Is Don Imus Nuts?!?!

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

Did anyone hear what he got in trouble for this time, calling some girls basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed ho's". WTF?

One Hand - Is he a complete idiot? It appears so.

Other Hand - MSNBC dumped him, the team is outraged...but what about freedom of speech, and, who the hell cares what a DJ thinks of you anyway?

I think it probably got blown up so big partly because the rest of the media smelled blood and swooped in blowing it up bigger.

Still, he's an idiot, and looks like he must be 800 years old.

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Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Apr 12, 2007 08:02 am

Your analysis is 100% accurate, in my opinion. Both hands. I hope I never get to a point in my life when I care that much about what an 800 year-old cable TV idiot-DJ thinks.

Both hands.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 08:58 am

but it is those editorial shows that get me to get all of my news online... the only time I watched a newscast in the past month was last night to see if one of my pictures of our hail storm got broadcast. (it didn't)

it's like CNN & 'such' went the way of MTV.

Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Apr 12, 2007 09:28 am

it's like CNN & 'such' went the way of MTV.

Here's a novel concept. They should make a cable channel that plays nothing but music videos. Wouldn't that be cool? They could call it "Music Television", or "MTV" for short.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 09:33 am

don't be silly... nobody wants to 'watch' music...

Sort of like watching the weather channel is supposed to educate you about weather in places you'll never go to... if you want to know what it's like locally - go outside.

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 12, 2007 10:16 am

One thing's for sure.... I had better not ever hear Al Sharpton tell a blond joke.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 10:36 am

I'd be fine with not hearing Al Sharpton at all...

Prince CZAR-ming
Since: Apr 08, 2004

Apr 12, 2007 11:13 am

I tell you what: I haven't heard his name in years, and now I've heard it from two sources (one regular TV, one here).

Maybe his ratings were going down, and wanted a little zest in his vest. =0

patron saint of quality footwear
Since: May 30, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 12:33 pm

Yes, Imus is nuts.

Funny thing is, this isn't nearly as bad as some of the other stuff he's said in the past.

One thing though, this is not an issue of free speech, he is a dj and as such, he is subject to meeting a certain decorum.
Although this may not fall under FCC regulations, the fact that the FCC exists is proof that the public airways do not fall under the umbrella of free speech.

Free speech as pertaining to radio is much the same as free speech pertaining to internet forums, it does not exist.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 12:38 pm

he is a dj and as such, he is subject to meeting a certain decorum

Yeah, like Howard Stern...

Free speech as pertaining to radio is much the same as free speech pertaining to internet forums, it does not exist.

Depends on who is running the forums...

patron saint of quality footwear
Since: May 30, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 12:50 pm

That's my point though dB, it's never actually free speech, yes some forums will let you post anything you want to and that gives all involved the feeling that whatever they say is not subject to being censored but it's simply not the case.

People are banned constantly from forums for various displays of poor behaviour, when someone is kicked off a forum or prevented from making a post there is nothing they can do about it.
I'd love to see someone try and assert their right to free speech after having been booted from a place like this.

In Imus' case he has no recourse to being suspended, there is no constitutional protection that allows him to keep his job if the powers that be decide his speech reflects badly on the station, his advertisers complain or whatever reason they give for suspending or letting him go.

Free speech does give him the right to make an *** of himself at any given time by saying whatever idiotic thing that enters his head, it doesn't stop his bosses from making sure he no longer does it on their airtime.

Howard Stern faces the exact same set of circumstances, he's fined all the time for FCC violations, if what he said over the airwaves was protected by free speech, this would not be possible.

patron saint of quality footwear
Since: May 30, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 12:53 pm

By decorum, I obviously don't mean what may fit your or my idea of proper decorum, (that's a whole other discussion on morals that I want no part of hehehe) I'm talking strictly abou tthe guidelines set out for him by the FFC and his employers.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 01:08 pm

I know what you are saying, and I agree, just playing devils advocate...however, as far as web forums go, I'll use HRC as an example...technically speaking I own HRC, it's my web home, therefore...well, I don't put up with jackasses in my home, so why should I on my web home...only room for one Also, there are odd cases and presidents being set that may actually hold web site owners (particularly in blogging) legally responsible for the content on their web site whether added by that owner or, well...

At the same time, I also run a mixed martial arts the nature of that forum, it's a bit looser on the rules, sometimes it's dictated by the environment being promoted as well.

That said, Stern, ya fined all the time, the funny part is that his show earns more than the fines cost, so he still wins...National Inquirer Mag was sued for 2 million by some celeb that was slandered...the celeb won, but that issue still made 4 million anyway...

Free speech does give him the right to make an *** of himself at any given time by saying whatever idiotic thing that enters his head

I disagree, it does exactly that...look at Jesse Jackson...a good portion of Imus' problem (not mental problem, current big mouth problem) is that he is white...if he wasn't a white devil this would have never amounted to anything.

patron saint of quality footwear
Since: May 30, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 01:14 pm

dB, I think we're in agreement on this, I did say he has that right.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 01:18 pm

oh, I somehow say the word "not" in bad... :-)

Just looking for a debate where there wasn't one I guess...

patron saint of quality footwear
Since: May 30, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 01:20 pm

Hehehe, It's all good.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Apr 12, 2007 01:52 pm

While I agree that Imus is an idiot, and what he said was racist (something I cannot abide), I do feel that the whole 'free speech' issue is at risk of being history.

