Save the Smokie Amplifier

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The very cool cigarette box amplifiers may become extinct without the help of you smokers and friends of smokers.

Smokie AmplifiersDirectly from the Smokie Amplifiers web site at

"The original cigarette box Smokey Amp has become a favorite among musicians all over the globe but now it is at risk of becoming extinct. That's right, we are forced to come to grips with the harsh reality that the cig. box Smokey may be forced into early retirement. Why? We can't get enough people locally to join in our recycling effort. After all, we don't employ an army of chain-smokers to keep us supplied with a steady stream of nice uncrushed empty cigarette boxes to make into Smokey Amps. How do we do it then? Well, we have had a small recycling program in our local community which has done the job the job so far, but due to some of our local recycling partners closing up shop we must take it "global". We are asking all you smokers (or friends of smokers) out there to collect uncrushed and untorn hard pack empty cigarette boxes for credit towards Zinky gear (Smokeys, tube amps, whatever we make you can get). You can collect your own boxes, or all of your friends' boxes, just as long as they don't mind giving you the credit for them. You'll be earning credit towards the best music gear available and ensuring that future generations of musicians will be able to enjoy the single most popular guitar amp ever made. The fate of the Smokey is in your hands and we ask that you save it. Email us here for more detailed info."

For the official Smokie Amplifier page visit them at

As you can see, the fate of the Smokey rests in our hands. I love my little Smokey, and I would hate to see them go away. While the number of smokers is going down each year (which is good) there are still plenty to supply these people with the needed packs, so please, if you smoke, save them, if you know someone who does, try to collect them.

Together we can save the smokie, heck with the rain forests, the whales, the seals and all that other silly crap.

Save the Smokey!

The Details
As recieved by flametheband from his further inquiry

Thanks for your support. Here's the deal: We need cigarette boxes, and we're hoping our customers and fans will send them in. Here are the rules: Boxes can't be crushed or torn, NO 100s, soft packs or slide packs. The box has to be a regular "king size" cigarette box (like almost all regular brands, winston, kool, amer. spirit, camel, etc.) with the "flip up" lid. We don't take GPC, Basic or Merit because there are way too many of them in existence already. Other than that, any brand is fine as long as the box is in pretty good shape. You get $0.25 credit toward any of our products for every good box you send me. You can use the trade just to get a discount, or you can buy whole products with cigarette boxes. It takes 131 good boxes to get a Smokey Amp and not have to pay for anything including shipping! Obviously it takes a lot more boxes to get bigger items, but you can collect boxes from anyone who wants you to get credit for them! So I recommend getting all of your smoking friends to give you their hard pack boxes so you can turn them in for credit (as long as they don't mind giving you the credit for them).

When you're ready to send some in, please send them to:

Zinky Electronics
PO Box 3973
Flagstaff, AZ 86003

Make sure you include your name and phone number so we know who to give the credit to. Please let me know if you have any other questions. And please don't start smoking extra on our account. Your lungs are more important than any guitar amp!

(Please Note Humor Disclaimer: dB Masters, Home Recording Connection, Zinky and Smokey Amplifiers do stand in full support of saving the rain forest, whales and seals. Since some people have no sense of humor I figured I would explain it here...the previous statement regarding not caring was a joke...just in case some didn't pick up on it)

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