adding effects, and bypass all the effects on projects I'm doing if I need to do more tracking. My system can handle having the effects on down to a 128 sample buffer (2.4GHZ Quad Core CPU) on most of my projects, but I just prefer to keep things clean until I start mixing.

You could monitor externally with a mixer and then you can set your buffers high enough to avoid problems without latency being a concern, though you wouldn't hear your effects on the vocal channel while you're recording, but you could always add an external delay/reverb to the monitor signal while you track recording only the dry signal.


Czar of Turd Polish
Since: Jun 20, 2006

Sep 02, 2009 12:26 pm

Yeah man, with the verb, delay, and your drum tracks you are looking at freezing some tracks.

Ram is great, HDD seems to make little to no difference on my setup (except video editing) as I can record 16 tracks on my 5400rpm laptop at the same time.

CPU is the be all end all when it comes to plugs, upgrading the others will gain "some" benefit but is probably not going to help you much in this regard.

Now, if it's and Intel based iMac you might be able to upgrade your CPU (will probably void warranty though), if your software supports multi cores the quads make one hell of a difference imo.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Sep 02, 2009 06:53 pm

Ya, we really need to know the CPU speed. But it sounds like you have a butt load of DSP happening and that is what is causing the issue for certain. And my best guess is the CPU just can't deal with it.

I do highly suggest freezing the track temporarily if you have to have the effects running.

The other thing is that running them in real time on the live track is even more CPU intense then running them realtime on an already recorded track.

Since: Nov 27, 2007

Sep 02, 2009 09:45 pm

yeah thats it Noize, i only do that for vocals though.

i have compression on my pre amp that i could use but im having hassles trying to get used to it in the sense that i dont wanna hear any noticable drops in vol.
its got more dials than the software version and it kinda belwilders me at times when i think i have it set up great, and then on playback its definatley noticable.

i have frozen tracks on my EZdrummer in all projects and though its made a difference, its still having a whinge at times.
can i freeze all tracks or is it only just VST's?

Thanks for the heads up o the CPU too Cap'n. Mine is intel based, so maybe i can look at doing something in the future like an upgrade, she's outta warranty, so break out the tools!

for now though i will learn to use my stuff more economically cpu wise.

but now i know its the cpu i can stop trying to figure it out.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Sep 02, 2009 10:38 pm

ON the freezing thing. You can always unfreeze em if you need to edit them.

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