Need help recording with Omni Studio

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Member Since: Dec 18, 2004

I've just bought an Omni Studio,
but still haven't bought any headphones,
monitors, etc. I'm trying to understand
the software that came with it (Reason
Adapted and Ableton Live) which are limited
versions I suppose, but so far I'm not
able to figure too much out. Which version,
if either, should I use with the Omni?
Being that I'm a newbie at this, I need something
very simple to start with. I mainly want to
record my guitar now and vocals later.
Maybe I should have bought a simpler
recorder, such as a four-track?

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Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Jan 15, 2005 08:42 pm

Well Larry, Reason wouldnt be where I would start. Ableton Live is a multi-track recording application. It will record both midi and audio. And you can mix inside Ableton as well.

Yes they are limited, but with what you appear to want I think they will work just fine for you. The Ableton install will also install a great tutorial and help section so you will be able to just open the application, load one of its demo files and start fiddleing around in it right off.

Reason is more of a sequancer, softwynth workstation along the lines of Cakewalks Project 5 and the like. You may find it usefull if you want to add drums or bass or something along those lines later.

Since: Dec 18, 2004

Jan 17, 2005 09:51 pm

Thanks for your reply. I've installed my hardware drivers
for Omni Studio and it seems to be working, but I don't
have headphones or monitors yet, so I was initially going
to use my computer speakers. I have been able to record
some of the samples in Live, but I can't get my guitar to
record although it's showing a signal. The preferences is
set to Mme/DirectX (device type) and the input device shows
Creative Sound Blaster as well as the output device. I have
been able to hear the samples fine, but so far I'm at a
loss as to how to record my guitar from my Omni Studio
hardware. I don't know if it's my guitar (acoustic
electric) or my Omni or either the Ableton Live software
that is not set up correctly. But I can't get any sound
coming through either device. Any help would be

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 18, 2005 05:33 pm

It sounds like you may need to go into Ableton and select your Omni studio as your default input and output device (or at least input).

Since: May 15, 2004

Jan 19, 2005 04:05 am

Larry, I'm using the same two soundcards as yours (Omni Studio USB and the SB).\

You cant record anything through M-Audio if the input is Creative.

If the input and output shows creative, then what you should do is disable the creative card if you want to record in M-Audio.

right click my computer; >properties>hardware>device manager>sound,video and game controller>SB : disable.

Then make sure the config (I/O) in Ableton is correct.

But since you dont have headphones or monitors yet, you wont be able to hear anything. Why dont you connect your computer speakers to the output of the M-Audio or Headphone out? Try it man! You may need the 1/8" to 1/4" jack converter first because there is nothing 1/8" in the Omnistudio.

You wont be needing creative anymore once you get yourself at least a headphone.

I'm trashing my Creative card like... RIGHT NOW.


Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 19, 2005 02:35 pm

If you have plans of using midi, it's not bad to have the SBLive set up for your midi card. Just go into control panel and under audio select your omni as your recording card, and you can select your SBLive as your playback card if you're still on computer speakers.

Since: May 15, 2004

Jan 19, 2005 07:30 pm

I personally think that the MIDI sound on the Creative card is crap anyway haha. Since Larry has the Reason 2.5, better use it. A heck lot more quality.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 19, 2005 08:37 pm

You don't need to use the General Midi sounds that come with the SBLive, but you would be well served to let the SBLive control your midi, in my opinion.

Since: May 15, 2004

Jan 19, 2005 09:27 pm

No I dont get it coolo.. pls elaborate.

Frisco's Most Underrated
Since: Jan 28, 2003

Jan 20, 2005 02:33 am

well, I'm using a Delta 66 for my recording needs, but I keep my SBLive around to handle midi. I use Reason and some other sequencers. From what I understand, in order for these programs to work and playback midi data, you need a midi engine (don't think this is the right terminology, but something that controls that can interpret and be triggered by midi data). You actually have to select the SBLive as your midi handler in these programs. My Delta 66 does not have any midi support, and I'm pretty sure the Omni Studio doesn't either. In addition, using the control panel in Windows XP, I choose audio, and set my SBLive as my midi card. I then set my Delta 66 as my recording card, and set the SBLive as my playback card (because monitoring through my computer speakers is the best I can do for now). So the end result is any audio input goes through the delta, and midi data is handled by my SBLive, and all sound output goes out through the SBLive into computer speakers.

Does that explination help?

Since: Dec 18, 2004

Jan 21, 2005 10:13 am

Thanks for all of the advice. I tried
hooking up my computer speakers to my
Omni, but my guitar still didn't come
through. But I'm going to have to get
a condenser mic because it sounds awful
through an amp (acoustic electric) any-
way. So, I'm thinking of ordering the
studio pkg. that comes with the monitors,
headphone, mic, stand, etc. Then I should
have everything that I need to record
most anything. Learning the Ableton Live
right now is my main problem as I'm just
in the beginning stages of home recording.
I'm really enjoying using this software,
but I have a lot of questions yet to
be answered.

Since: May 15, 2004

Jan 24, 2005 09:09 pm

Sorry for the late reply coolo; thanks man for your explanation! Mmm.. I really threw that Creative card anyway. I have to forget MIDI recordings for now even though it's a wonderful tool.


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