I think that people are WAYYY too sensitive these days. Noone likes to be insulted, and the 'ambulance chaser' lawyers are living fat on the whole thing, but I think that sometimes people cannot handle the truth (Oh boy, film quote....).

If you say to someone (and this is just a hypothetical example), "You're fat." The most likely response is going to be indignation, anger, possibly a lawsuit for upsetting them. Chances are, if you said it to someone who was morbidly obese, you were not telling them anything they didn't know. However, you're usually going to piss them off, and damage their frail widdle ego.

Rant over.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 02:05 pm

Oh you are completely right, the whole political correctness BS along with encouragement from orgs like the ACLU and Lawyers are doing nothing except making themselves rich by making you feel like a victim for the stupidest thing...

Everybody has their hot buttons, that's natural, but jeezuz...

Czar of Cheese
Since: Jun 09, 2004

Apr 12, 2007 03:13 pm

And the worst part about that is that they are raising their kids to be the exact same way.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 03:17 pm

Heck, the schools are trying to mold MY kids that's kinda working with the older one...we are doing our damndest to basically tell our kids to learn the three royal R's and ignore everything else they try to shove at ya.

patron saint of quality footwear
Since: May 30, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 05:03 pm

This is not going to go away anytime soon, they fired Imus about a half an hour ago.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 06:12 pm

I truly feel there should be 4 R's

The 4th should be Research

When I was in school 10 years ago it focused on Retoric (well middle school focused on surviving nuclear annihilation) ...we had to be able to argue in favor of controversial things we disagreed with...which is a useless skill for anything but marketing. And speaking of marketing I noticed a number of 'consumer skills' taught in school no longer buying in bulk...and especially buying parts and assembling it yourself (like buying white milk and chocolate syrup to get chocolate milk, etc - boy did I feel dumb when I noticed that white milk and chocolate milk are the same price :) )

...and I am not joking about the nuclear annihilation part... the common essay of "If you were stuck on an island and could have one person with you, who would it be?" was at the time "If the bomb dropped on Battle Creek what is the safest part of your house and what would you need to survive for a week?" :)

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 06:16 pm

arguably there are four, the fourth being religion.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 06:29 pm

ok five! Five R's!!!

reading, 'riting, 'rithmatic, research, religion, relationships... oh damn!

can't we just poke people with cushions!?!?

patron saint of quality footwear
Since: May 30, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 06:32 pm

Rhythm's got to be in there somewhere...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 12, 2007 06:33 pm

Rhythm's got to be in there somewhere...

Whoa, I had the exact same thought...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 12, 2007 07:49 pm

Rhythm's got to be in there somewhere...

Nawp...the white kids would just scream "Discrimination!"

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 13, 2007 07:55 am

This whole Imus thing is getting rediculas...hell, the black rap community calls their own women ho' the hell can those same people turn around and say Imus can't?! I don't get it...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 13, 2007 10:20 am

Fair is fair - all the black DJs who play songs with the word "ho" in them must now be fired!

Oh, I forgot. They're only playing those records because they are forced to by rich, white record executives. Sorry. My bad. I apologize. didn't mean to offend. Really.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 13, 2007 10:29 am

Yeah, this does fall under the Hollywood "whitey is bad" thing they have going on for the last few years...I hate racism, as racism is ignorance, and ignorance sucks. But what I do hate is all the rules and laws put in place to "level the playing field" when it actually just skews it the other way.

People have a right to be racist, should have the right to hire and not hire people as they see fit, regardless of their reason if it's THEIR business...and all this crap is simply reversing the discrimination.

Oh jeezuz, this could really end up a hot topic...just what they wanted...

Now Sharpton wants to start the FCC in gear making firm lists of what can and can't be said...I wonder how slanted that will be...not what can and can't be said, but said by who as well...

Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are two of the most racist bastards in America...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 13, 2007 10:49 am

I was telling Tambra yesterday that Sharpton and Jackson would do the black community a big favor by holding hands and running off a cliff together, and taking the rest of the reactionary idiots with them.

The whole thing makes me sick to my friggin' stomach. I listened to the Imus clip numerous times, and it was apparent he was trying to give the team a compliment, but like the unthinking fool he frequently is, with an extremely poor choice of words. Three words. BFD. How many black people listened to Imus anyway? Maybe four? I suggest it was two or three race-baiting white journalists that decided to run with the story to try to stir up something to impress their bosses. And it's interesting..hmmm.. that no one has even mentioned Bernard McGuirk, Imus' producer, who was the first to use the "H word" during the episode.

I never cared much for Imus. I always thought he was a mediocre talent. But I sincerely hope someone hires him, puts him on satellite, and pays him double what he was making on the ground.

Just to see what Sharpton tries to do about it.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Apr 13, 2007 12:47 pm

How many "R's"?


Where do they come in?

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Apr 25, 2007 10:23 am

This just in:

There will only be 49 contestants in the next Miss Black America pageant because no one wants to wear the sash that says I DA HO.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Apr 25, 2007 11:04 am

Now THAT is funny...but I may have to ban you for being un-PC...that was off-color and hurtful to ho's everywhere...

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Aug 14, 2007 07:03 pm

Here's to a crotchety old man who can still find a job!

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