Wave Lab Questions

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Member Since: Nov 19, 2002

Hi, Guys. I Do all my multitracking in Sonar, and until now I've always used Cool Edit Pro as my wav editor. I'm just now giving Wave Lab 4.0 a try, and I have a couple questions. How do I add an effect to just part of a wav file? I can highlight the part I want, but from there I can't figure out how to get to all my DX plugins to effect just that part. In fact, I can't get to my plugins at all except thru the mixer, and that applies the effect to the whole file. I have a song that contains a drum fill, and I want to add reverb to just that part. CAN'T DO IT !!What am I missing?

Also, how do I get this thing to play ONLY the portion I have highlighted? I highlight a section, press 'play', and it keeps right on going. Can I do this without having to go up into the toolbar and telling it to stop at the end of the selection? And what is all this stuff about 'Play from cursor to next edge'? 'Play from cursor to start of file'? Thanks alot.


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Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 20, 2002 10:16 pm

I have Wavelab v3.o3 but this might might work for you.

Yeah you just select the portion you want effected and click "Apply" in the Master Section and choose the "selection" radio button befor procededing.

As for the playback options, they do just what you're looking for. They allow you to configure exactly what happens on playback. There should be several different categories to set, one chooses where playback starts, on echoose where is ends or if it loops, and the middle one tells it what to do inbetween. On the Playback Loop I choose "loop selection" and activate the loop button to hear a selection over and over again.

And yes you can assign a unique key combination to the start/stop buttons in the Key Commands under Options.

again, that's WaveLab v3, not v4. But I'm sure all those goodies are still there. -j

Since: Nov 19, 2002

Nov 20, 2002 10:45 pm

Dude, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks !!! I will eventually get deep into the manual, but you know how we kids are with new toys !! Just can't wait to see what kind of noise they make! Thanks again.


Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 21, 2002 05:21 am

Might I add that you will never regret moving to WaveLab. I have used WaveLab since version 1.5 and the improvements made during that time are outstanding. Especially version 4.

They now allow more effects, have better encoding options. WaveLab can use VST plugins, which I don't think CEP can. VST are lower system resource using effects plugins. Plus I think just the sonic quality of WaveLab is better than CEP, but maybe that's just me being bias...

Thee are some pretty substantial changes to features and function from version 3 to 4. The features from 3 are all there, plus some, but they may be in a different place.

Up until 4 the basic layout stayed pretty much the same, but with version 4 even the layout got changed a little. In the Recording Tips section I have a couple arrticle I wrote about WaveLab basics that were written on version 3. You can see by some of the screen captures how different it looked.


Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 21, 2002 11:46 am

so hey dB, what's new in v4?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 21, 2002 11:51 am

Well, I am not sure how much of this is new with v4, but some of what it has is:

support for 192k sample rate
support for new file types
better CD-importing (faster and better sounding than 3)
New with 4 is a new file format that has loss-less compression (though compression is never truly "loss-less")
You can have up to 8 plugins running instead of the previous 6 and the Ultramximizers (like Waves L1) resides in the dither dialog, NOT the plugins list so it doesn't take one up.
It works better sharing the card with other open apps. I used to have trouble opening a track from Vegas in Wavelab, working on it a little and putting it back in Vegas...now it can easily.

Other than that, not much new :-)

Since: Nov 19, 2002

Nov 21, 2002 08:53 pm

The mixer has a different look, also. I was looking all over for the 'apply' button, so I could edit my selections, but it just ain't there! Instead, you have a 'render' button that does the same thing. I spent almost a year getting my head around Sonar, and now, here I go again!!! So far, Wave Lab seems to me to be the most sophisticated wave editor, and I haven't even messed with the Audio Montage yet. Gonna be some woodsheddin' goin on for awhile !!

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 12:04 pm

:O) So "render" it is. I'm glad everything worked out. I love this program. Looks like the only new feature useful to me in v4 is the realtime in/out monitoring. I think I'll stick with v3 and save my $99 for other toys. I'm just now getiing into the Audio Montage. Editing functions behave a little differently here. The manual says it's not a "multitracker" but I bet you could still use it as such. -j

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 12:17 pm

yup, for up to two tracks....Oooo, ahhhhh.

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 12:36 pm

two?? i don't think there's any limit on how many individual files you can load up. This is directly word-for-word from page 14-316 of the v3.0 operation manual:

"Basic Terminology
The Montage can contain an unlimited number of stereo or mono Tracks. These provide a way for the user to structure the work graphically, but should not be viewed as "virtual tape tracks"."

I'm still kinda new to Audio Montage so correct me. All these tabs and pages still befuzzle me. Maybe I'd be doing a little better if the manual wasn't over an inch thick! hehe -j

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 01:02 pm

but should not be viewed as "virtual tape tracks". being the important words there.

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 01:06 pm

did they knock it down to only 2 tracks for version 4? I always thought the "this si not a multitracker" thing was there so that people wouldn't think they could get away with use WaveLab instead of Cubase.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 01:15 pm

no, they didn't change anything...I have never used Audio Montage so I don't know. You probably could use it for a mutlitracker but mixdown and mastering would be a *****.

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 01:33 pm

LOL busted! no actually, this thign is kinda cool. its a major part of the program concidering that out of more than 600 pages in the manual, 170 of them are for the montage alone. I've been messing around in it, and its a non-destructive (unlike cakewalk pro9) multitrack editor where you can mix and crossfade and pretty much do everything you can do to individual files, only to multiple files. i;ve got some good results layering drum hits and fading between samples etc. -j

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 01:51 pm

interesting, very interesting, however, I would guess it lacks cool things like snapping to measures and times for editing and arranging, a mixer for the tracks w/volume and panning and such like that...

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 03:14 pm

nah, but there are volume envelopes. I'm sure the more I learn about this powerful tool, the more I'm gonna like WaveLab. -j

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