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Cone Poker
Member Since: Apr 07, 2002

Anyone else have the problem of wanting to write but all the sounds in your head requires stuff you don't have? I have an acustic and some soft synths... and writers block.

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Since: Jan 18, 2003

Mar 23, 2007 04:07 am

i have writers block. but i'm beginning some private theory lessons with a UCLA professor next week. i know whatcha mean though

Ultra Magnus
Since: Nov 13, 2004

Mar 23, 2007 04:41 am

Yeah, i totally have that problem. I wanted to make an orchestral record with live instrumentation and the only orchestral instruments i play are glock, percussion and clarinet. It's almost finished though, it can be done, it's just a huge bunch of work and reliance on others.

Currently i want to record piano a lot but i don't have one here, maybe when we move i'll take the family piano and put it in my studio.

Guaranteed i'll want something else i don't have then.

So yeah, story of my life.

Kaos is only a form of insanity
Since: Feb 03, 2005

Mar 23, 2007 06:19 am

I have ideas and sounds in my head

But I don't have the ability to play Guitar, bass, keys, violin, tons of other instruments LOL

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Mar 23, 2007 07:48 am

Same as Kaos here too. :) I have drumes, guitar, bass, and keys... but only know how to play drums :)

I am not a crook's head
Since: Mar 14, 2003

Mar 23, 2007 10:30 am

I'd say to get your ideas down on tape anyways, even if its just vocal and acoustic. Then you have a record of the tempo, key, rhythm, melody, chord changes, etc that'll be there when you're ready to add other instrumentation at some point in the future.

I've had songs go years between conception and recording. Just get the ideas down so you don't forget!

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Mar 25, 2007 04:54 pm

Tad is right on that account. Just because you don't play an instrument well does not mean you can't at least get the idea recorded so it is not forgotten. I have had many pieces of music come back around 10 years after conception or more.

Lucky for me I am a synthesist so the sounds are usually pretty easy to come by when I need them. Or I just design something I need. I actually started to redo the synth version of Whole Lotta Love I did 20 some years ago. But this time around it will be all software.
Since: Aug 13, 2006

Mar 26, 2007 08:34 am

I keep a small $20 personal digital recorder in my truck with me. I tend to get all of my ideas when I am driving, it has something to do with the low hum in the background because I've noticed over the years that I get major creative ideas on boats, buses, engines running in the background... kind of weird. when the band is writing something new and we get in a jam, I actually will go drive for 30 minutes and come back with a musical solution. It's kind of funny we will be sitting their caught up in a blockage moment and someone will throw me my keys and say go take a drive to your little world of creation and we'll go take a break, see you in about 1/2hr. The little recorder is awesome because whether its lyrics or music you can just hum your idea and come back and do it. Thats kind of funny too because when I get back and hit play on the little digirec it's me humming a riff and the guys will be like, how the heck is that gonna work. Then I pick up the guitar and re-create the hummed riff and they say oohhhhh ok, that'll work. Point.... invest in a little $20 Digirecorder from RadioShack, you can keep it in your pocket and anytime you get an inspiration just whip it out and express your idea in whatever way is clear to you so that hours, days, weeks even months later you can always go back and listen for some ideas.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Mar 26, 2007 10:15 am

I agree with Tad too. I'm rubbish at keyboards, and not the guitar player I could be, and definitely not a singer, but I strive to get the sounds in my head approximated on "tape" (it's a DAW, but you get the picture). It also pushes me to play a little better, and to at least try. Not having the right equipment (like orchestras'n'stuff!) makes me improvise with what I do have. It's amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it.

Working on a blues type song right now, and I have a 12-bar section (I know, bad planning) that needs a guitar solo. I have approximately four blues guitar licks in my arsenal, so early attempts at the solo were repetitious and hackneyed. I've been reading up on scales, and practicing/rewriting, and I'm close to getting it down! Woohoo. Also I've been working on the tone, and I'm very close to what I need. Of course, what I actually need is Walter Trout to come in and play the licks!

I'd say put everything on tape, and strive to make the sounds you hear in your head. Writer's block is a be-atch, don't let it beat you.

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