Some Upgrades in Development

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Just touchin base with my peeps

Hello fellow HRCer's.

I just wanted to touch base and bring people up to speed with what I have been working on as of late.

We have one bit of new development that is in testing as we speak. HRC Radio will soon be delivered to the masses. Streaming radio from the HRC music archives. Each load of the radio will be a random selection from the HRC archive, each member will be able to rate a thumbs up or thumbs down on the song and it will automatically forward to the next song when one finishes. Just as well, people can forward and reverse through the playlist, unlike with real radio.

HRC Radio is currently available only to HRC Pro members as a way of testing the stability, and the bandwidth usage to make sure our server is up to the task. Stay tuned for more updates regarding wider release.

Secondly, I am refining the "top songs" charting algorithm. I realized I got a little bit done then set it aside and forgot about it. As a result we had some pretty lame tunes just kind of hanging out in there and never moving.

As a result I decided to keep working on hopefully they will actually really represent the best of the best that HRC has to offer. The quick thumbs up/down rating from the radio will undoubtedly come in to play at some point as well, once we have a decent archive of data to work with.

Rock on, and see you in the forums.

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