Americans, Get out and vote on Tuesday...

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

Remember, if you don't vote, you have no business complaining about everything wrong in politics...cuz you have done nothing to change it.

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Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Nov 01, 2002 02:53 pm

It's getting messy here in franklin county, ohio. Lot's of smear ads and I started recieving automated telemarketing calls for some of the Republican candidates. I'm indiependent but was going to vote mostly for republicans (and a friend who is running for Probate Judge) as the democratic party candidates are a joke this year. It seems like the republicans are royally screwing up their campaign in the last week though...the telemarketing calls didn't state a funder but they did sound like the candidates (I complained to the ohiogop about it)...taft seems to be allowing his 20%-30% lead slip over to Hagan who just looks like an ******* :P

The funny thing is that many of our supreme court candidates are being sued for running slanderous ads...and one fraudulent ad...crazy stuff...

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 02, 2002 07:26 am

Argh, ya want ugly politics, our incumbant senator just died in a plane crash last week and the DFL replaced him with a 70-something year old man who's claim to fame was being a time when the economy was good, we were not at war and crime was lower...ya, I am sure he can represent the basic MN population...NOT!

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Nov 02, 2002 09:49 am

It seem's as though it is that way all over the country. I just saw a piece on CNN about how every city, county and state official's running have at least one negative add about their opponant.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 02, 2002 01:15 pm

i personally would like to see a law passed where they can not do this mudslinging and are fined heavily for doing it.

they dont even talk about the issues anymore = im not even registered to vote and honestly i dont think im going to for a long time; seeing as how there are no candidates that are telling me what the real issues are. if the issues are not what theyre concerned about, then they do not deserve me vote.

i think its time to start the whole process over.. remove everyone from office currently there. and pass a rule saying if you have ever served our country through politics or have a law degree, then you can not run for any office. sure, our new officials might make some mistakes at first.. but it sure will put an end to these political dynastys and people feeling like theyre entitled to an office (ie. kennedys, bushs, etc). and it might even get people in office that give a damn about our country and the average joe. instead of caring about lining their pockets. =(

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 02, 2002 01:54 pm

oh, the issues are always there, but not if you rely on commercials and such to find out. Read the papers, watch the debates and surf the web, they are there.

If you don't vote you are honestly not helping anything. I don't know about where you are from, but in Minnesota third party candidates are becoming a force to be reconed with. Even if the third parties don't win, if they get enough votes they will eventually get equal billing and support from themedia and gov't. But first they have to prove themselves a viable candidate.

Not voting and not participating will never help anything, that means you just sit by and watch it all happen around you, and that isn't cool.

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