OK, back to community updates

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It's been a few months, figured I'd fill people in.

Admittedly, it's been waaaaayyyyy to long since my last update, months actually. A lot has been happening with HRC, and for me personally outside of HRC, hence to dropping off the grid with these updates, less time on the forums and so on.

Many of you have commented in recent weeks on the new look and feel of the web site. I have changed much of the interactive content over to be handled by the Yahoo JavaScript libraries called the Yahoo YUI (Yahoo User Interface). These scripts make it much quicker and easier for web developers to add some very interactive and dynamic pieces to their web sites, such as the drop down menus, the tabbed interfaces and much more that may not be readily apparent. The decision to do this was based on two things.

  1. I wanted to get some experience with Yahoo YUI for my own selfish reasons.
  2. I figured Yahoo's team could more quickly and easily bring scripts up to speed to support new browsers, standards and fixing bugs.
  3. Time will tell how wise that decision was, but thus far I like it.

    Another addition recently was Facebook integration. Each page has an icon in the upper right corner to allow for quick adding to a users Facebook "wall". I hope to add the ability to share music with Facebook as well, this feature is currently in the exploratory stages.

    lastly, and most recently, was the addition of Feedburner data feeds for the forum, news and tips. Feedburner is the easiest and most efficient way to share RSS feeds with the virtual world.

    For a long time I tried to stand on my own, and make HRC a world unto itself. In recent months I have learned the advantage of using other popular services to reach a wider audience and make it easier for current members to share content with others.

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