Kentucky fried Delta

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A small pie will soon be eaten
Member Since: Aug 26, 2004

As some of you know i recently sent some static through my machine and lost my data. Everythiung is rebuilt now but some further problems have developed.

When i record audio (Midi is fine) i seem to be getting low levels and slight distortion. i think i may have fried the sound card (Delta 1010lt).

Is there a way to test the integrity of the card to determain if it is fried, or just user error?

I am quiet sure the MIDI connection doesnt work (no biggy as i record through USB) as i can't sync to my v-amp but i can using the audigy.

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Lost for words with all to say.
Since: Sep 12, 2003

Nov 22, 2004 07:14 am

You can try putting it into another computer to see if it's the card or not. Then again, it could do some weird power strain on the good PC and hurt the good motherboard. Try it on one that you don't care too much for, if by chance you have that.

All smoke, no mirrors.
Since: Aug 16, 2004

Nov 22, 2004 09:41 am

This brings to mind....what prevents static problems like Bleak is facing? My recording area is dry (coal&wood heat), carpeted and otherwise friendly to static buildup and hostile to electronic gear. Wifey shufflin'around in flannel PJ's and fuzzy bunny slippers really gets the electrons jumpin! I've heard that humidifiers help but I suppose they can also introduce more problems.

Do power conditioners protect from static? Any way to ground the gear to protect? Is anti-static spray useful?

Sorry about you problem, Bleak.hope you get it solved in short order and we all learn a lesson here.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Nov 22, 2004 12:07 pm

honestly I've never met anyone who actually damaged equipement from static, so I have no idea... I've always been really hard on my hardware... my Q10 was locked in a fileing cabnet that was left in the rain for three months next to the ocean... still no problems... Maybe I'm just losing my touch at breaking things which I was an expert at in highschool... though I seem to have been the only person in the world who got WinXP to crash like win98 during initial install...

Nothing has an embedded fuse right? (thats one that is typically internal and glued in and not generally serviced by the user while maintaining the warranty)

If your warranty is expired open the Delta up and look for fuses and burn marks... maybe it will have the voltages written on it some place that you can test.

...also make sure you installed the card properly, my Q10 will act really scary if I install the card without the breakout box pluged in.

A small pie will soon be eaten
Since: Aug 26, 2004

Nov 22, 2004 06:54 pm

The warranty is still valid. its just up to me to convince them it was a manufacturing problem :)

IF the card passes the sync test within cubase or Sonar does that mean it's ok or can the card trick the Software?

By the way i dont think static would have been a problem if i either 1 - earthed 2 - had released the static charge by touching a grounded metal (power supply) or 3 - wore a static glove.

Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Since: May 11, 2002

Nov 22, 2004 09:06 pm

I honestly have no idea :)

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