Cleaning out the HRC office!

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To celebrate the holidays, I am clearing out the HRC office, and giving it to HRC members!

On this Thanksgiving day (at least it is for us in the USA) I am downstairs going through my office/studio and finding a lot of stuff that has been given to HRC over the year for review, evaluation, advertisement or whatever reason.

It is my pleasure, at this time, to pass this stuff on to you guys. No contests, no drawings, no anything like that. I will simply list below the stuff that I have, and the first one to contact me for regarding any of the items listed with their name, HRC username and mailing address will get it sent out to them.

Be aware this list will grow and shrink over the next few days as I find more stuff and/or as stuff gets claimed.

If any of the above products interest you, let me know, one product per person, don't be selfish, and Happy Holidays.

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