Live on the new server space

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Upgraded hosting to keep up with web site demands for all the recent new features.

With the plethora of new features I have released in the last few weeks/months, it became readily apparent we needed more high powered hosting. The revenue from the site doesn't quite allow for a dedicated server just yet, but, until then, we are on a semi-dedicated hosting that has only a very few domains on it. It also got us a lot more space for more great music.

This upgrade comes just on the heels of offering free upload space to all members, and extra space for HRC Pro members.

In time I am still hoping to get a fully dedicated server for only HRC, but that time hasn't come quite yet.

As always thanks for the continued support of HRC, the revenue being raised from the different revenue streams is affording to keep new development happening, cool donations to charities and helping the movement of independent artists everywhere to do their own things their own way.

Custom subdomains won't work for a day or two until DNS propogation catches up with the DNS hotwiring, but they'll be back, don't worry.

Rock on, and keep uploading the great tunes.

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